Post-Quantum 的 KEM,SIDH/SIKE 確認死亡

似乎是這幾天 cryptography 領域裡面頗熱鬧的消息,SIDH 以及 SIKE 確認有嚴重的問題:「SIKE Broken」,論文在「An efficient key recovery attack on SIDH (preliminary version)」這邊可以取得。

這次的成果是 Key recovery attack,算是最暴力的幹法,直接把 key 解出來。

另外 SIKE 剛好也是先前 Cloudflare 在解釋 Hertzbleed 時被拿來打的目標:「Cloudflare 上的 Hertzbleed 解釋」,這樣看起來連 patch 也都不用繼續研究了...

論文裡面的攻擊對象中,第一個是 Microsoft$IKE challenges 內所定義的 $IKEp182 與 $IKEp217,在只用 single core 的情況下,分別在四分鐘與六分鐘就解出來:

Ran on a single core, the appended Magma code breaks the Microsoft SIKE challenges $IKEp182 and $IKEp217 in about 4 minutes and 6 minutes, respectively.

接著是四個參與 NIST 標準選拔的參數,分別是 SIKEp434、SIKEp503、SIKEp610 以及 SIKEp751,也都被極短的時間解出來:

A run on the SIKEp434 parameters, previously believed to meet NIST’s quantum security level 1, took about 62 minutes, again on a single core.

We also ran the code on random instances of SIKEp503 (level 2), SIKEp610 (level 3) and SIKEp751 (level 5), which took about 2h19m, 8h15m and 20h37m, respectively.

Ars Technica 的採訪「Post-quantum encryption contender is taken out by single-core PC and 1 hour」裡面,有問到 SIKE 的共同發明人 David Jao 的看法,他主要是認為密碼學界的人對於數學界的「武器」了解程度不夠而導致這次的情況:

It's true that the attack uses mathematics which was published in the 1990s and 2000s. In a sense, the attack doesn't require new mathematics; it could have been noticed at any time. One unexpected facet of the attack is that it uses genus 2 curves to attack elliptic curves (which are genus 1 curves). A connection between the two types of curves is quite unexpected. To give an example illustrating what I mean, for decades people have been trying to attack regular elliptic curve cryptography, including some who have tried using approaches based on genus 2 curves. None of these attempts has succeeded. So for this attempt to succeed in the realm of isogenies is an unexpected development.

In general there is a lot of deep mathematics which has been published in the mathematical literature but which is not well understood by cryptographers. I lump myself into the category of those many researchers who work in cryptography but do not understand as much mathematics as we really should. So sometimes all it takes is someone who recognizes the applicability of existing theoretical math to these new cryptosystems. That is what happened here.


NIST 選出了四個 Post-Quantum Cryptography 演算法

NIST (NSA) 選出了四個 Post-quantum cryptography 演算法 (可以抵抗量子電腦的演算法):「NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms」。


  • CRYSTALS-Kyber:非對稱加密。
  • CRYSTALS-Dilithium:數位簽名。
  • FALCON:數位簽名。
  • SPHINCS+:數位簽名。


然後翻了 Hacker News 上的討論,果然一堆人在討論 NIST 能不能信任的問題:「NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms (」。

然後據說 Kyber 這個名字出自 Star Wars,Dilithium 這個名字則是出自 Star Trek,這還真公平 XDDD

AWS KMS 與 AWS ACM 支援 post-quantum TLS ciphers

AWS 宣佈 AWS KMSAWS ACM 支援 post-quantum TLS ciphers:「AWS KMS and ACM now support the latest hybrid post-quantum TLS ciphers」。

全區支援 Kyber、BIKE 與 SIKE 這三個演算法:

The three PQC key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) offered are Kyber, BIKE, and SIKE. Hybrid post-quantum TLS combines a classical key agreement, such as ECDHE, with one of these KEMs. The result is that your TLS connections inherit the security properties of both the classical and post-quantum key exchanges.

Hybrid post-quantum TLS for AWS KMS and ACM is available in all public AWS Regions.

不過這是 NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization 裡 Round 3 裡面其中幾個演算法而已:

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) now support hybrid post-quantum key establishment for transport layer security (SSL/TLS) connections using the latest post-quantum ciphers from Round 3 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) selection process.

順便補一下隔壁棚 Cloudflare 的研究:「Making protocols post-quantum」。

Google 與 Cloudflare 測試 Post-Quantum 演算法的成果


其中 Google Chrome 的團隊與 Cloudflare 的團隊手上都有夠大的產品,兩個團隊合作測試的結果在學界與業界都還蠻重視的:「Real-world measurements of structured-lattices and supersingular isogenies in TLS」、「The TLS Post-Quantum Experiment」。

Google Chrome 這邊是使用了 Canary 與 Dev 兩個 channel,有控制組與兩個新的演算法:

Google Chrome installs, on Dev and Canary channels, and on all platforms except iOS, were randomly assigned to one of three groups: control (30%), CECPQ2 (30%), or CECPQ2b (30%). (A random ten percent of installs did not take part in the experiment so the numbers only add up to 90.)

