讓使用者可以自己選擇 Push notification service 的 UnifiedPush

前幾天 Hacker News Daily 上看到的,F-Droid 寫了一篇文章介紹可以讓使用者自己選擇 Push notification service 的 UnifiedPush:「UnifiedPush: A decentralized, open-source push notification protocol (f-droid.org)」。

一般在 Android 平台上是透過 Google 自家提供的 FCM 傳遞 push notification 訊息:

A modern Android smartphone relies on a lot of services, from app stores and calendars to messaging and push notifications. Most of them have open alternatives, but until now, the only option for push notifications was Google’s proprietary service, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

但這樣很明顯會遇到隱私問題 (i.e. Google 可以知道所有的 push notification),所以一直都有要怎麼解決的討論。

而看起來 UnifiedPush 給了一個方案:使用者在 Android 手機上安裝一隻程式 (ntfy),這隻程式可以連到使用者指定的伺服器接收 push notification (可以是自架或是用現有的服務),另外一方面,當然也會跟 app 說要把 push notification 送到哪邊。

另外也考慮到使用者如果極度在意電池的問題,還是可以 fallback 回去使用 Google 的 FCM,也就是不影響現有使用者的體驗。

這樣就可以做到還是單一連線 (降低電力使用),但是是分散式的架構,而且使用者有一定的控制權。

目前支援的 app 看起來不多,但可以以預期後續 F-Droid 上面的 app 應該會有不少 app 會支援:「Apps using UnifiedPush」。


Hacker News 上看到「I wrote a program that sends cats to my phone when I'm sad at the computer (healeycodes.com)」這個東西,居然是用 cam 判斷,當判斷心情不好的時候就推播貓貓的圖片,像是這樣:

除了 machine learning 的部份快,這邊還用到了幾個服務,像是 PushoverThe Cat API (居然有這種服務 XDDD)...

馬上想到前陣子看的 Don't Look Up (千萬別抬頭),裡面好像也有類似的產品 XDDD

Amazon Pinpoint:對 Amazon Mobile 得到的資料設定條件發推播

這次 AWSAmazon Mobile 收到的資料定義條件發出推播:「Amazon Pinpoint – Hit your Targets with AWS」。

功能是陽春了一些 (其他競爭對手應該還可以發 mail 之類的),但以 AWS 的名字放出來,等於又殺了一票市場上還沒爬起來的競爭對手...

第九巡迴上訴法院:DMCA takedown notification 必須先確認是否為合理使用 (Fair Use)

出自 EFF 的「Takedown Senders Must Consider Fair Use, Ninth Circuit Rules」這篇,案件可以參考「Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.」這篇,或是 EFF 整理的「Lenz v. Universal」這篇,由 EFF 發起訴訟控告環球侵犯合理使用權:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) asking a federal court to protect the fair use and free speech rights of a mother who posted a short video of her toddler son dancing to a Prince song on the Internet.

起因在於 Stephanie Lenz 上傳了一段 29 秒的影片,背景有 Let's Go Crazy 這首歌的音樂,而被環球發 DMCA takedown notification 下架:

Stephanie Lenz's 29-second recording shows her son bouncing along to the Prince song "Let's Go Crazy " which is heard playing in the background. Lenz uploaded the home video to YouTube in February to share it with her family and friends.

後來 Stephanie Lenz 發出 counter notification 並且控告環球濫用 DMCA notification:

In late June 2007, Lenz sent YouTube a counter-notification, claiming fair use and requesting the video be reposted. Six weeks later, YouTube reposted the video. In July 2007, Lenz sued Universal for misrepresentation under the DMCA and sought a declaration from the court that her use of the copyrighted song was non-infringing. According to the DMCA 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)(A)(v), the copyright holder must consider whether use of the material was allowed by the copyright owner or the law.

而環球直接挑明不在意 fair use:

In September 2007, Prince released statements that he intended to "reclaim his art on the internet." In October 2007, Universal released a statement amounting to the fact that Prince and Universal intended to remove all user-generated content involving Prince from the internet as a matter of principle.

於是雙方就從 2007 年開始一路打官司,首先的判決是地方法院認為 DMCA takedown 必須確認侵權事實才能發,這包括了要確認 fair use:

The district court held that copyright owners must consider fair use before issuing DMCA takedown notices. Thus, the district court denied Universal's motion to dismiss Lenz's claims, and declined to dismiss Lenz's misrepresentation claim as a matter of law.

同時認為環球濫用 DMCA takedown notification:

The district court believed that Universal's concerns over the burden of considering fair use were overstated, as mere good faith consideration of fair use, not necessarily an in-depth investigation, is sufficient defense against misrepresentation. The court also explained that liability for misrepresentation is crucial in an important part of the balance in the DMCA.

然後就是一路往上打,打到前幾天第九巡迴上訴法院宣佈維持原來判決定案。這是官方放出的 PDF:「UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT (PDF)」。Summary 的部份提到這次判決的結論:

The panel held that the DMCA requires copyright holders to consider fair use before sending a takedown notification, and that failure to do so raises a triable issue as to whether the copyright holder formed a subjective good faith belief that the use was not authorized by law.

這個判決使得目前使用機器自動無條件送 takedown notification 的程式也會受到規範,後續看 EFF 怎麼出招了...

Amazon S3 的 Event Notification

在「New Event Notifications for Amazon S3」這邊提到的重點:

The bucket owner (or others, as permitted by an IAM policy) can now arrange for notifications to be issued to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) or Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) when a new object is added to the bucket or an existing object is overwritten.

也就是說,S3 上有變動時會透過 SQS 觸發後續行為。由於這是 AWS 自己提供的功能,解決了以往「上傳檔案後自己觸發 SQS」不能保證 atomic 的問題。
