看起來真正的神仙權限要開 Administrator (Can access the full account, except for membership management and billing) + Billing (Can edit the account’s billing profile and subscriptions),但不確定 Billing 有沒有包括前面 Administrator 所去掉的「membership management」。
Request access to the narrowest permissions necessary to implement your Product’s features or services. If more than one permission could be used to implement a feature, you must request those with the least access to data or functionality.
Don't attempt to "future proof" your Product by requesting a permission that might benefit services or features that have not yet been implemented.
這些新條文將會在 2019/10/15 生效:
Your extensions must be compliant with this policy by October 15th, 2019. You can learn more about these changes and how they may apply to you in our User Data FAQ.
You can migrate workloads from existing write-once-read-many (WORM) systems into Amazon S3, and configure S3 Object Lock at the object- and bucket-levels to prevent object version deletions prior to pre-defined Retain Until Dates or Legal Hold Dates.
S3 Object Lock can be configured in one of two modes. When deployed in Governance mode, AWS accounts with specific IAM permissions are able to remove object locks from objects. If you require stronger immutability to comply with regulations, you can use Compliance Mode. In Compliance Mode, the protection cannot be removed by any user, including the root account.
原因是 Linux 與 OS X 上有 direct-physical map 的機制,會把整塊 physical memory 對應到 virtual memory 的固定位置上,這些位置不會再發給 user space 使用,所以是通的:
On Linux and OS X, this is done via a direct-physical map, i.e., the entire physical memory is directly mapped to a pre-defined virtual address (cf. Figure 2).
而在 Windows 上則是比較複雜,但大部分的 physical memory 都有對應到 kernel address space,而每個 process 裡面也都還是有完整的 kernel address space (只是受到權限控制),所以 Meltdown 的攻擊仍然有效:
Instead of a direct-physical map, Windows maintains a multiple so-called paged pools, non-paged pools, and the system cache. These pools are virtual memory regions in the kernel address space mapping physical pages to virtual addresses which are either required to remain in the memory (non-paged pool) or can be removed from the memory because a copy is already stored on the disk (paged pool). The system cache further contains mappings of all file-backed pages. Combined, these memory pools will typically map a large fraction of the physical memory into the kernel address space of every process.
If you're a member of Engineering and someone creates a child team called Security, team members of Engineering aren't automatically direct team members of Security. Security and all other teams nested under the Engineering will inherit repository permissions and @mentions but nothing else.