Amazon RDS 推出了 Connection Pool 的產品

Amazon RDS 推出了 Connection Pool 的產品,叫做 Amazon RDS Proxy:「Introducing Amazon RDS Proxy (Preview)」。

目前支援 MySQL (包括了傳統的與 Aurora 版本的):

Amazon RDS Proxy supports Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility, with support for additional RDS database engines coming soon.

定價策略看起來是依照後端資料庫的 vCPU 計算:

Pricing is simple and predictable: you pay per vCPU of the database instance for which the proxy is enabled.

翻了一下價錢頁是 USD$0.015/vCPU (用 us-east-1 的資料),而如果是 t2 系列的機器,最低是以 2 vCPUs 計算,不是照使用比例算:

RDS Proxy pricing correlates to the number of vCPUs of the database instance for which it is enabled, with a minimum charge for 2 vCPUs.

這樣一個 vCPU 一個月大約要 USD$21.6,算起來頗貴的... 如果 SLA 允許的話,用基本的方式 failover 也許就 ok 了...

如果 SLA 真的要追求到這麼高的話,可以在這些區域測試:

Amazon RDS Proxy is available in preview for RDS MySQL and Aurora MySQL in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU West (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions. Support for RDS PostgreSQL and Aurora PostgreSQL is coming soon.

Yubico 宣佈推出 Lightning 的 U2F 界面...

YubicoCES 2019 上宣佈推出兩用版的 YubiKey,同時支援 USB-CLightning 接頭:「Yubico Launches the Security Key NFC and a Private Preview of the YubiKey for Lightning at CES 2019」。


目前是 Private Preview,開發者需要跟 Yubico 申請:

If you are a developer or service that would like to support strong hardware authentication on iOS, we invite you to work with us by applying to participate in the YubiKey for Lightning Program. Selected participants will have access to the private preview of YubiKey for Lightning and also the Yubico Mobile iOS SDK for Lightning.

不過看起來是硬體限制沒辦法朝 NFC 支援?另外如果蘋果下一代 iPhone 換掉變成 USB-C 就搞笑了...

AWS 決定花力氣支援 OpenJDK (Corretto 計畫)

AWS 推出了 Amazon Corretto (其中 Corretto 這個名字應該是取自 Caffè corretto,還是跟咖啡有關的字),提供 OpenJDK 的長期支援:「Introducing Amazon Corretto, a No-Cost Distribution of OpenJDK with Long-Term Support」。

文章裡提到了幾個重點,第一個是目前先推出了 Corretto 8 Preview (對應到 OpenJDK 8),而之後 GA 會推出 UbuntuRHEL 上的套件,另外也打算推出 Corretto 11 (對應到將來的 OpenJDK 11):

The Corretto 8 preview corresponding to OpenJDK 8 is available at this time for Amazon Linux 2, Microsoft Windows, and macOS platforms and Docker image. Preview builds can be downloaded by visiting General Availability is planned for Q1 2019, and will also include Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms. Corretto 11 builds corresponding to Open JDK 11 on these platforms will follow with ample time for testing before April 2019.


Amazon will distribute security updates to Corretto 8 at no cost until at least June, 2023, and to Corretto 11 until at least August, 2024.


PostgreSQL 的 Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment

AWS 推出了 PostgreSQL 試爆場讓大家測試 XDDD:「Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment is now available」。

可以測還沒有正式 release 的版本:

The Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment is now available, offering an environment for customers to easily test beta, release candidate, and early production versions of PostgreSQL database engine software with the convenience and flexibility of Amazon RDS.


Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 提供 Parallel Query 讓人申請使用

AWS 宣佈了 Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 支援 Parallel Query:「Amazon Aurora Parallel Query is Available for Preview」。

這邊提到的 Parallel Query 比較像是 Amazon Athena,直接把單一 Query 打散到多台機器上跑:

Amazon Aurora Parallel Query improves the performance of large analytic queries by pushing processing down to the Aurora storage layer, spreading processing across hundreds of nodes.

也就是說,這算是單一 SQL Query 平行運算的進階版本。

在這之前,AWS 都已經支援單一 Query 在單台機器上利用多 CPU 平行運算。其中 PostgreSQL 是 9.6+ 本身就有支援。Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 則是在 2016 時透過 Parallel Read Ahead 支援某些情境下的的單一 Query 多 CPU 運算了 (發現之前沒寫到...):「Amazon Aurora Update – Parallel Read Ahead, Faster Indexing, NUMA Awareness」。

這個功能目前是 Preview 階段,然後開在這些地區讓大家測試使用:

The preview is available for the MySQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora, and is currently available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions. Sign up to get access.


