Google 說要把 double quote 強制搜尋的功能加回來...

Hacker News Daily 上看到「We're improving search results when you use quotes (」這則,才知道原來被拔掉了?(不過已經很久不是拿 Google Search 當主力了...)

原文在「How we're improving search results when you use quotes」這邊,裡面提到:

For example, if you did a search such as [“google search”], the snippet will show where that exact phrase appears:


In the past, we didn’t always do this because sometimes the quoted material appears in areas of a document that don’t lend themselves to creating helpful snippets.

在「Google for the exact phrase (and no, quotation marks don't help)」這邊可以看到 2020 的時候 double quote 就已經不是傳回精確的結果了。

不過應該不會回去用 Google Search 了,一方面是 Kagi 的表現還不錯,另外一方面是避免讓 Google 拿到更多資訊...