Airbnb 被抓到操作站上資料以美化數據

在「How Airbnb's Data hid the Facts in New York City」這篇文章裡提到了 Airbnb 在去年 (2015 年) 十一月時操作站上資料,美化數據的證據。

Airbnb 在 2015 年 12 月時發表了一篇「Data on the Airbnb Community in NYC」,說明 Airbnb 對紐約地區的貢獻的種種之類的 PR 文章。

Airbnb 的文章裡面提到了資料是取自 2015 年 11 月 17 日的資料:

As of November 17, 2015 there were 35,966 active Airbnb listings in New York.

而作者則發現了 2015 年 11 月 17 日當天,Airbnb 站上的資料被「清理」過:

A major part of Airbnb's recent data release was a snapshot of New York City listings as of November 17, 2015. This report shows that the snapshot was photoshopped: in the days leading up to November 17, Airbnb ensured a flattering picture by carrying out a one-time targeted purge of more than 1,000 listings. The company then presented November 17 as a typical day in the company’s operations and mis-represented the one-time purge as a historical trend.


No similar event took place in other cities in North America or elsewhere.

完整的分析在「how_airbnbs_data_hid_the_facts_in_new_york_city.pdf」可以取得 PDF 檔,可以看到裡面同時有兩個不同資料來源的分析並確認 (Murray Cox 與 Tom Slee 所蒐集的資料)。