Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) 也支援 Read Replica 了

Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) 支援 Read Replica 了:「Announcing Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Read Replica for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL」。

馬上想到的用途是量爆增時,如果當初有作 R/W split (讀寫分離) 就可以直接用錢撐住,不過官方給的範例是降低 RDS 轉移到 Aurora 的 downtime,這點就有點微妙...:

You can now create an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL read replica for an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance, allowing you to continuously replicate to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. This helps you minimize downtime when migrating a live workload from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, by keeping the instances in sync until you're ready to move your applications and users to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

所以這次算是陸陸續續把功能補上來,在 Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 有的一般性功能,這邊就跟著先實作...

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 的 Stored Procedure 可以跑 AWS Lambda...

查了資料才發現去年十月 Amazon Aurora (MySQL-Compatible Edition) 就支援用 AWS Lambda 當 stored procedure 了,只是當時只支援 async mode,能做的事情比較有限:「Amazon Aurora New Features: AWS Lambda Integration and Data Load from Amazon S3 to Aurora Tables」。

Now you can invoke Lambda functions directly from within an Aurora database via stored procedures or user-defined functions. Lambda integration allows you to extend the capabilities of the database and invoke external applications to act upon data changes. For example, you can create a Lambda function that sends emails to customers whenever their address in the database is updated.

前幾天發表的則是支援 sync mode,可以等到:「Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility Natively Supports Synchronous Invocation of AWS Lambda Functions」。

Starting with version 1.16, we are extending this feature to be able to able to synchronously invoke Lambda functions.

Use the native function lambda_sync when you must know the result of the execution before moving on to another action.

這解掉了 MySQL 的 stored procedure 一直很殘的問題...

Amazon Aurora 的 MySQL-Compatible Edition 開始提供相容於 MySQL 5.7 的服務

Amazon AuroraMySQL-Compatible Edition 開始支援相容 MySQL 5.7 的服務:「Announcing Preview of Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 Compatibility」。

Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 compatibility offers enhancements such as JSON support, spatial indexes, generated columns and performance improvement of 5x over MySQL 5.7, and up to 10x for spatial datasets.

雖然目前還在 Preview (需要申請才能用),而且開放區域有限,但總算是有消息了:

The preview is currently available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Canada (Montreal).

會一定要 5.7 的,主要的需求應該是在 spatial index 上吧... JSON 反倒還好。

Percona 分析在 AWS 上跑 Percona XtraDB Cluster 的效能 (I/O bound)

Percona 的人分析了在 Amazon EC2 上跑 Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 效能 (I/O bound):「Best Practices for Percona XtraDB Cluster on AWS」。


直接跳到結論的地方。如果資料可以掉,用 i3 本地 storage 的效能是最好的,如果要資料不能掉,用 EBS 的 Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) 的效能會比 General Purpose (gp2) 好很多。

另外 instance type 的選擇上,避免用 {i3,r4}.large,因為測試出來發現 {i3,r4}.xlarge 的效能好不只一倍。

不過 Aurora 的 Multi-master 已經在 Preview 了啊,如果 Percona 的人拿到帳號的話,應該會有單位成本的效能比較可以看...

Amazon Aurora 的 Serverless 與 Multi-master

Amazon Aurora 推出了兩包玩意,第一包是 Serverless,讓需要人介入的情況更少:「In The Works – Amazon Aurora Serverless」。

在 Serverless 的第一個重點是支援以秒計費:

Today we are launching a preview (sign up now) of Amazon Aurora Serverless. Designed for workloads that are highly variable and subject to rapid change, this new configuration allows you to pay for the database resources you use, on a second-by-second basis.

然後是極為快速的 auto-scaling:

The endpoint is a simple proxy that routes your queries to a rapidly scaled fleet of database resources. This allows your connections to remain intact even as scaling operations take place behind the scenes. Scaling is rapid, with new resources coming online within 5 seconds

這兩個組合起來,讓使用端可以除了在 Amazon EC2 上可以快速 scale 外,後端的資料庫也能 scale 了...

第二個是 Multi-master 架構:「Sign Up for the Preview of Amazon Aurora Multi-Master」。

Amazon Aurora Multi-Master allows you to create multiple read/write master instances across multiple Availability Zones. This enables applications to read and write data to multiple database instances in a cluster, just as you can read across Read Replicas today.

(話說我一直都誤以為 Aurora 是 R/W master...)

