Facebook 推薦好友機制的演算法讓更多的隱私問題浮現...

在「Facebook recommended that this psychiatrist’s patients friend each other」這邊報導了 Facebook 推薦好友機制的演算法意外的拉出了奇怪的東西:

[...], such as this story from Lisa*, a psychiatrist who is an infrequent Facebook user, mostly signing in to RSVP for events. Last summer, she noticed that the social network had started recommending her patients as friends—and she had no idea why.

“I haven’t shared my email or phone contacts with Facebook,” she told me over the phone.

精神科醫師被 Facebook 推薦他的病人... 而更慘的是病人也收到的推薦包括了其他的病人:

Another one of her female patients had a friend recommendation pop up for a fellow patient she recognized from the office’s elevator. Suddenly, she knew the other patient’s full name along with all their Facebook profile information.

“It’s a massive privacy fail,” said Lisa. “I have patients with HIV, people that have attempted suicide and women in coercive and violent relationships.”


Lisa lives in a relatively small town and was alarmed that Facebook was inadvertently outing people with health and psychiatric issues to her network. She’s a tech-savvy person, familiar with VPNs, Tor and computer security practices recommended by the Electronic Frontier Foundation–but she had no idea what was causing it.

這聽起來不是什麼好演算法 :o