uBlock Origin 是一個在瀏覽器上擋廣告的軟體,以前在推廣的時候都只提到可以過濾掉網站上的廣告,大家興趣其實都不太高 (還會有「留口飯讓別人吃」之類的 XDDD),但最近跟同事推廣的時候改用「可以擋 YouTube 的影音廣告喔」,大家接受度意外的爆高,不過這有點扯遠了,回到原來的主題上...
先介紹一下 uBlock Origin 的開發模式,除了一般的 stable 版本外 (「uBlock Origin」這組),另外會有另外一個 dev 版本上傳到 Chrome Web Store (CWS) 上 (「uBlock Origin development build」這組),這樣讓使用者比較容易安裝與測試,這個方式也可以在 Tampermonkey 上看到。
這次主要維護者 Raymond Hill (gorhill) 在 1.22.5rc1
版上傳到 CWS 上後收到被拒絕上架的通知:「Dev build 1.22.5rc1 "REJECTED" from Chrome Web Store」。
拒絕的原因是 CWS 要求要有套件必須符合「目的單一性」,也就是不能把目的不同的東西強迫使用者綁在一起使用:
Your item did not comply with the following section of our policy: An extension should have a single purpose that is clear to users. Do not create an extension that requires users to accept bundles of unrelated functionality, such as an email notifier and a news headline aggregator. If two pieces of functionality are clearly separate, they should be put into two different extensions, and users should have the ability to install and uninstall them separately. For example, an extension that provides a broad array of functionalities on the New Tab Page/ Start-up Page but also changes the default search are better delivered as separate extensions, so that users can select the services they want. For more information on the new Chrome extensions quality policy, please refer to the FAQ: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/single_purpose
後續的 1.22.5rc2
也被拒絕,然後他回信詢問了 CWS 官方,得到的仍然是罐頭回應,然後他就決定丟著 (而這個作法還蠻聰明的),接著這件事情就被丟著變成 PR 事件上了一些媒體,然後昨天就突然解了...
Google 最近的動作愈來愈多了,一方面在嘗試避免觸動反托拉斯法的情況,儘可能打壓這些擋廣告的套件...