Anyway,這個功能不知道怎麼疊上去的... 不笑得會不會有嚴重的 distributed lock issue,反而推薦大家平常都寫到同一台 (像是 PXC 就會這樣)。

AWS 推出可以在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 上跑 Microsoft SQL Server 的 AMI

自從 Microsoft SQL Server 宣佈可以在 Linux 上跑後 (參考「Microsoft SQL Server 出 Linux 版...」),就沒看到什麼 Linux 上跑 SQL Server 的消息了... 結果在這波 AWS 的活動上推出了 RHEL 上跑 SQL Server 的消息:「Amazon EC2 now offers SQL Server 2017 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4」。

SQL Server 2017 is now available for Amazon EC2 instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace. With this release, you can now launch RHEL instances on-demand using SQL Server 2017 Enterprise License Included AMIs without having to bring your own license. SQL Server 2017 on RHEL 7.4 AMI is available in all public AWS regions starting today.


Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL 版本) 開放到其他區域了

上個月月底才宣佈 Amazon Aurora 推出 PostgreSQL 版本 (參考「Amazon Aurora 也支援 PostgreSQL 了」),不過當時只有少數的四個區域開放 (us-east-1us-east-2us-west-2eu-west-1),還不到一個月的時間就擴張了:「Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility Region Expansion」。

不過還是沒有東京與新加坡這兩個台灣比較常用的區域... 看起來都是比較新的 region,但首爾應該也是新的區域啊,不知道怎麼選擇的:

The PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora is now available in four additional AWS regions: Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai). This increases the number of available regions to eight, as the service launched on October 24, 2017 in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland).

RDS (MySQL/MariaDB) 支援 t2、r4 以及 m4 的新機種

這個大家等好久了,尤其 MySQL 常遇到需要用記憶體換效能的情境:「Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB Supports R4, T2 and M4 Instance Types」。

先前 t2 最大只能開到 t2.large (8GB RAM),對於需要大量記憶體運算的 SQL query,就有機會被 MySQL 使用 filesort 寫到硬碟裡面暫存了。這次支援這些 instance type,開發環境至少有選擇可以開到 t2.2xlarge (32GB RAM) 跟他拼。

r4 應該是正式環境期待已久的 instance type 了。r3 最大是 r3.8xlarge (244GB),跟 r4 最大的 r4.16xlarge (488GB) 剛好差了一倍。

m4 就比較微妙了,順便補上去的感覺... 不過應該還是會有應用會剛好用到。

不過還是期待前陣子出來的 c5,對於寫出很驚人的 SQL query,在 MySQL 內跑大量運算的應用會有幫助,就繼續等吧... :o

用 Percona Toolkit 備份的 MySQL 可以直接還原到 Amazon RDS 上

AWS 宣佈 Amazon RDS for MySQL 支援從 Percona Toolkit 備份出來的檔案還原了:「Easily restore an Amazon RDS MySQL database from your MySQL backup」。

Starting today you can easily restore a new Amazon RDS for MySQL database instance from a backup of your existing MySQL database, including MySQL databases running on Amazon EC2 or outside of AWS. This is done by creating a backup using the Percona XtraBackup tool and uploading the resulting files to an Amazon S3 bucket. You then create a new Amazon RDS DB Instance from the backup files in Amazon S3, directly through the RDS Console or AWS Command Line Interface.

備份出來後放到 Amazon S3 上,然後就可以讓 RDS 拉進去了...

This feature is available in all AWS Commercial regions for databases using MySQL version 5.6.

目前在 commercial region 都可以用了,所以代表 GovCloud (US) 還沒 (不過一般情況也沒權限碰到)。

不過他只說 5.6,代表 5.7 還不支援嗎?反正最差的情況就是再升一次 5.6 到 5.7?

Amazon Athena 可以透過 ODBC 連接了

Amazon Athena 支援 ODBC 了 (先前直接連結只支援 JDBC):「Amazon Athena adds support for querying data using an ODBC driver」。

With the availability of a new ODBC driver, you can now connect popular business intelligence tools to Athena. This allows you to report and visualize all of your data in S3 with the tools of your choice. In addition to the ODBC driver, Customers can now connect to Amazon Athena using a JDBC driver, an API and via the AWS Console.

這讓非 Java 的程式語言可以更方便的接上去了,像是 PHPPDO 支援 ODBC 但不支援 JDBC,要用就得想其他辦法:「PHP: PDO Drivers - Manual」。