偵測 Chrome Headless

作者因為種種原因,想要偵測 Headless 模式的 Google Chrome:「Detecting Chrome Headless」。

之前因為主要是 PhantomJS,有很多地方跟一般的瀏覽器不同,可以利用這些不同的地方來判斷出是不是 PhantomJS:

Until now, one of the most popular headless browser was PhantomJS. Since it is built on the Qt framework, it exhibits many differences compared to most popular browsers. As presented in this post, it is possible to detect it using some browser fingerprinting techniques.

但從 Google Chrome 59 以後因為支援 Headless,使得大多數的判斷的失效:

Since version 59, Google released a headless version of its Chrome browser. Unlike PhantomJS, it is based on a vanilla Chrome, and not on an external framework, making its presence more difficult to detect.

所以作者找了不少方式想要判斷兩者的相異之處... 不過這些方式看起來不太穩定,加上 Firefox 也在準備了,之後只會愈來愈困難吧 :o