修改 User-Agent 讓 Office 365 服務變快...

Facebook 上看到剛剛在 Hacker News 上熱起來的「Onedrive is slow on Linux but fast with a “Windows” user-agent (2016)」這篇,引用了 2016 年在 Microsoft Community 上的討論:「Onedrive for Business open is very slow on Linux (Chrome/Firefox) but with very fast with a "Windows" user-agent」。

Reddit 的「Office 365 Onedrive looks at user-agent to determine performance.」有更多的討論。

因為工作上也會用到 Office 365,也覺得在 Ubuntu 上用起來超級慢,然後看到有使用者也講了 Linux 下的 Google Chrome 也會有類似的問題:

I just tried this same thing--changing the OS in the user agent--on Chome on Linux. The difference really is incredible. Normally I find 365 to be so slow as to be borderline unusable, now it's almost as quick as Google docs. Even the institutional log-ins for my university are faster.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I was testing specifically the web apps for Word and OneNote hosted by my uni. I tried loading them both in normal tabs and ones where I had changed the OS useragent in Chrome's developer panel. The normal tabs hung badly as usual (30+ seconds to load the UI), while the modified tabs loaded very quickly. I tried this several times, but I suppose YMMV.

所以我也拿「User-Agent Switcher for Chrome」加上 IE11 的 user-agent 後測試:

最明顯的差異就是 redirect 變少了,然後開 Word 與 Excel 的速度變快好多 @_@


As Office 365 for Business services(e.g. SharePoint Online, including OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online) are not supported on Linux as shown below, for the best experience, we recommend the operating system listed in the article.

所以只能拿老招出來,把 User-Agent 改成 IE 後就變得超~級~快~

然後最 helpful 的回答是:

Thank you
I go back to Google Apps suite.



這幾年對於開放式空間有不少反面意見出來,像是這幾天 BBC 登的「Why open offices are bad for us」。


Numerous companies have embraced the open office — about 70% of US offices are open concept — and by most accounts, very few have moved back into traditional spaces with offices and doors.

但人的效率會因為開放式空間大約掉 15%:

But research that we’re 15% less productive, we have immense trouble concentrating and we’re twice as likely to get sick in open working spaces, has contributed to a growing backlash against open offices.

採用開放式空間最常見的理由包括辦公室成本 (每個人平均分到的空間大小會比較低),另外一個是藉由開放式空間讓互相討論合作的成本降低,但因為開放式空間,反而是影響到別人的情況比討論合作的情況多,甚至是與工作無關的事情也會影響到期他人:

Beside the cheaper cost, one main argument for the open workspace is that it increases collaboration. However, it’s well documented that we rarely brainstorm brilliant ideas when we’re just shooting the breeze in a crowd. Instead, as many of us know, we’re more likely to hear about the Christmas gift a colleague is buying for a family member, or problems with your deskmate’s spouse.

其實科技的進步讓遠端溝通的成本降低了不少,像是 SlackZoom,現在未必要靠 open office 的架構讓大家溝通了。


英國內閣辦公室中的英國政府數位服務 (Government Digital Service) 發展了一套手勢 (六個),可以在不用打斷發言過程下表達出一些簡單的意見或是表示想要有進一步的討論:「Platform as a Service team takes even-handed approach to meetings」(網站好像有點熱門,讀取速度變慢不少 XD)。


OpenOffice 退場的計畫

在「OpenOffice, after years of neglect, could shut down」這邊看到 OpenOffice 要退場的計畫,自於 mailing list 上的「[DISCUSS] What Would OpenOffice Retirement Involve? (long)」這篇。

信裡面完全沒提到 LibreOffice,但就目前幾個大的 distribution 都是安裝 LibreOffice 的情況下,其實會有這個提案就不言而喻了。雖然很可惜,但對整個社群能量的集中應該是好事...

話說回來,Apache Foundation 真的很像垃圾桶,一堆人都把不想維護的東西往那邊丟...

GitHub 成立日本辦公室

GitHub 宣佈成立日本辦公室:「Announcing GitHub Japan」,日本的官網在「GitHub Japan」這邊。比較意外的是日本官網是不支援 HTTPS 的。

辦公室在東京都港區 (PMO 芝大門 7F、東京都港区芝大門 1-10-18),也許下次去的時候去樓下看看...

開放式辦公室 (Open Plan Office) 的問題

Open plan 的兩種型態,取自維基百科條目:

不過在 IT 產業實做後效果一直是個疑問。而 2014 年年初時,有人寫文章拿出來討論,並且給出負面的結論:「The Open-Office Trap」。


In 2011, the organizational psychologist Matthew Davis reviewed more than a hundred studies about office environments. He found that, though open offices often fostered a symbolic sense of organizational mission, making employees feel like part of a more laid-back, innovative enterprise, they were damaging to the workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction. Compared with standard offices, employees experienced more uncontrolled interactions, higher levels of stress, and lower levels of concentration and motivation. When David Craig surveyed some thirty-eight thousand workers, he found that interruptions by colleagues were detrimental to productivity, and that the more senior the employee, the worse she fared.


An open environment may even have a negative impact on our health. In a recent study of more than twenty-four hundred employees in Denmark, Jan Pejtersen and his colleagues found that as the number of people working in a single room went up, the number of employees who took sick leave increased apace. Workers in two-person offices took an average of fifty per cent more sick leave than those in single offices, while those who worked in fully open offices were out an average of sixty-two per cent more.

而最近 (2014 年年底) 又被提出來,基本上是引用 2014 年年初那篇文章的負面分析:「Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace.」。

文章裡提出幾個 workaround (因為辦公室改建的成本...),包括建立 private area:

For one, they should create more private areas — ones without fishbowl windows.


For instance, when a colleague has on headphones, it’s a sign that you should come back another time or just send an e-mail.


On the other hand, companies could simply join another trend — allowing employees to work from home. That model has proven to boost productivity, with employees working more hours and taking fewer breaks. On top of that, there are fewer interruptions when employees work remotely.

不過這些方法偏向 workaround,如果辦公室可以在規劃時就避開的話會更好,像是這樣:

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