Amazon EBS 的另外一個新推出的東西,是針對 io2
前面兩則消息可以一起看,主要是推出了 EBS Block Express,有著效能上的提昇:
Built on our new EBS Block Express architecture that takes advantage of some advanced communication protocols implemented as part of the AWS Nitro System, the volumes will give you up to 256K IOPS & 4000 MBps of throughput and a maximum volume size of 64 TiB, all with sub-millisecond, low-variance I/O latency. Throughput scales proportionally at 0.256 MB/second per provisioned IOPS, up to a maximum of 4000 MBps per volume. You can provision 1000 IOPS per GiB of storage, twice as many as before. The increased volume size & higher throughput means that you will no longer need to stripe multiple EBS volumes together, reducing complexity and management overhead.
目前因為是 preview 階段,想要用的人需要申請測試。要注意目前支援的區域有限 (不像這次推出 gp3
的時候就是全區),而且需要搭配 r5b
The preview is currently available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt) Regions. During the preview, we support the use of R5b instances, with support for other Nitro-powered instances in the works.
第三則消息則是在講 io2
的 IOPS 的折扣,針對購買 32K IOPS 以上的部份會有 30% 折扣:
Now, with the new tiered pricing structure, the first 32,000 IOPS provisioned on a volume are charged at the current base rate ($0.065 per provisioned IOPS-mo) and the second tier between 32,001 and 64,000 is charged at a 30% lower rate ($0.046 per provisioned IOPS-mo).
針對前面提到的 preview 版本 (EBS Block Express),因為可以超過 64K IOPS,這個部份的價錢會更低,再疊一次 30% 的折扣:
Furthermore, for customers who have even higher performance requirement than currently supported by a single io2 volume today, we are previewing io2 volumes that run on EBS Block Express, the next generation of our block storage architecture. io2 Block Express volumes can be provisioned to deliver peak IOPS of 256,000. For these volume, any IOPS provisioned over 64,000 IOPS will be charged at a further 30% lower rate than the second tier ($0.032 per provisioned IOP-mo for IOPS over 64,000). This lowers the effective rate to $0.038 per provisioned IOPS on a volume provisioned with 256,000 IOPS.
算是要衝效能的人用的,目前平常應該還是會用 gp2
或是 gp3
的 SSD...