MariaDB 11.4.0 preview release?

現在應該是西方年底的假期期間,意外的看到 MariaDB 貼出 11.4.0 preview release 的消息 (當然也有可能是排程發表?):「MariaDB 11.4.0 preview release now available」。

MariaDB 在十月的時候宣佈停掉一些周邊的產品線,「聚焦」回資料庫本體的消息後 (參考「MariaDB 停掉 SkySQL 與 Xpand」),這兩個月累積出來的東西其實不算太多,以這次文章理列出來的來看,主要是以 replication 相關的功能為主。

另外翻了一下維基百科上的資料,MariaDB 最新的 LTS 是 10.11,支援到 2028 年二月。

目前 MariaDB 還是個很微妙的狀態,如果就 engine 來說,重新聚焦有機會拿出跟 InnoDB 可以抗衡的技術嗎?或是在 cluster 以及 sharding 拿出比較奇特的技術?

AWS 推出 RDS for Db2 以及 Amazon Aurora Limitless Database

資料庫的部分,看到 AWS 在這次 re:Invent 放出「Getting started with new Amazon RDS for Db2」與「Join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database」這兩則消息。

首先是看到 Db2 這個詞覺得怪,查了以後發現原來是 2017 年改過名字正式的拼法:

The brand name was originally styled as DB/2, then DB2 until 2017 and finally changed to its present form.

這個消息比較像是補產品線,最大的資訊其實是查資料知道 2017 年改成 Db2...

另外的新產品 Amazon Aurora Limitless Database 就比較特別了,我翻了一下先前的 Amazon Aurora Serverless,是屬於利用 read replica 拓展「讀」的承載能力:

Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, autoscaling configuration for Amazon Aurora. It automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales capacity up or down based on your application's needs.

這次在 Amazon Aurora Limitless Database 裡面直接提到 sharding 技巧了,這就有機會拓展「寫」的承載能力:

Shards are Aurora PostgreSQL DB instances that each store a subset of the data for your database, allowing for parallel processing to achieve higher write throughput. Transaction routers manage the distributed nature of the database and present a single database image to database clients.

這次 preview 推出的是 PostgreSQL 15 的版本:

The preview runs in a new Aurora PostgreSQL cluster with version 15 in the AWS US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

這代表 database schema 不要設計的太差,是蠻有機會讓 RDS 幫你處理 sharding 底層所有需要的細節?等後續價錢出來可以看看... (應該是 open/public preview 或是 open beta 的階段)

AWS 推出 32TB RAM 的機種 u7in-32tb.224xlarge

最近是 AWS re:Invent 2023,會有蠻多消息陸陸續續冒出來。

剛剛看到「Introducing Amazon EC2 high memory U7i Instances for large in-memory databases (preview)」這個,AWS 推出了 u7in-32tb.224xlarge,896 vCPU + 32TB RAM 的機器。

先前最大的應該是 u-24tb1.112xlarge,448 vCPU + 24TB RAM 的機器 (包括 vCPU 數量與記憶體大小),所以這次 vCPU 數量多一倍,記憶體多 50%。

很理所當然的又拿 SAP 來介紹了:

The new U7i instances are designed to support large, in-memory databases including SAP HANA, Oracle, and SQL Server.

比較特別的是 us-east-1 沒有在第一波的名單,反而是 us-west-2 以及其他的區域,不確定當初怎麼決定的:

Powered by custom fourth generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Sapphire Rapids), the instances are now available in multiple AWS regions in preview form, in the US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Regions, as follows[.]

因為是 preview 階段,可能是這些區域有大客戶有需求,所以先佈到這幾區?

AWS 新推出的 m7a 宣稱比 m6a 多 50% 效能?

AWS 在「Introducing Amazon EC2 M7a instances (Preview)」這邊看到 m7a 會比 m6a 快 50% 的宣稱:

These instances deliver up to 50% greater performance on average compared to M6a instances.

目前還是 preview 階段,需要申請才有機會用,所以還不知道他的真實性能是怎麼樣?另外一方面,價錢也還沒查到... 但如果價錢不要漲太多的話,算一下好像有可能跟上 ARMm7g 了?

另外這樣也就蠻值得期待會不會有 t4a

AWS 也推出了 GitHub Copilot 的競爭對手 Amazon CodeWhisperer

AWS 推出了 Amazon CodeWhisperer,可以看做是 GitHub Copilot 的競爭產品:「Now in Preview – Amazon CodeWhisperer- ML-Powered Coding Companion」,在 Hacker News 上的討論還不多:「Copilot just got company: Amazon announced Codewhisperer (」。

目前還是 Preview 所以是免費的,但也還沒有提供價錢:

During the preview period, developers can use CodeWhisperer for free.

另外目前提供的程式語言只有 PythonJavaJavaScript

The preview supports code written in Python, Java, and JavaScript, using VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, and AWS Cloud9. Support for the AWS Lambda Console is in the works and should be ready very soon.

至於 training 的資料集,這邊有提到的是 open source 專案與 Amazon 自家的東西:

CodeWhisperer code generation is powered by ML models trained on various data sources, including Amazon and open-source code.

開發應該需要一段時間,不知道是剛好,還是被 GitHub Copilot 轉 GA 的事件強迫推出 Preview 版...

