SpaceX 得到 FCC 的同意架設家用的衛星網路

在「FCC approves SpaceX’s plans to fly internet-beaming satellites in a lower orbit」這邊看到的:

The Federal Communications Commission has approved SpaceX’s request to fly a large swath of its future internet-beaming satellites at a lower orbit than originally planned.


Under SpaceX’s original agreement with the commission, the company had permission to launch 4,425 Starlink satellites into orbits that ranged between 1,110 to 1,325 kilometers up. But then SpaceX decided it wanted to fly 1,584 of those satellites in different orbits, thanks to what it had learned from its first two test satellites, TinTin A and B. Instead of flying them at 1,150 kilometers, the company now wants to fly them much lower at 550 kilometers.

不知道價位會落在那個區塊... 如果價位夠低的話,也許是可以考慮當作偏鄉地區的通訊方案?至少是個備用方式...

Galileo 系統啟用

由歐盟主導的 Galileo 系統宣布啟用,提供早期服務 (Early Operational Capability):「Galileo navigation satellite system goes live」。預定的 30 顆衛星已經打了 18 顆上去:

At this point, 18 of the planned 30 satellites are already in orbit.

在一般的使用下精確度可以到 4 公尺,相較於 GPS 是 15 公尺高出不少:

Using GPS, private users can navigate with a precision of up to 15 meters (m). Galileo offers a precision of up to 4m for its fully open service.


Commercial users and official government services can even receive a precision of a few centimeters. This is important, for example, for fully or partially automated planes, cars or ships.

之後應該會有同時支援兩套系統的設備出來... 手機應該也會有?