Facebook 用 PJPEG 的技巧

Facebook 在「Faster Photos in Facebook for iOS」這篇提到使用 PJPEG 降低流量並且提昇大圖的速度。



但不是每一張都這樣吧?另外是降低了到一定品質所需 image loading 的時間,但這樣看起來用小縮圖應該會更好?雖然 Facebook 的人是以 A/B testing 驗證,但以目前 Facebook 提供的數據並不通,看不太懂他的邏輯...


OpenSSL 的 ECDH 中,224 bits 速度比 160/192 bits 快的原因

openssl speed ecdh 的時候發現很特別的現象:

Doing 160 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 40865 160-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 192 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 34169 192-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 224 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 60980 224-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 256 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 34298 256-bit ECDH ops in 10.00s
Doing 384 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 9602 384-bit ECDH ops in 10.00s
Doing 521 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 9127 521-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s

原因是 Google 這篇論文的貢獻:「Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in OpenSSL」,開頭就提到:

We present a 64-bit optimized implementation of the NIST and SECG-standardized elliptic curve P-224.


full TLS handshakes using a 1024-bit RSA certificate and ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange over P-224 now run at twice the speed of standard OpenSSL, while atomic elliptic curve operations are up to 4 times faster.

OpenSSLCHANGES 也可以看到對應的修改,不只是 NIST-P224 有被改善,其他的 NIST-P256 與 NIST-P521 也都有被改善:

Add optional 64-bit optimized implementations of elliptic curves NIST-P224, NIST-P256, NIST-P521, with constant-time single point multiplication on typical inputs.


TLS 的效能分析

看到「Is TLS Fast Yet?」這個站台,開宗明義就講了,這不是問題:

TLS has exactly one performance problem: it is not used widely enough.

Everything else can be optimized.

下面的表格分析把對於效能影響的分析寫得很清楚,除了軟體外,還包括了各家 CDN 支援的分析,可以參考一下這邊的分析。

開放式辦公室 (Open Plan Office) 的問題

Open plan 的兩種型態,取自維基百科條目:

不過在 IT 產業實做後效果一直是個疑問。而 2014 年年初時,有人寫文章拿出來討論,並且給出負面的結論:「The Open-Office Trap」。


In 2011, the organizational psychologist Matthew Davis reviewed more than a hundred studies about office environments. He found that, though open offices often fostered a symbolic sense of organizational mission, making employees feel like part of a more laid-back, innovative enterprise, they were damaging to the workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction. Compared with standard offices, employees experienced more uncontrolled interactions, higher levels of stress, and lower levels of concentration and motivation. When David Craig surveyed some thirty-eight thousand workers, he found that interruptions by colleagues were detrimental to productivity, and that the more senior the employee, the worse she fared.


An open environment may even have a negative impact on our health. In a recent study of more than twenty-four hundred employees in Denmark, Jan Pejtersen and his colleagues found that as the number of people working in a single room went up, the number of employees who took sick leave increased apace. Workers in two-person offices took an average of fifty per cent more sick leave than those in single offices, while those who worked in fully open offices were out an average of sixty-two per cent more.

而最近 (2014 年年底) 又被提出來,基本上是引用 2014 年年初那篇文章的負面分析:「Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace.」。

文章裡提出幾個 workaround (因為辦公室改建的成本...),包括建立 private area:

For one, they should create more private areas — ones without fishbowl windows.


For instance, when a colleague has on headphones, it’s a sign that you should come back another time or just send an e-mail.


On the other hand, companies could simply join another trend — allowing employees to work from home. That model has proven to boost productivity, with employees working more hours and taking fewer breaks. On top of that, there are fewer interruptions when employees work remotely.

不過這些方法偏向 workaround,如果辦公室可以在規劃時就避開的話會更好,像是這樣:

Puffin Browser - CloudMosa - 辦公室座位區 @ wens的相簿 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

Wikipedia 換成 HHVM 的成果

維基百科基金會的人發表了將 PHP 換成 HHVM 後的成果:「How we made editing Wikipedia twice as fast」。


另外是已登入使用者 (通常是經常參與編輯的使用者) 的頁面產生時間也大幅改善:

另外帶來的好處是 CPU 使用率的下降:

再來就是看 PHP 7 能追上多少了...

用 perf 追蹤系統狀態

在「Make Your Program Slower With Threads」這邊看到的工具:「Linux kernel profiling with perf」。

Ubuntu 上的安裝方式是安裝 linux-tools,不過我的機器上是安裝 linux-tools-lts-raring

先從比較簡單的 stat,基本的用法很簡單,後面接指令就可以了:

perf stat ls -al


 Performance counter stats for 'ls -al':

         11.236723 task-clock                #    0.703 CPUs utilized          
               341 context-switches          #    0.030 M/sec                  
                 0 cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec                  
               453 page-faults               #    0.040 M/sec                  
         8,186,524 cycles                    #    0.729 GHz                    
        10,366,309 instructions              #    1.27  insns per cycle        
         2,122,560 branches                  #  188.895 M/sec                  
            36,979 branch-misses             #    1.74% of all branches        

       0.015977493 seconds time elapsed

更複雜的用法在 Tutorial 那篇文章裡面有說明。

增加一行程式碼讓 PHP Composer 效率爆增

可以直接看 GitHub 上的 commit log:「Disable GC when computing deps, refs #3482」。

     public function run()
+        gc_disable();
         if ($this->dryRun) {
             $this->verbose = true;
             $this->runScripts = false;

下面變成祭典了 XDDD

然後依照「Avoid generating duplicate conflict rules by naderman · Pull Request #3482 · composer/composer」這邊的測試 (要看下面的討論),設 zend.enable_gc=0 會省的更多,效率用倍數在跳的...

因為 Composer 的效率為人詬病很久了,這次有人暴發出來,會讓一群人投入資源找更多 optimization... XD

Netflix 在 USENIX/LISA2014 上講「Linux 效能調校」

NetflixBrendan Gregg 在「Linux Performance Analysis: New Tools and Old Secrets」這份投影片裡面給了很多有用的工具。


換到 nginx 1.6 後把 OCSP stapling 與 SPDY 打開...

剛剛把 nginx 換到 ppa 的版本 (目前是 1.6),然後打開 OCSP staplingSPDY,速度明顯有感覺提昇...

OCSP stapling:


目前有想到而且能處理的都做的差不多了 :p