第一次看到標題的時候的確是 WTF 的感覺,愈來愈感覺到大戰的開始:「Preventing Tracking Prevention Tracking」。
在蘋果的平台上有 Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) 功能,但先前這個功能比較簡單,所以還是有很多地方可以被當作 browser fingerprint 的一部份分析,所以蘋果決定改善,然後在新版的軟體裡引入:
This blog post covers enhancements to Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) included in Safari on iOS and iPadOS 13.3, Safari 13.0.4 on macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra.
包括了跨站台時 Referer
ITP now downgrades all cross-site request referrer headers to just the page’s origin. Previously, this was only done for cross-site requests to classified domains.
然後後面三個改善都跟 3rd-party cookie 有關,其中預設擋掉帶 cookie 的 3rd-party requests 應該會讓一些網站掛掉:
ITP will now block all third-party requests from seeing their cookies, regardless of the classification status of the third-party domain, unless the first-party website has already received user interaction.
早期自己做自家 SSO 的奇技淫巧中,會設計出透過 ajax 打多個不同的網域自動登入,看起來應該會需要檢查了...