推動 git push 的簽名

LWN 上看到 解釋並且推動 git push 的電子簽名:「Signed pushes for」。

在「Signed git pushes」這篇裡面解釋了除了 git commit 本身的簽名外,另外 git push 的簽名也有重要性。

而在「Introducing the git transparency log」這邊則是公開了對應的 git transparency log。

這個方法讓 上的 git repository 會更透明,加上 上的 git repository 會被很多人 mirror,在真的出問題的時候,大家手上也都有資料可以交叉比對...

Google 在 Chrome 內的 PGP:End-to-End

Google 前天發表了 Chrome 裡面的 PGP 實做套件:「Making end-to-end encryption easier to use」。

目前只放出了 source code,並沒有在 Chrome Web Store 上架,這點在網站上就直接說明了,他們目前認為目前沒有被足夠的人檢查過,所以請不要傳到 Chrome Web Store 上:

Since this is source, I could just build this and submit it to the Chrome Web Store

Please don’t do this.

The End-To-End team takes its responsibility to provide solid crypto very seriously, and we don’t want at-risk groups that may not be technically sophisticated — journalists, human-rights workers, et al — to rely on End-To-End until we feel it’s ready. Prematurely making End-To-End available could have very serious real world ramifications.

One of the reasons we are doing this source code release is precisely so that the community as a whole can help us make sure that we haven’t overlooked anything in our implementation of End-To-End.

Once we feel that End-To-End is ready, we will release it via the Chrome Web Store ourselves.

而為了鼓勵大家去找問題,雖然這是很新的軟體,但已經將 End-to-End 直接納入 Vulnerability Reward Program 裡:

And we mean it: our Vulnerability Reward Program offers financial awards for finding security bugs in Google code, including End-to-End.

不過傳統的方法還是會更可靠一些,畢竟 JavaScript 沒辦法很仔細控制記憶體內容,在放掉的記憶體空間內可能會包含某些未加密的資訊,甚至是 private key 的資訊。