各家 Session Replay 服務對個資的處理

Session Replay 指的是重播將使用者的行為錄下來重播,市面上有很多這樣的服務,像是 User Replay 或是 SessionCam

這篇文章就是在討論這些服務在處理個資時的方式,像是信用卡卡號的內容,或是密碼的內容,這些不應該被記錄下來的資料是怎麼被處理的:「No boundaries: Exfiltration of personal data by session-replay scripts」,主要的重點在這張圖:

後面有提到目前防禦的情況,看起來目前用 adblock 類的軟體可以擋掉一些服務,但不是全部的都在列表裡。而 DNT 則是裝飾品沒人鳥過:

Two commonly used ad-blocking lists EasyList and EasyPrivacy do not block FullStory, Smartlook, or UserReplay scripts. EasyPrivacy has filter rules that block Yandex, Hotjar, ClickTale and SessionCam.

At least one of the five companies we studied (UserReplay) allows publishers to disable data collection from users who have Do Not Track (DNT) set in their browsers. We scanned the configuration settings of the Alexa top 1 million publishers using UserReplay on their homepages, and found that none of them chose to honor the DNT signal.

Improving user experience is a critical task for publishers. However it shouldn’t come at the expense of user privacy.

Facebook 用哪些資訊來決定投放給你的廣告

華盛頓郵報整理出來了 Facebook 的廣告所使用的 98 個個人資訊:「98 personal data points that Facebook uses to target ads to you」。

基本的個人資訊 (甚至是朋友的),以及使用什麼瀏覽器都可以預期;而 Like 或是參加的 Group 都會被計算也是意料中的事情,不過連信用卡的種類也都在內就頗特別的...

來檢視一下自己的防禦機制有哪些... 瀏覽器預設擋下第三方 cookie:

Ghostery 預設把所有外部元件擋下來,再用白名單開想要看的部份。用 uBlock Origin 擋下所有廣告。

另外用「Force Facebook Most Recent」強制 Facebook 轉到 Most Recent 的 Timeline 上。


最後來列出這 98 個條件:

  1. Location
  2. Age
  3. Generation
  4. Gender
  5. Language
  6. Education level
  7. Field of study
  8. School
  9. Ethnic affinity
  10. Income and net worth
  11. Home ownership and type
  12. Home value
  13. Property size
  14. Square footage of home
  15. Year home was built
  16. Household composition
  17. Users who have an anniversary within 30 days
  18. Users who are away from family or hometown
  19. Users who are friends with someone who has an anniversary, is newly married or engaged, recently moved, or has an upcoming birthday
  20. Users in long-distance relationships
  21. Users in new relationships
  22. Users who have new jobs
  23. Users who are newly engaged
  24. Users who are newly married
  25. Users who have recently moved
  26. Users who have birthdays soon
  27. Parents
  28. Expectant parents
  29. Mothers, divided by “type” (soccer, trendy, etc.)
  30. Users who are likely to engage in politics
  31. Conservatives and liberals
  32. Relationship status
  33. Employer
  34. Industry
  35. Job title
  36. Office type
  37. Interests
  38. Users who own motorcycles
  39. Users who plan to buy a car (and what kind/brand of car, and how soon)
  40. Users who bought auto parts or accessories recently
  41. Users who are likely to need auto parts or services
  42. Style and brand of car you drive
  43. Year car was bought
  44. Age of car
  45. How much money user is likely to spend on next car
  46. Where user is likely to buy next car
  47. How many employees your company has
  48. Users who own small businesses
  49. Users who work in management or are executives
  50. Users who have donated to charity (divided by type)
  51. Operating system
  52. Users who play canvas games
  53. Users who own a gaming console
  54. Users who have created a Facebook event
  55. Users who have used Facebook Payments
  56. Users who have spent more than average on Facebook Payments
  57. Users who administer a Facebook page
  58. Users who have recently uploaded photos to Facebook
  59. Internet browser
  60. Email service
  61. Early/late adopters of technology
  62. Expats (divided by what country they are from originally)
  63. Users who belong to a credit union, national bank or regional bank
  64. Users who investor (divided by investment type)
  65. Number of credit lines
  66. Users who are active credit card users
  67. Credit card type
  68. Users who have a debit card
  69. Users who carry a balance on their credit card
  70. Users who listen to the radio
  71. Preference in TV shows
  72. Users who use a mobile device (divided by what brand they use)
  73. Internet connection type
  74. Users who recently acquired a smartphone or tablet
  75. Users who access the Internet through a smartphone or tablet
  76. Users who use coupons
  77. Types of clothing user’s household buys
  78. Time of year user’s household shops most
  79. Users who are “heavy” buyers of beer, wine or spirits
  80. Users who buy groceries (and what kinds)
  81. Users who buy beauty products
  82. Users who buy allergy medications, cough/cold medications, pain relief products, and over-the-counter meds
  83. Users who spend money on household products
  84. Users who spend money on products for kids or pets, and what kinds of pets
  85. Users whose household makes more purchases than is average
  86. Users who tend to shop online (or off)
  87. Types of restaurants user eats at
  88. Kinds of stores user shops at
  89. Users who are “receptive” to offers from companies offering online auto insurance, higher education or mortgages, and prepaid debit cards/satellite TV
  90. Length of time user has lived in house
  91. Users who are likely to move soon
  92. Users who are interested in the Olympics, fall football, cricket or Ramadan
  93. Users who travel frequently, for work or pleasure
  94. Users who commute to work
  95. Types of vacations user tends to go on
  96. Users who recently returned from a trip
  97. Users who recently used a travel app
  98. Users who participate in a timeshare


在「Thousands of apps running Baidu code collect, leak personal data - research」這篇裡,加拿大的研究團隊 Citizen Lab 發現百度的 Android SDK 使用非加密傳輸這些個資:

The unencrypted information that has been collected includes a user's location, search terms and website visits, JeffreyKnockel, chief researcher at Citizen Lab, told Reuters ahead of publication of the research on Wednesday.


[,] and Baidu told Reuters it would be fixing the encryption holes in its kits, but would still collect data for commercial use, some of which it said it shares with third parties.

霸氣!不愧是百度!即使被抓到後還是要蒐集 XDDD

AVG 更新隱私條款,以便能夠蒐集使用者的搜尋紀錄並且賣給其他人

在「AVG can sell your browsing and search history to advertisers」這邊整理的比較清楚:

The updated policy explained that AVG was allowed to collect "non-personal data", which could then be sold to third parties.


Do you share my data?

Yes, though when and how we share it depends on whether it is personal data or non-personal data. AVG may share non-personal data with third parties and may publicly display aggregate or anonymous information.

新的條款會在今年 (2015) 的十月十五日生效。

Google 計畫關閉在俄羅斯的 Engineering Office

路透社丟出來的新聞:「Google to close engineering office in Russia: WSJ」。

新通過的法案要求俄羅斯人的資料必須存放在俄羅斯境內,這個法案被懷疑是 Google 打算直接關閉俄羅斯的 Engineering Office 的原因:

In July, Russia's parliament passed a law to force Internet sites that store the personal data of Russian citizens to do so inside the country, a move the Kremlin says is for data protection but which critics see as an attack on social networks.
