Intel 與 AMD 合作弄了 x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group


Intel 的是:「Intel and AMD Form x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group to Accelerate Innovation for Developers and Customers」,AMD 的是:「Intel and AMD Form x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group to Accelerate Innovation for Developers and Customers」。

不過 Intel 這邊的有照片,居然是兩位 CEO 的合照,下面提到在 Lenovo Tech World 拍的:

Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO, and Lisa Su, AMD Chair and CEO, at Lenovo Tech World on Oct. 15, 2024, where Intel and AMD announced the x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group. (Credit: Intel Corporation)


Luminaries Linus Torvalds and Tim Sweeney join founding members Broadcom, Dell, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP Inc., Lenovo, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, and Red Hat.


Meta 的 Llama 3.1

Meta 發佈了 Llama 3.1:「Introducing Llama 3.1: Our most capable models to date」,這本來就只是個發佈而已,但讓我注意到的是 AWSGCP 都同時宣佈在雲端上支援 Llama 3.1 了:

這代表 Meta 在 Llama 3.1 發表前就先跟 AWS & GCP 合作了,這看起來是一個包圍 OpenAI (以及微軟) 的姿態,之前好像沒看到這樣?(單純印象...)