在非 4K 的螢幕上跑 HiDPI

前幾天看到 BetterDummy 這個專案,作者在 M1 上面外接 24" 1440p 的螢幕,但沒辦法啟用 HiDPI,於是就寫了一個軟體來解:

M1 macs tend to have issues with custom resolutions. Notoriously they don't allow sub-4K resolution displays to have HiDPI ("Retina") resolutions even though (for example) a 24" QHD 1440p display would greatly benefit from having an 1920x1080 HiDPI "Retina" mode.

在這之前的解法都有些麻煩,一種是買個 dummy dongle 去騙 macOS,另外是用 mirror 的方式使用:

To fix this issue, some resort to buying a 4K HDMI dummy dongle to fool macOS into thinking that a 4K display is connected and then mirror the contents of this dummy display to their actual monitor in order to have HiDPI resolutions available. Others use the built in screens of their MacBooks to mirror to the external display. These approaches have obvious drawbacks and cannot solve all problems.

作者提供的軟體可以先建立 Dummy Monitor,然後再透過 mirror 掛到實際螢幕上:


MBPR 觸控板壓力回饋失效的問題

Short Version:遇到這個問題,只要把作業系統從 10.10 更新到 10.12 就好了:「Mac Users Reporting Widespread System Freezes With OS X El Capitan 10.11.4 Update」。

之前 MBPR 在過保後掛過一次送修 (常常無法開機,開起來後鍵盤與觸控板都沒有反應),當時把鍵盤與觸控板都換掉... 結果前幾天發生觸控板的壓力回饋失效的問題 (還是可以移動滑鼠游標與輕觸),但這幾天要去日本,想帶著處理事情,就先上 24h 買個 Magic Mouse 2 應急 (用 lightning 充電的那個版本,被嘲笑很醜的那個 XD)。

買回來後發現 Magic Mouse 2 的多點觸控與電量資訊沒有顯示在系統裡,翻了資料才發現要 10.11 之後的版本:

Bluetooth-enabled Mac computer with OS X v10.11 or later

耐著性子升級想說出國前至少把問題解決一些,升完後發現觸控板的回饋就回來了... 然後查資料發現是系統的 bug 造成的:

The freeze seems to affect not only the screen and mouse cursor but also the Mac's Force Touch trackpad, which completely loses feedback.

好吧就這樣吧 orz

外接 iPad Retina 面板當螢幕用...

LGLP097QX1-SPA1 有被蘋果拿去當 iPad Retina 的顯示面板,但也有零賣... 於是就有人在 eBay 上面買了一張改裝:「Connecting an iPad retina LCD to a PC」。

在 eBay 買 USD$55,再把其他零件成本一起算進來,全部也才 USD$70... 是個 2048x1536 的高解析度螢幕 XDDD

下面這兩張的效果真不錯 XD