GitHub 拿掉所有非必要的 Cookie 了

GitHub 家的老大宣佈拿掉 cookie banner 了,因為他們直接把所有非必要的 cookie 都拿掉了:「No cookie for you」。

會有 cookie banner 主要是因為歐盟的規定:

Well, EU law requires you to use cookie banners if your website contains cookies that are not required for it to work. Common examples of such cookies are those used by third-party analytics, tracking, and advertising services. These services collect information about people’s behavior across the web, store it in their databases, and can use it to serve personalized ads.


At GitHub, we want to protect developer privacy, and we find cookie banners quite irritating, so we decided to look for a solution. After a brief search, we found one: just don’t use any non-essential cookies. Pretty simple, really. ?

是個「解決製造問題的人」的解法 XDDD (但是是褒意)

Algolia 從 Heroku 搬到 GKE 的故事

Algolia 是一個搜尋引擎服務,他可以幫你 index 資料後,你直接 query 他取得結果。

在這篇文章裡 Algolia 決定從 Heroku 搬到 GKE:「The Challenging Migration from Heroku to Google Kubernetes Engine」。

在文章只單純就產品與技術面上的需求在討論,像是一開始討論 IP 白名單的問題:

A good example of this complexity is with IP Whitelisting. One of our customers wanted us to crawl from a fixed IP address so that they could whitelist that IP for high-rate crawling without being throttled by their load balancer. Only two engineers were developing the crawler, so we asked other colleagues to set up an HTTP proxy with a fixed IP address. Yet, as the number of customers grew, many more started asking for the same thing, and our infrastructure team told us it was time for us to take care of it ourselves.

不過我更想知道搬過去後的各類成本差異... 省了多少平台費用,以及多少維護人力的差異,不過看起來沒提到 XD

Google Chrome 對 Symantec 全系列憑證的不信任計畫

Google Chrome 前陣子整理了一份對 Symantec 憑證的不信任計畫:「Chrome’s Plan to Distrust Symantec Certificates」。

這包括了一卡車的品牌,像是 ThawteVeriSignGeoTrustRapidSSL,不過 Equifax 跟 Symantec 的關係我沒查到...:

Symantec’s PKI business, which operates a series of Certificate Authorities under various brand names, including Thawte, VeriSign, Equifax, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL, had issued numerous certificates that did not comply with the industry-developed CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements.

反正整個計畫會在 Google Chrome 70 推出時告一段落 (變成完全不信任),會是 2018/09/13 (預定時間) 與 2018/10/23 (預定時間) 在 beta channel 與 stable channel 上推出。

中間比較重要的時間點是 2018/03/15 (預定時間) 與 2018/04/17 (預定時間),Google Chrome 66 在 beta channel 與 stable channel 上推出,這個版本不會信任 2016/06/01 前發出的憑證:

Chrome 66 released to beta, which will remove trust in Symantec-issued certificates with a not-before date prior to June 1, 2016. As of this date Site Operators must be using either a Symantec-issued TLS server certificate issued on or after June 1, 2016 or a currently valid certificate issued from any other trusted CA as of Chrome 66.
Site Operators that obtained a certificate from Symantec’s old infrastructure after June 1, 2016 are unaffected by Chrome 66 but will need to obtain a new certificate by the Chrome 70 dates described below.


Netflix 對於拍攝影片的要求

Netflix 對於拍攝影片的要求直接放在網站上:「Production and Post-Production Requirements v2.1」。

Provide a set of technical requirements for production and post-production workflows to ensure that a high level of quality is maintained throughout the lifecycle of a project from capture to archive. This serves the purpose of future-proofing the content as the Netflix platform and viewing experience continue to evolve.

裡面有提到一些產品,這些資訊其實可以當作採購指南用... (當預算有到這個 range 時 XD)

不過動畫會怎麼算啊 XDDD (應該是另外的 requirement?)

Hostname 與 Username 的保留名稱問題

在「Hostnames and usernames to reserve」這邊提到公開服務時的保留名稱問題。

首先是提到 hostname 的部分,被各協定使用到的都散落在各標準裡,另外就是利用前幾天提到的「Mozilla 維護的 Public Suffix List」加減擋 cookie...

比較感興趣的是 email 的部分的標準,這邊主要在討論 SSL certificate 的註冊。在「Baseline_Requirements_V1_3_1」的 Authorization by Domain Name Registrant 的第四項提到:

Communicating with the Domain’s administrator using an email address created by pre‐pending ‘admin’, ‘administrator’, ‘webmaster’, ‘hostmaster’, or ‘postmaster’ in the local part, followed by the at‐sign (“@”), followed by the Domain Name, which may be formed by pruning zero or more components from the requested FQDN;

也就是指出只能用上面提到的這幾個 mail address 來認證。不過為了安全起見,RFC 2412 定義的也應該擋下來。這兩組標準列出來的 username 都算是合理,沒什麼問題。

最後則是討論 path part,這點倒是有不少地雷可以看看,尤其是最新的 ACME 產生的問題 XDDD