Rowhammer Bug:攻擊記憶體的值...

GoogleProject Zero 實做 Rowhammer Bug:「Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges」。


“Rowhammer” is a problem with some recent DRAM devices in which repeatedly accessing a row of memory can cause bit flips in adjacent rows.


We tested a selection of laptops and found that a subset of them exhibited the problem. We built two working privilege escalation exploits that use this effect.

給出了 NaCl sandbox escape 與 Kernel privilege escalation 兩種方式。


Google 的 Project Zero 修正 Policy

在之前受到批評後,GoogleProject Zero 修正了對應的 Policy:「Feedback and data-driven updates to Google’s disclosure policy」。

原先的 Policy 是 90 天強制公開,修正的 Policy 有幾個改善:

  • 如果揭露日是週末或是美國的假日,會順延到下一個工作日。
  • 如果原廠有告知需要更多時間修復,Project Zero 會延長 14 天的寬限期。
  • 在公開前會申請對應的 CVE 號碼。

圖片上的文字辨識:Project Naptha

把圖片上的文字辨識直接做成 Google Chrome 的延伸套件,預設就辨識好後讓你可以直接選取:「Project Naptha」。


一張含有文字的圖片可以直接 OCR 出來變成文字選擇。

官方網站上有說,這是 client-side javascript:

One of the more impressive things about this project is the fact that it's almost entirely written in client side javascript. That means that it's pretty much totally functional without access to a remote server.


By default, when you begin selecting text, it sends a secure HTTPS request which lacks any kind of identifiable information to the Project Naptha cached remote OCR and Translation service. This allows you to recognize text from an image with much more accuracy than otherwise possible. However, this can be disabled simply by checking the "Disable Lookup" item under the Options menu.

