Raspberry Pi 3 的新版本 Model B+

Raspberry Pi 3 推出了 Model B+ 的新版本:「Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ on sale now at $35」。

除了 CPU 速度稍微快一些以外,另外支援了 802.11ac/5Ghz 的無線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~102Mbps,相較於先前在 2.4Ghz 只能跑到 ~35Mbps),以及更快的有線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~315Mbps,相較於先前的 ~95Mbps)。

然後是支援 PXE

Raspberry Pi 3B was our first product to support PXE Ethernet boot. Testing it in the wild shook out a number of compatibility issues with particular switches and traffic environments. Gordon has rolled up fixes for all known issues into the BCM2837B0 boot ROM, and PXE boot is now enabled by default.

以及支援 PoE 直接推動整台機器:

We use a magjack that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE), and bring the relevant signals to a new 4-pin header. We will shortly launch a PoE HAT which can generate the 5V necessary to power the Raspberry Pi from the 48V PoE supply.

或是吃更多電 XDDD

Note that Raspberry Pi 3B+ does consume substantially more power than its predecessor. We strongly encourage you to use a high-quality 2.5A power supply, such as the official Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply.

所以看到這張圖時就不意外了 XDDD (風扇!)


Update:風扇那張圖的產品頁看起來在「Raspberry Pi PoE HAT」這頁 (參考下面的 comment)。