這兩個演算法有優點也有缺點。一個是 key 比較小,但運算起來比較慢 (SIKE,CECPQ2b);另外一個是 key 比較大,但是運算比較快 (HRSS,CECPQ2):

For our experiment, we chose two algorithms: isogeny-based SIKE and lattice-based HRSS. The former has short key sizes (~330 bytes) but has a high computational cost; the latter has larger key sizes (~1100 bytes), but is a few orders of magnitude faster.

We enabled both CECPQ2 (HRSS + X25519) and CECPQ2b (SIKE/p434 + X25519) key-agreement algorithms on all TLS-terminating edge servers.


所以要開始開發 CECPQ2 了...

CECPQ1Google 在研究對抗量子電腦的演算法,作為測試用的演算法,曾經在 Google Chrome 的 54 beta 版 (2016 年) 存活過一段時間,最近又開始在開發新一代的演算法 CECPQ2 了,這次會是基於 TLS 1.3 上測試:「CECPQ2」。

CECPQ2 will be moving slowly: It depends on TLS 1.3 and, as mentioned, 1.3 is taking a while. The larger messages may take some time to deploy if we hit middlebox- or server-compatibility issues. Also the messages are currently too large to include in QUIC. But working though these problems now is a lot of the reason for doing CECPQ2—to ensure that post-quantum TLS remains feasible.

目前對抗量子電腦的演算法好像都跟 Lattice 有關,找時間來補一下基礎理論... @_@

IBM 的 50 qubit quantum computer

IBM 在展示他們做到了什麼:「IBM makes 20 qubit quantum computing machine available as a cloud service」。

不過重點應該在目前已經拉出 50 qubit prototype 了:

The company also announced that IBM researchers had successfully built a 50 qubit prototype, which is the next milestone for quantum computing, but it’s unclear when we will see this commercially available.

18 個月從 5 qubit 到 20 qubit:

IBM has been offering quantum computing as a cloud service since last year when it came out with a 5 qubit version of the advanced computers. Today, the company announced that it’s releasing 20-qubit quantum computers, quite a leap in just 18 months. A qubit is a single unit of quantum information.

如果是以這樣的速度成長 (每 18 個月變成原來四倍),五年後就有機會殺 RSA 2048 bits 了?(大約需要 4000 個 qubit)

這比想像中快好多,難怪現在密碼學都在討論抵抗 quantum computer 的演算法...

最新的 Firefox 56 對 AES-GCM 效能的改善

昨天釋出的 Firefox 56 對於 AES-GCM 在老電腦上改善了不少效能:「Improving AES-GCM Performance」。

首先是 Firefox 自己的數據分析,可以看到 AES-GCM 佔目前加密連線裡的大宗,再來是 AES-CBC:

先以 Linux 64bits 環境的數據來看,Firefox 56 的 NSS 3.32 大幅改善了老電腦的效能 (不支援 AES-NI 硬體加解密的 CPU,甚至是不支援 PCLMUL 的 CPU,以及不支援 AVX 的 CPU):

在 Linux 32bits 環境上則是連預設值大幅改善,不過用的人應該少很多了:

Windows 下則是因為 64bits 或是 32bits 都有足夠的使用者,所以平常就花了不少力氣。但也可以看出對於老電腦的速度提升:

Mac (64bits only) 算是這次比較大的提升,連新電腦的預設值都大幅變快:

加上之後陸續的改善 (尤其是下一版 Firefox 57 的 Project Quantum),這幾版應該會拉出不少效能...

Firefox Nightly 的 Stylo

Firefox 的 Nightly 納入 Stylo 了,一個用 Rust 開發的套件,可以將 Servo 的 CSS style system 整進 Gecko 內:「Stylo is ready for community testing on Nightly!」。

Stylo (a.k.a. Quantum CSS) will integrate Servo's CSS style system into Gecko, such that the style system code can be shared by Gecko and Servo.

Quantum CSS, aka Stylo, aims to integrate Servo’s parallelized CSS style system written in Rust into Gecko.

Mozilla 把愈來愈多的東西都改用 Rust 寫了...

NIST 開始徵求 Post-Quantum Cryptography 演算法

現有常見的幾個加密基礎在量子電腦上都有相當快速的解 (像是整數質因數分解、離散對數),只是現在建不出對應夠大台的量子電腦... 但畢竟只是時間的問題了,所以 NIST 照著慣例對外尋求能夠抵抗量子電腦的演算法:「NIST Asks Public to Help Future-Proof Electronic Information」、「Announcing Request for Nominations for Public-Key Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms」。

類似於 Google 先前在 Google Chrome 上實做的 CECPQ1,對 key exchange 的部份加上保護 (Google Chrome 引入 CECPQ1,開始測試 Post-Quantum Cryptography),這次 NIST 是針對 public key crytpsystem 的部份而發的...

投稿時間在 2017 的十一月底,大約一年後就可以看到有哪些演算法要參加競賽了... 不過因為 NSA 的惡名,不知道會不會有其他單位在同個時段啟動類似的活動...

用 Bitmap 或是用 Tilemap 組成大圖


This program generates bitmaps that are locally similar to the input bitmap.

我覺得這張很有感覺,給幾個 bitmap,然後電路板就出現了:


還有 3D 的: