從 Facebook 的各種醜聞知道招募變難 (而且醜聞沒停過),但變得多困難則是第一次看到報導:「Facebook has struggled to hire talent since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, according to recruiters who worked there」。
新鮮人的接受從 85% 掉到 35%~55%,依據不同的學校而有差異:
Among top schools, Facebook’s acceptance rate for full-time positions offered to new graduates has fallen from an average of 85% for the 2017-2018 school year to between 35% and 55% as of December.
Among top schools, such as Stanford, Carnegie Mellon and Ivy League universities, Facebook’s acceptance rate for full-time positions offered to new graduates has fallen from an average of 85% for the 2017-2018 school year to between 35% and 55% as of December, according to former Facebook recruiters. The biggest decline came from Carnegie Mellon University, where the acceptance rate for new recruits dropped to 35%.
工程師則是從 90% 掉到 50%:
The company has seen a decline in its job offer acceptance rates to software engineer candidates from nearly 90% in late 2016 to almost 50% in early 2019.
Facebook 發言人 Anthony Harrison 否認,不過沒有給出說明:
After the publication of this story, Harrison contacted CNBC to say "these numbers are totally wrong."
Facebook disputed the accuracy of the recruiters' accounts, but declined to point out any specific points that were wrong.
Hacker News 上的討論也蠻有趣的:「https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19931977」,有不少其他的觀察。