.io 網域的後續討論

最近因為「The Disappearance of an Internet Domain」這篇文章的關係,大家在討論 .io 網域後續的存廢問題。

起因是英國放棄了英屬印度洋領地 (British Indian Ocean Territory) 的主權/統治權 (sovereignty),交還給模里西斯:「UK and Mauritius joint statement, 3 October 2024」。

而這觸發了 ccTLD 的消滅條件,這邊用維基百科的說明:

With the United Kingdom giving up sovereignty of the British Indian Ocean Territory to Mauritius (but maintaining the military base on Diego Garcia via an initial 99 year lease), it is possible under IANA rules, the .io domain will eventually have to be phased out within the following several years, although historically, some exceptions been granted, as was the case for .su.

不過就如同作者提到的,.io 網域實在太多人用了,而且受到許多人的熱愛,或者講的更直接的「是個金雞母」,在金錢的面前,大量的遊說很有可能會使得 IANA 修正現有條款,或是開出例外條款:

The IANA may fudge its own rules and allow .io to continue to exist. Money talks, and there is a lot of it tied up in .io domains.


我來猜個可能性... 最後會改 rule,以後這種 ccTLD 通通會變成 gTLD 的模式,拿到商業市場上競標 & 賣給廠商營運?畢竟兩個字實在太香了...

Jenkins 的 Blue Ocean 計畫,改善使用者操作的友善度...

JenkinsBlue Ocean 計畫打算改善讓人頭痛很久的操作體驗了:

Blue Ocean is a new project that rethinks the user experience of Jenkins.

Jenkins 讓人頭痛有兩個面向,一個是界面很難讀,另外一個是操作流程很沒有規則,所謂「熟悉 Jenkins」其中一個很艱難的任務就是要背下一堆功能「蔵在哪邊」。而這次 Blue Ocean 想改善的事情看起來主力放在界面,對於流程修的比較少... 即使如此,這還是可以讓使用的人減少一些痛苦就是了...


在專案頁面的後面有提到 Blue Ocean 用的技術:

Blue Ocean is built as a collection of Jenkins plugins itself. There is one key difference, however. It provides both its own endpoint for http requests and delivers up html/javascript via a different path, without the existing Jenkins UI markup/scripts. React.js and ES6 are used to deliver the javascript components of Blue Ocean. Inspired by this excellent open source project (react-plugins) an <ExtensionPoint>pattern was established, that allows extensions to come from any Jenkins plugin (only with Javascript) and should they fail to load, have failures isolated.

又是個不需要用 SPA 呈現的東西跑去用 React 了...

DigitalOcean 建立新加坡機房...

今天 DigitalOcean 宣佈新加坡資料中心營運 (SGP1):「We're Excited To Announce Our Singapore Datacenter (SGP1)」。

要測試 latency 或是要看 routing 的人可以用 DigitalOcean 提供的 speedtest-sgp1.digitalocean.com 測。

中華電信 HiNet 光世代動態 IP、PPPoE 固定 IP,以及三重的重新機房到 speedtest-sgp1.digitalocean.com 都是 90ms~100ms 左右。

台灣固網內湖機房約 75ms 左右。

而目前看到數字最好的是遠傳的機房的 60ms 左右,ISP 直接進香港 NTT 後就轉入新加坡 NTT,最後進 DigitalOcean。

在 comment 裡也有提到目前的 peering 還不完整,最近會一直調整:

In regards to the latency that people may be experiencing in Singapore: We are sorry to hear that you are having latency issues at this time. Some of our peering is delayed and we will be improving generally connectivity around Asia in the coming weeks.


Digital Ocean 的成長速度跟 Amazon Web Services 有拼...

Netcraft 這篇「DigitalOcean now growing faster than Amazon」說 Digital Ocean 的成長速度超越 AWS,不過因為 Netcraft 主要是看 web 的部份,我是覺得講得有點誇大...

不過比較可以確定的是,Digital Ocean 的確成長很快。氣勢上已經掩蓋掉 Linode...