Cloudflare 推出了讓你買 cache 空間的 Cache Reserve

這幾天 Cloudflare 推出了一大包東西,其中一個是 Cache Reserve:「Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache」。

一般的使用情境是依照 LRU 演算法在決定 Cloudflare 的 cache 滿的時候要排除誰:

We do eviction based on an algorithm called “least recently used” or LRU. This means that the least-requested content can be evicted from cache first to make space for more popular content when storage space is full.

Cache Reserve 就是自己買 cache 空間,他的作法是你付 R2 的空間費用:

Cache Reserve is a large, persistent data store that is implemented on top of R2.

這樣就可以完全依照 Cache-Control 這類 HTTP header 內的時間保存了,你就不用擔心會被 purge 掉,首先價錢包括了 R2 的部份:

The Cache Reserve Plan will mimic the low cost of R2. Storage will be $0.015 per GB per month and operations will be $0.36 per million reads, and $4.50 per million writes.

另外還有還沒公告的 Cache Reserve 的部份:

(Cache Reserve pricing page will be out soon)

對於很極致想要拼 hit rate 的使用者來說是個選擇就是了,另外可以想到直播相關的協定 (像是 HLS) 好像可以這樣搞來壓低對 origin server 的壓力?

Wasabi 與 Storj DCS

WasabiStorj 是在看到「Will Cloudflare R2 Win Customers from Amazon S3?」這篇文章時翻到了三個 Cloud Storage Provider,文章本身我倒是沒什麼吸收...。

第一個是 BackblazeB2,這個產品平常的曝光度就還算夠。

另外是 Wasabi 的部份,其中一個賣點是免費的頻寬,但其實限制意外的多。首先是各地區的價錢:

我找了一下到底是什麼地區,目前只有看到「Wasabi Technologies Inc Status」這邊有編號 (US-East-1、US-East-2、US-Central-1、US-West-1、EU-Central-1、AP-Northeast-1),但也沒找到地區... US 的都在美國沒問題,AP-Northeast-1 應該是日本,但 EU-Central-1 是哪裡就找不到了。

另外是 pay-as-you-go 的方案最小是 1TB,如果是歐美區的話是 US$5.99:

For customers using the Wasabi pay-as-you-go pricing model, Wasabi has a minimum monthly charge associated with 1 TB of active storage. If you store less than 1 TB of active storage in your account, you will still be charged for 1 TB of storage based on the pricing associated with the storage region you are using.

然後也有 90 天的最短計價時間:

Wasabi has a minimum storage duration policy that means if stored objects are deleted before they have been stored with Wasabi for a certain number of days (90 days when using the Wasabi pay-go pricing model), a Timed Deleted Storage charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days will apply.

另外 Wasabi's free egress policy 這邊也可以看出來他們的設計就是拿來當 storage 用,然後前面需要擋 CDN 之類的服務。

最後一個是 Storj 的 DCS,US$4/TB/month 的空間費用,與 US$7/TB 的流量費用感覺還算便宜?他的做法是把檔案拆成 80 份,然後取 29 份就可以算回來:

How many Nodes are files stored on?

80. We split each file into 80 different encrypted pieces, and each piece is stored on a different Node.

When you retrieve an object, only 29 of its 80 pieces are needed to reconstitute that object. With no central point of failure, your data is always quickly available, all over the world.

這部份是則是透過 Reed-Solomon error correction 實做:

Automate file repair and know that Reed-Solomon erasure coding enables the highest levels of durability for all files uploaded to Storj DCS.

好一陣子沒看到 Reed-Solomon 了,沒想到在這邊看到... 先不管技術的部份,看起來 Storj DCS 的價錢可以玩看看。

Cloudflare R2 Storage 的插曲...

Hacker News 首頁上看到「Cloudflare's Disruption (」這篇,文章「Cloudflare’s Disruption」這篇其實還好,主要就是分析一下 Cloudflare R2 Storage 在下的棋,真的讓我想寫的是反而是 Hacker News 上的討論...

