Cloudflare 增加在柬埔寨的點...

Cloudflare 在柬埔寨設點了:「ជំរាបសួរ! - Phnom Penh: Cloudflare’s 122nd Data Center」。


By the end of 2018, we expect that 95% of the world's population will live in a country with a Cloudflare data center, as we grow our global network to span 200 cities.

也就是今年年底要達到 95% 的人口涵蓋率...

CloudFront 東京加到七個 Edge...

在「Amazon CloudFront announces six new Edge Locations, adding two more in Tokyo, JP, and its first location in Perth, AU」這邊看到 Amazon CloudFront 在東京直接加兩個 Edge,變成七個 Edge 了:

Amazon CloudFront announces six new Edge Locations that are now part of its global network. These six new Edge Locations are located in the following cities:

Perth, Australia; Chennai, India; Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; Los Angeles, California; and two additional Edge Locations in Tokyo, Japan.

再加上大阪還有一個 Edge,日本的量這麼大喔?會跟 Regional Edge 有關嗎...

利用 pop 視窗藏起來的挖礦腳本

即使把主頁面關掉後,會因為藏起來的 popup window 而繼續挖礦:「Websites use your CPU to mine cryptocurrency even when you close your browser」,原文的 GIF 圖片就可以看出來怎麼做的了:

我是因為用了 One Window 可以避免有 pop window 產生 (都會被這個 extension 轉成 tab),另外用像是 hoshsadiq/adblock-nocoin-list 的 block ruleset 也不錯...

CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP

昨天還在猜 Amazon CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP 會在哪裡 (「CloudFront 第 99 個 PoP」),結果今天就開獎了... 是在東京擴充第五個 PoP (加上大阪之後是日本的第六個 PoP):「Amazon CloudFront now has 100 Points of Presence with the launch of its fifth Edge Location in Tokyo, Japan.」。

Our 100th Point of Presence (POP) is also the fifth Edge Location in Tokyo, and our sixth in Japan.

東京擴張的好快... Anyway,這是現狀:

可以看到美國中部的普及率還是偏低,另外缺了非洲... 如果 CloudFront 繼續擴張應該會看到消息。(美國的 PoP 一直有看到在加的消息,比起前幾年是好不少,不過看起來增加的速度還是沒有比其他地區的勤...)

CloudFront 一直擴點...

這次 Amazon CloudFront 擴了三個點:「Amazon CloudFront continues to add capacity to the Nordics, Western Europe, and Western United States with new locations in Stockholm, London, and Dallas!」。

這樣變成 98 個,快 100 了:

Amazon CloudFront now has 98 Edge locations (87 Points of Presence and 11 Regional Edge Caches) in 50 cities across 23 countries.

等到 100 的時候應該會熱烈慶祝?

Cloudflare 也能在各端點跑 JavaScript 了

類似於 AWS 先前推出的 Using CloudFront with Lambda@Edge (參考「在 CloudFront 的 edge 上跑 Lambda」以及「Lambda@Edge 的 GA」),Cloudflare 也推出了類似的功能:「Introducing Cloudflare Workers: Run Javascript Service Workers at the Edge」、「Code Everywhere: Why We Built Cloudflare Workers」。

整個系統是架構在 Chrome V8 上,尤其是安全性的部分是 Cloudflare 的人頗讚賞的重點:

Security: The V8 JavaScript engine is arguably the most scrutinized code sandbox in the history of computing, and the Chrome security team is one of the best in the world. Moreover, Google pays massive bug bounties to anyone who can find a vulnerability. (That said, we have added additional layers of our own sandboxing on top of V8.)

比較不一樣的地方在於 Cloudflare 拿 Service Worker API 來設計他們的架構,AWS 則是自己幹了一套出來...

然後現在還沒給出價錢,也還沒完全開放使用... 想要玩的人需要申請 beta。

KeyCDN 的台灣 PoP...

GCP 推出 Standard Tier 後,KeyCDN 就利用台灣的 GCP 機房建立了 PoP:「KeyCDN Launches New POP in Taiwan」。

GCP 在台灣的 Standard Tier 價錢是:

Source geolocation of traffic 0-10 TB 10-150 TB 150-500 TB
From Asia $0.11 $0.075 $0.07

KeyCDN 亞洲區頻寬的價錢則是 USD$0.12/GB,加上機器費用,有機會不虧?

Amazon CloudFront 又增加東京機房了...

CloudFront 又增加東京的點了,這是第四個點:「Amazon CloudFront adds new Edge Locations in Tokyo, Japan and Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas」。

This is our fourth edge location in the Tokyo area and our third in Dallas, bringing the total number of CloudFront locations to 87 (including 76 points of presence and 11 regional edge cache locations).


CloudFlare 總算記得要加美國的點了...

CloudFlare 一直加海外的點,在東南亞加到平均 latency 比美國低... 這有點不太像話 XD 總算是記得要加強美國的 latency 了:「Hello, Colorado! CloudFlare's 82nd Data Center is Live in Denver」。

這次加在丹佛剛好是目前美國的點裡面最弱的一環:先前離 CloudFlare 最近的機房應該是 Phoenix 或是 Dallas,都大約在 600km 左右,latency,而網路也不會直線連接,所以這次加上去後的改善很明顯:


Denver joins CloudFlare's existing United States data centers in Ashburn, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, Phoenix, San Jose, and Seattle. In the continued pursuit of faster performance, we have data centers at another ten North American cities in the works.


Our week of expansion isn't done. Tomorrow, we head to one of the world's largest cities.

CloudFlare 又增加一個亞洲的點:泰國曼谷

CloudFlare 又增加一個亞洲的 PoP 了,整個東南亞愈來愈密了:「Bangkok, Thailand: CloudFlare’s 79th Data Center」。

下一個亞洲的點會是越南嗎?另外美國的點一直都有點少 (相較於其他地區),不知道會不會加...