Slashdot 名字的由來

在 20 年紀念文 (懷舊文) 中 Rob Malda 提到了 Slashdot 名字的由來:「A Pre-History of Slashdot」。

I originally used the name ‘slashdot’ on my desktop a year earlier when I got my first static IP in the Voorhees Hall dorm room I shared with Dave. Back in 1996, our floor was the first in all of Hope College to be granted 24/7 high speed internet access.

宿舍機器的名字 XDDD

Let's Encrypt 的官方版本 Client 將會改名

Let's Encrypt 的官方 Client 決定改名,不過目前還沒有公佈新的名字:「New Name, New Home for the Let's Encrypt Client」。


[...] we want the client to be distributable and customisable without having to create a complex process for deciding whether customized variants are appropriate for use with Let’s Encrypt trademarks.

另外一個是希望之後有其他的 CA 也可以用:

Another reason is that we want it to be clear that the client can work with any ACME-enabled CA in the future, not just Let’s Encrypt.

奇怪的 RFC:Naming Things with Hashes

看到「RFC 6920: Naming Things with Hashes」這個,看日期是 April 2013,就在想是不是四月一號發的... 但內容看起來還頗有用的,有種 distributed web 的味道?文件裡給的範例長這樣:

   <title>ni: relative URI test</title>
   <base href="ni://">
   <p>Please check <a href="sha-256;f4OxZX...">this document</a>.
     and <a href="sha-256;UyaQV...">this other document</a>.
     and <a href="sha-256-128;...">this third document</a>.

目前是 Propsed Standard,所以是怎樣呢...