首先是提到了 S3 -> R2 -> Q1 -> P0 這個:

ksec 36 minutes ago | unvote [–]

^gt; The service will be called R2 — “one less than S3,” quipped Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince in an interview with Protocol ahead of Cloudflare’s announcement

Oh I never thought of that. So the next one is Q1 and final one would be P0.

另外下面有也提到 IBMHAL

piaste 33 minutes ago | unvote [–]

And it is likely inspired by the old joke that 2001: A Space Odyssey's HAL was one less than "IBM".

下一個 Q1 是明年了,來看看 2022Q1 會不會有 P0 issue XDDD

Cloudflare 推出 Cloudflare R2 Storage,相容於 S3 API,但沒有傳輸費用

Cloudflare 宣佈了 Cloudflare R2 Storage,相容於 S3 API,但是沒有傳輸費用:「Announcing Cloudflare R2 Storage: Rapid and Reliable Object Storage, minus the egress fees」,Hacker News 上的「Cloudflare R2 storage: Rapid and reliable object storage, minus the egress fees (」可以看一下討論,裡面有負責 R2 的 PM (帳號是 greg-m) 回答一些東西。

R2 的第一個特點就是剛剛提到的傳輸費用:一般的雲端都是傳進去不用錢,但傳出來會很貴,而 R2 其中一個主打的點就是傳出來不用錢:

R2 builds on Cloudflare’s commitment to the Bandwidth Alliance, providing zero-cost egress for stored objects — no matter your request rate. Egress bandwidth is often the largest charge for developers utilizing object storage and is also the hardest charge to predict. Eliminating it is a huge win for open-access to data stored in the cloud.

另外 storage cost 也算低,S3 目前的費用是 US$0.023/GB/month (拿 us-east-1 相比),而 R2 目前的定價是 US$0.015/GB/month:

That doesn’t mean we are shifting bandwidth costs elsewhere. Cloudflare R2 will be priced at $0.015 per GB of data stored per month — significantly cheaper than major incumbent providers.

在 durability 的部份,與 S3 都是一年 11 個 9:

The core of what makes Object Storage great is reliability — we designed R2 for data durability and resilience at its core. R2 will provide 99.999999999% (eleven 9’s) of annual durability, which describes the likelihood of data loss.


R2 is currently under development — you can sign up here to join the waitlist for access.

有幾個點還蠻有趣的,第一個是 Cloudflare 自己在推的 Bandwidth Alliance 裡有不少 VPS 跟 Cloudflare 之間的流量是不計頻寬費用的,所以等於是 VPS 到 R2 不計費,而 R2 到 VPS 也不計費,但要注意 VPS 自己也都有在推 object storage。

像是 Vultr 的 US$5 方案包括了 250GB 的空間與 1TB 的頻寬,扣掉頻寬的部份 (可以透過 Cloudflare 處理),相當於是 US$0.02/GB。

Linode 也類似,US$5 的方案包括了 250GB 的空間與 500GB 的頻寬,算出來也是 US$0.02/GB。

Backblaze 也有類似的產品 B2,US$0.005/GB/month 的儲存費用以及 $0.01/GB 的傳輸費用,但頻寬的部份也可以透過 Cloudflare 處理。

這個產品出來以後可以再看看如何,但看起來是蠻有趣的。對目前的雲端商應該還好 (因為資料進 R2 還是有費用),但對這些 VPS 來說應該是有蠻大的衝擊...

AWS 提供 Windows 上的 Deep Learning AMI

有一些 Windows 上的東西就可以直接開起來跑了:「Announcing New AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows」。

目前支援 2012 R2 與 2016:

Amazon Web Services now offers an AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

然後 driver 與常用的東西都包進去了:

The AMIs also include popular deep learning frameworks such as Apache MXNet, Caffe and Tensorflow, as well as packages that enable easy integration with AWS, including launch configuration tools and many popular AWS libraries and tools. The AMIs come prepackaged with Nvidia CUDA 9, cuDNN 7, and Nvidia 385.54 drivers, and contain the Anaconda platform (supports Python versions 2.7 and 3.5).