We are excited to announce an update to Google Authenticator, across both iOS and Android, which adds the ability to safely backup your one-time codes (also known as one-time passwords or OTPs) to your Google Account.
At McMurdo, phones have access to a wifi network only for wifi calling and texting, not for general Internet access. It’s just a prototype at this time. It doesn’t work in all cases or in all areas, and for one reason or another it doesn’t work for some people, even if they’ve followed all the steps for enabling wifi calling.
看起來作者遇到的問題是 latency 過高以及頻寬不穩定的問題:
Also, the protocol assumes terrestrial broadband with reasonable latency and bandwidth. At McMurdo, as of this writing, latency to terrestrial locations is in excess of 700 milliseconds. Usable bandwidth for any given end user can vary widely, down to a few dozen kilobits per second.
然後也很難 troubleshooting:
The protocol also doesn’t expose any useful diagnostic info to the end user in order to troubleshoot. You just have to cross your fingers that the magic “wifi calling” icon lights up.
接下來作者嘗試的是 Voice MFA,但不存在這樣的電話號碼可以轉接之類的:
Direct inward dialing to US Antarctic stations isn’t generally available, so you probably can’t configure your cell phone number to forward to a number you can directly answer on-station. (I’m aware of some exceptions to this.)
Today both Société Générale and Groupe BPCE, two of France’s largest banking groups, are preparing to roll out these cards across all their customers after completing a pilot scheme last year.
There are other pilots underway in Poland and Mexico, and Davis is running Oberthur’s UK operation with the hope of getting a pilot or trial started with a UK bank soon.