Amazon RDS 支援 readonly instance 當作 Multi AZ 的機器了

從來沒在用 RDS 的 Multi AZ,所以根本沒注意到居然沒這個功能:「New Multi-AZ deployment option for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and for MySQL; increased read capacity, lower and more consistent write transaction latency, and shorter failover time (Preview)」。

看起來 (加上印象中) 之前的 Multi AZ 是另外一台機器先開著但不能用:

In the case of an infrastructure failure, Amazon RDS performs an automatic failover to the standby, so that database operations resume as soon as the failover is complete.

現在則是開著的機器可以跑 readonly 模式:

The standby DB instances act as automatic failover targets and can also serve read traffic to increase throughput without needing to attach additional read replica DB instances.

這樣做除了省成本外,另外因為這些 instance 平常就有 query 的量,當真的遇到 failover 切換時,warmup 的時間也會短很多 (尤其是服務夠大的時候)。

不過有些限制,首先看起來只支援 Graviton2 (ARM-based) 的機種?

The readable standby option for Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments works with AWS Graviton2 R6gd and M6gd DB instances (with NVMe-based SSD instance storage) and Provisioned IOPS Database Storage.


The Preview is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) regions.

以及夠新的版本,MySQL 8 與 PostgreSQL 13.4 才有提供:

Amazon RDS for MySQL supports the Multi-AZ readable standby option for MySQL version 8.0.26. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL supports the Multi-AZ readable standby option for PostgreSQL version 13.4.


Amazon EBS 的 io2 給了不少新消息...

Amazon EBS 的另外一個新推出的東西,是針對 io2 的改善:

前面兩則消息可以一起看,主要是推出了 EBS Block Express,有著效能上的提昇:

Built on our new EBS Block Express architecture that takes advantage of some advanced communication protocols implemented as part of the AWS Nitro System, the volumes will give you up to 256K IOPS & 4000 MBps of throughput and a maximum volume size of 64 TiB, all with sub-millisecond, low-variance I/O latency. Throughput scales proportionally at 0.256 MB/second per provisioned IOPS, up to a maximum of 4000 MBps per volume. You can provision 1000 IOPS per GiB of storage, twice as many as before. The increased volume size & higher throughput means that you will no longer need to stripe multiple EBS volumes together, reducing complexity and management overhead.

目前因為是 preview 階段,想要用的人需要申請測試。要注意目前支援的區域有限 (不像這次推出 gp3 的時候就是全區),而且需要搭配 r5b 的機器:

The preview is currently available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt) Regions. During the preview, we support the use of R5b instances, with support for other Nitro-powered instances in the works.

第三則消息則是在講 io2 的 IOPS 的折扣,針對購買 32K IOPS 以上的部份會有 30% 折扣:

Now, with the new tiered pricing structure, the first 32,000 IOPS provisioned on a volume are charged at the current base rate ($0.065 per provisioned IOPS-mo) and the second tier between 32,001 and 64,000 is charged at a 30% lower rate ($0.046 per provisioned IOPS-mo).

針對前面提到的 preview 版本 (EBS Block Express),因為可以超過 64K IOPS,這個部份的價錢會更低,再疊一次 30% 的折扣:

Furthermore, for customers who have even higher performance requirement than currently supported by a single io2 volume today, we are previewing io2 volumes that run on EBS Block Express, the next generation of our block storage architecture. io2 Block Express volumes can be provisioned to deliver peak IOPS of 256,000. For these volume, any IOPS provisioned over 64,000 IOPS will be charged at a further 30% lower rate than the second tier ($0.032 per provisioned IOP-mo for IOPS over 64,000). This lowers the effective rate to $0.038 per provisioned IOPS on a volume provisioned with 256,000 IOPS.

算是要衝效能的人用的,目前平常應該還是會用 gp2 或是 gp3 的 SSD...

Android 上的 Firefox 可以安裝 uBlock Origin 了

Update:我寫的這篇標題與內容是錯的,請參考 comment 提到的說明。

在桌機上擋廣告的神器 uBlock Origin 總算是要被移植到 AndroidFirefox 上了:「uBlock Origin available soon in new Firefox for Android Nightly」。

In the next few weeks, uBlock Origin will be the first add-on to become available in the new Firefox for Android. It is currently available on Firefox Preview Nightly and will soon be available on Firefox for Android Nightly.


Microbrowser 的影響力

在「Microbrowsers are Everywhere」這篇文章裡提到在討論 Microbrowser 的影響力。這邊講的 Microbrowser 是指在各種平台上面貼連結時產生的預覽資訊,像是 IM 裡面連結的預覽資訊 (左邊的圖):

這些預覽通常都不會執行 JavaScript,所以不會觸動頁面裡追蹤的服務,而一般的業主就會低估這個管道。但透過這個方式觸及到使用者的量以及影響力,作者覺得有可能比 Googlebot 還大:

3. Microbrowser are probably more important than google bot

算是另外一個領域的 optimization,畢竟不同的平台預覽的效果都不同...

Amazon Detective:用 Machine Learning 分析可能的安全問題

也是這次 AWS re:Invent 發表的服務,透過 Machine Learning 分析可能的安全問題:「Introducing Amazon Detective」。

透過現有的各種 log 建立模型分析:

Amazon Detective can analyze trillions of events from multiple data sources such as Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon GuardDuty, and automatically creates a unified, interactive view of your resources, users, and the interactions between them over time.

依照 log 的量算錢的,然後 preview 階段不收費,所以有興趣的人可以開起來跑看看?