
先前在「歐盟要推可替換的手機電池」這邊提到歐盟要推可替換電池的法案,剛剛看到 Hacker News 上面的討論,在七月通過了:「It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027」,歐盟的新聞稿在「Council adopts new regulation on batteries and waste batteries」這邊。


The regulation of the European Parliament and the Council will apply to all batteries including all waste portable batteries, electric vehicle batteries, industrial batteries, starting, lightning and ignition (SLI) batteries (used mostly for vehicles and machinery) and batteries for light means of transport (e.g. electric bikes, e-mopeds, e-scooters).

其中行動裝置的部分在這次看到時間表了,可替換電池的方案看起來會在 2028 強制:

The regulation provides that by 2027 portable batteries incorporated into appliances should be removable and replaceable by the end-user, leaving sufficient time for operators to adapt the design of their products to this requirement.


法國 CNIL 認為 Google Analytics 傳輸資料回美國違反 GDPR

先前提過德國認為沒有告知使用者網站使用 Google Fonts 違反 GDPR (可以參考先前寫的「德國的地方法院說使用 Google Fonts 服務沒有告知使用者違反 GDPR」這篇),這次法國的 CNIL (英文維基百科的介紹:「Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés」,是法國政府的一個獨立單位) 認定 Google Analytics 將資料傳回美國違反 GDPR:「Use of Google Analytics and data transfers to the United States: the CNIL orders a website manager/operator to comply」。

文章的 summary 講的差不多:

Google Analytics provides statistics on website traffic. After receiving complaints from the NOYB association, the CNIL, in cooperation with its European counterparts, analysed the conditions under which the data collected through this service is transferred to the United States. The CNIL considers that these transfers are illegal and orders a French website manager to comply with the GDPR and, if necessary, to stop using this service under the current conditions.

這件事情在 Hacker News 上的討論很熱烈,這邊就不爆雷了:「Use of Google Analytics declared illegal by French data protection authority (cnil.fr)」,在看的時候要知道 Hacker News 是非常美國觀點的站台 (偏 Y Combinator 或是 VC 圈子觀點)。