This blog post is going to be a cursory overview of the internals iMessage, as I’ve discovered during my work on pypush, an open source project that reimplements iMessage.
專案裡面有提到 Apple 在這邊有段 obfuscated code,由於只有註冊階段需要用到,他選擇直接跑環境起來執行,產生出對應的 data 後就不用再跑,也就省掉 reverse engineering 這塊功夫:
pypush currently uses the Unicorn CPU emulator and a custom MachO loader to load a framework from an old version of macOS, in order to call some obfuscated functions.
This is only necessary during initial registration, so theoretically you can register on one device, and then copy the config.json to another device that doesn't support the Unicorn emulator. Or you could switch out the emulator for another x86 emulator if you really wanted to.
Starting today, we’re excited to announce that any organization can use the secure, outbound-only connection feature of the product at no cost. You can still add the paid Argo Smart Routing feature to accelerate traffic.
As part of that change (and to reduce confusion), we’re also renaming the product to Cloudflare Tunnel. To get started, sign up today.
丟進 array 是 OK 的,但問題在於他需要判斷 entry 是否重複,卻沒有用 hash 或是 tree 的結構,而這邊大約有 63k 筆資料,用 array 實做就產生了 O(n^2) 的演算法:
But before it’s stored? It checks the entire array, one by one, comparing the hash of the item to see if it’s in the list or not. With ~63k entries that’s (n^2+n)/2 = (63000^2+63000)/2 = 1984531500 checks if my math is right. Most of them useless. You have unique hashes why not use a hash map.
if it’s called again within the string’s range, return cached value
And as for the hash-array problem, it’s more straightforward - just skip the duplicate checks entirely and insert the items directly since we know the values are unique.
I found this while making a collection of what C implementation does what at
There are two basic implementation strategies. The BSD (FreeBSD and OpenBSD and more than likely NetBSD too), Microsoft, GNU, and MUSL C libraries use one, and suffer from this; whereas the OpenWatcom, P.J. Plauger, Tru64 Unix, and my standard C libraries use another, and do not.
The 2002 report in the comp.lang.c Usenet newsgroup (listed in that discussion) is the earliest that I've found so far.
要講 inlets 前要先講 ngrok 這個服務。這個服務可以在開發機上主動建立連線到外部伺服器,接著透過這個連線與本機的 web server 溝通,讓外部的客戶可以很方便的進行測試 (通常會開個 Zoom 之類的工具邊討論邊修改),算是 reverse proxy as a service 的服務。