Yubico 宣佈 iOS 版的 app (Yubico Authenticator) 正式支援 NFC 了:「Yubico Authenticator App for iOS Now Supports NFC」,先前在九月時的說明告知了 iOS 13 的 API 允許透過 NFC 讀與寫 (先前只能讀):「iOS 上的 Yubikey」。
作業系統的要求就如前面提到的需要 iOS 13+,而硬體上需要 iPhone 7 之後的機種,之後看看市場上的反應...
Yubico 宣佈 iOS 版的 app (Yubico Authenticator) 正式支援 NFC 了:「Yubico Authenticator App for iOS Now Supports NFC」,先前在九月時的說明告知了 iOS 13 的 API 允許透過 NFC 讀與寫 (先前只能讀):「iOS 上的 Yubikey」。
作業系統的要求就如前面提到的需要 iOS 13+,而硬體上需要 iPhone 7 之後的機種,之後看看市場上的反應...
在「Yubico iOS Authentication Expands to Include NFC」這邊看到 iOS 13 上對於 NFC 類的 MFA 會有的進展。
主要是因為之前的 NFC 只有讀取能力,所以 U2F/FIDO2/WebAuthn 之類的應用沒有辦法套用上去:
Previously, NFC on iOS was read-only, which meant that it couldn’t support modern authentication protocols like FIDO U2F, FIDO2/WebAuthn that require both read and write capabilities – but now that has changed.
iOS 13 後開放了 API 可以讀寫,所以有辦法支援這些協定了:
With these recent updates, iPhone users (running iOS 13+) can experience mobile NFC authentication with a YubiKey 5 NFC or Security Key NFC by Yubico on apps and browsers that have added support.
對於主力放在 Apple Ecosystem 的人,總算是等到了...
Yubico 在 CES 2019 上宣佈推出兩用版的 YubiKey,同時支援 USB-C 與 Lightning 接頭:「Yubico Launches the Security Key NFC and a Private Preview of the YubiKey for Lightning at CES 2019」。
目前是 Private Preview,開發者需要跟 Yubico 申請:
If you are a developer or service that would like to support strong hardware authentication on iOS, we invite you to work with us by applying to participate in the YubiKey for Lightning Program. Selected participants will have access to the private preview of YubiKey for Lightning and also the Yubico Mobile iOS SDK for Lightning.
不過看起來是硬體限制沒辦法朝 NFC 支援?另外如果蘋果下一代 iPhone 換掉變成 USB-C 就搞笑了...
把 side-channel information 配合上統計方法就可以達到 74% 的正確率:「Phone Hack Uses Sensors To Steal PINs」。
透過 browser 的 javascript 就可以拉出這些資料,然後利用這些資料去猜你的手機 PIN 碼:
Researchers from U.K.-based Newcastle University created a JavaScript app called PINlogger.js that has the ability to access data generated by the phone’s sensors, including GPS, camera, microphone, accelerometer, magnetometer, proximity, gyroscope, pedometer and NFC protocols.
而且當可以多抓到更多資訊時 (像是第二次輸入) 準確度就更高了:
Using a sample set of 50 PINs, researchers found that their script was able to correctly guess a user’s PIN 74 percent of the time on the first try, which increases to 86 and 94 percent success rates on the second and third attempts.
有些瀏覽器有做一些修正,讓 side-channel information 變少,於是難度變高:
As for Firefox, starting from version 46 (released in April 2016), the browser restricts JavaScript access to motion and orientation sensors. Apple’s Security Updates for iOS 9.3 (released in March 2016), suspended the availability of motion and orientation data when the web view is hidden, according to researchers.
Google 則是沒修:
As for Google, it’s unclear what measures have been taken. “Our concern is confirmed by members in the Google Chromium team, who also believe that the issue remains unresolved,” the report stated. Google did not reply to a request to comment for this report.
這攻擊方式頗不賴... @_@