用 Poetry 的相依性演算法解數獨 (Sudoku)

Daily Lobsters 上看到「Solving Sudoku with Poetry's dependency resolver」這篇完全是惡搞 PythonPoetry 套件 XDDD

作者搞出來的方法是這樣,指定 81 個版號來表示題目,然後跑 Poetry 找可以的版本組合:

python = "^3.6"
sudoku-cell11 = "*"
sudoku-cell12 = "2.0.0"
sudoku-cell13 = "*"
sudoku-cell14 = "8.0.0"
sudoku-cell15 = "*"
sudoku-cell16 = "9.0.0"
sudoku-cell17 = "*"
sudoku-cell18 = "*"
sudoku-cell19 = "*"
sudoku-cell21 = "3.0.0"
sudoku-cell22 = "7.0.0"
sudoku-cell23 = "*"
sudoku-cell24 = "6.0.0"

另外作者有提到,本來是打算用 Yarn 來解,但看起來各種嘗試都會搞爆 Yarn,才換到 Python 上面玩 XD

pipenv 的凋零與替代方案 poetry

看到「If this project is dead, just tell us」這個,裡面討論到了 pipenv 的前景愈來愈讓人疑惑,要官方給個意見,結果下面就馬上有人建議跳槽到 poetry

剛好前陣子看到另外一篇文章「My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition」,裡面也提到了他把 pipenv 換成 poetry,而且提到了 pipenv 的問題:

pipenv → poetry. This move’s more complex. I stoped using Pipenv for a couple of reasons:

  • Governance: the lead of Pipenv was someone with a history of not treating his collaborators well. That gave me some serious concerns about the future of the project, and of my ability to get bugs fixed.
  • Bugs and rapid API changes. About a year ago, Pipenv had lots of bugs, and a rapid pace of change introducing or changing APIs. I ran into minor issues at least once a week. Nothing was seriously bad, but it generally felt fairly unstable. I kept having to update various automated deploy workflows to work around issues or changes to Pipenv.

看起來 tech stack 裡面要把 pipenv 轉移抽離了...