Amazon Aurora 的 MySQL-Compatible Edition 開始提供相容於 MySQL 5.7 的服務

Amazon AuroraMySQL-Compatible Edition 開始支援相容 MySQL 5.7 的服務:「Announcing Preview of Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 Compatibility」。

Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 compatibility offers enhancements such as JSON support, spatial indexes, generated columns and performance improvement of 5x over MySQL 5.7, and up to 10x for spatial datasets.

雖然目前還在 Preview (需要申請才能用),而且開放區域有限,但總算是有消息了:

The preview is currently available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Canada (Montreal).

會一定要 5.7 的,主要的需求應該是在 spatial index 上吧... JSON 反倒還好。

Amazon EKS 與 AWS Fargate

在今年的 AWS re:Invent 2017 上宣佈 Amazon ECS 也支援 Kubernetes,也就是 Amazon EKS:「Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes」,一個用的人夠多就支援的概念...

目前這個服務還在 Preview,所以要申請才能用:

Amazon EKS is available in Preview. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

另外一個在 AWS re:Invent 2017 上宣佈的是 AWS Fargate,讓你連 Amazon ECS 或是 Amazon EKS 都不用管的服務,直接按照 container 的大小收費:「Introducing AWS Fargate – Run Containers without Managing Infrastructure」、「AWS Fargate: A Product Overview」。

第一個有疑慮的點是,是否會跟其他人共用相同的 host,也就是 isolation 的程度。這點在 AWS 的人在 Hacker News 上的這邊有回覆,在不同的 cluster 上不會使用同樣的底層:

NathanKP 4 days ago [-]
Fargate isolation is at the cluster level. Apps running in the same cluster may share the underlying infrastructure, apps running in different clusters won't.

另外也提到每個 cluster 都是使用者自己產生的:

NathanKP 3 days ago [-]
A customer creates a cluster on their account. You as a customer can create one or more Fargate clusters on your account to launch your containers in.

不是很正面的回覆,而且不是在官方的 forum 回的,安全性就要大家自己判斷了...

另外也有有提到與 Amazon EC2 相比,價錢當然會比較貴,但可以預期會降低 engineer 的時間成本:

NathanKP 4 days ago [-]
AWS employee here. Just want to say that we actually had a typo in the per second pricing on launch. The actual pricing is:
$0.0506 per CPU per hour
$0.0127 per GB of memory per hour
Fargate is definitely more expensive than running and operating an EC2 instance yourself, but for many companies the amount that is saved by needing to spend less engineer time on devops will make it worth it right now, and as we iterate I expect this balance to continue to tip. AWS has dropped prices more than 60 times since we started out.

目前只能接 Amazon ECS,預定 2018 可以接 Amazon EKS:

I will tell you that we plan to support launching containers on Fargate using Amazon EKS in 2018.

而目前這個版本 (可以接 Amazon ECS 的版本) 在 us-east-1 已經開放了:

Fargate is available today in the US East (Northern Virginia) region.

AWS 的翻譯服務:Amazon Translate

Google 的應該是做的最早的,MicrosoftMicrosoft Translator Text API 也出來一陣子了,而 AWS 在這次 re:Invent 推出了自家的翻譯服務 Amazon Translate:「Introducing Amazon Translate – Real-time Language Translation」。

目前還在 Preview,需要申請才能用,不過價目表「Amazon Translate Pricing」已經先出來了 (畢竟已經有競爭對手,可以參考他們的價錢):

Sign up for the Amazon Translate preview today and try the translation service. Learn more about the service by checking out the preview product page or reviewing the technical guides provided in the AWS documentation.


At Preview, Amazon Translate supports translation between English and any of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. Support for more languages is coming soon.

Amazon DynamoDB 也可以接在 VPC 內直接通了 (Public Preview)

AWS 宣布 Amazon DynamoDB 也可以透過 VPC Endpoints 接通了 (雖然是 public preview,表示要申請...):「Announcing VPC Endpoints for Amazon DynamoDB, Now in Public Preview」。

但看起來只有特定的區域才有,大家比較常用的 us-east-1、us-west-2 都不在本次範圍內:

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • EU (Frankfurt)
  • South America (Sao Paulo)
  • US East (Ohio)
  • US West (N. California)

這樣讓內部完全無法連外的 private subnet 又多了一些應用可以跑。

Amazon Aurora 支援 PostgreSQL

Amazon Aurora 宣佈支援 PostgreSQL:「Amazon Aurora Update – PostgreSQL Compatibility」。


Performance – Aurora delivers up to 2x the performance of PostgreSQL running in traditional environments.

目前是 Preview 版本,需要另外申請才能用。