Amazon Q (來猜名字的由來...)

AWS 推出了 Amazon Q,目前還在 preview 階段:「Amazon Q brings generative AI-powered assistance to IT pros and developers (preview)」。

產品本身主要就是 LLM 的應用,以現在來說沒有太特別,主要是 Hacker News 上大家在猜這個 Q 到底是取自哪裡:「Amazon Q (Preview) (」。

看到有猜 Q (Star Trek)Q-learning 以及 Q (James Bond)

id=38448900 這邊有人提到 Q 是 question:

from the NYTimes article: The name Q is a play on the word “question,” given the chatbot’s conversational nature, Mr. Selipsky said. It is also a play on the character Q in the James Bond novels, who makes stealthy, helpful tools, and on a powerful “Star Trek” figure, he added.

找了一下應該是「Amazon Introduces Q, an A.I. Chatbot for Companies」這篇文章,因為 paywall 的關係可能看不到全文,可以看 這邊的 archive:「Amazon Introduces Q, an A.I. Chatbot for Companies」。



Hacker News 上看到「Please put units in names (」這邊的討論,看到的時候已經超過 900 點了 (好像還在急遽成長),算是爆紅狀態,可以感覺到超多 developer 們的怒氣 XDDD

原文在「Please put units in names」這篇,在講參數的命名要加上單位,尤其是時間相關的參數。

時間相關的參數根本沒有共識,你不查資料不會知道是 ns、ms 還是 seconds,所以就會出現象在這三個程式語言跑出來的時間是不一樣的:

然後你就翻桌了 XDDD

在 Unix 環境裡各種奇怪名稱的原因說明

Hacker News Daily 上看到的,DebianWiki 上有一頁整理了很多「比較特別的」軟體或是指令的名稱由來:「WhyTheName」。

像是 Git

(distributed VCS) semi-arbitrary short word


Perl 6 的名字被拿出來談...

在「Is Perl 6 Being Renamed?」這邊看到提到 Perl 6 名字的問題,主要是因為 Perl 6 跟現有 Perl 5 已經是不同的東西 (有點類似於當初 Python 2 到 Python 3 的計畫,但是差異比 Python 那邊多很多),而導致被提出來討論是否還要繼續使用 Perl 這個名字了:「"Perl" in the name "Perl 6" is confusing and irritating」。

When Perl 6 was announced, it was seen the way that Perl 2, Perl 3, Perl 4, and Perl 5 were seen: replacements for "$VERSION - 1". Over time, it became clear that though Perl 6 was in the same family as Perl 5, a straightforward migration path was unlikely. One only needs to look at the problems with Python 2 and Python 3 and the upgrade obstacles with their minor syntactic differences to understand that an upgrade from Perl 5 to Perl 6 isn't trivial.

如果把 Perl 5 與 Perl 6 當作不同的程式語言來看,這個問題就變成非技術性的問題了 (甚至是政治問題)。


HTTP-over-QUIC 將變成 HTTP/3

cURL 作者那邊看到的,之前 HTTP-over-QUIC 的名稱實在太長,想要找個短一點的名字來用,這邊算是把命字確定下來了:「HTTP/3」。從文章後的說明就可以看出來:

No more confusion. HTTP/3 is the coming new HTTP version that uses QUIC for transport!

不過這代表 HTTP/3 需要 443/udp 了,之後防火牆預設應該要打開...

Cloudflare 推出 Argo Tunnel

Cloudflare 推出了 Argo Tunnel,可以將內部網路與 Cloudflare 之間打通:「Argo Tunnel: A Private Link to the Public Internet」。

Cloudflare 在去年推出了 Wrap (可以參考「Cloudflare 推出的 Wrap 讓你不用在本地端開對外的 Port 80/443」這篇),這次其實只是改名:

During the beta period, Argo Tunnel went under a different name: Warp. While we liked Warp as a name, as soon as we realized that it made sense to bundle Warp with Argo, we wanted it to be under the Argo product name. Plus, a tunnel is what the product is so it's more descriptive.

看起來沒有什麼新的玩意... 純粹改名字 :o

Amazon ECS 的 Service Discovery

AWS 宣佈了 Amazon ECS 也支援 Route 53 提供的 Service Discovery 了:「Introducing Service Discovery for Amazon ECS」。

也就是說現在都整合好了... 比較一下先前需要自己包裝起來套用的方式會少不少功夫:

Previously, to ensure that services were able to discover and connect with each other, you had to configure and run your own service discovery system or connect every service to a load balancer. Now, you can enable service discovery for your containerized services with a simple selection in the ECS console, AWS CLI, or using the ECS API.

AWS 在 2016 年的時候有寫一篇「Service Discovery for Amazon ECS Using DNS」在講怎麼透過事件的觸發配合 AWS Lambda 把服務掛上去或是移除掉:

Recently, we proposed a reference architecture for ELB-based service discovery that uses Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda to register the service in Amazon Route 53 and uses Elastic Load Balancing functionality to perform health checks and manage request routing. An ELB-based service discovery solution works well for most services, but some services do not need a load balancer.

現在看起來都可以改用 Auto Naming API 了...

Amazon Route 53 的 Auto Naming API 可以指到 CNAME 位置了

Amazon Route 53 的 Auto Naming API 可以拿來跑 Service Discovery (參考先前的「用 Amazon Route 53 做 Service Discovery」這篇),當時是 A/AAAA/SRV record,現在則可以註冊 CNAME 了:「Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming Announces Support for CNAME Record Type and Alias to ELB」。

最直接的影響就是 ELB 的部份了,透過 ELB 處理前端的話,覆載平衡以及數量限制的問題就會減輕很多 (之前是靠 Round-robin DNS 打散,而且限制一次最多回應五個 record):

Beginning today, you can use the Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming APIs to create CNAME records when you register instances of your microservices, and your microservices can discover the CNAMEs by querying DNS for the service name. Additionally, you can use the Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming APIs to create Route 53 alias records that route traffic to Amazon Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs).

兩個 gperf...


一個是 GNUgperf,給定字串集合,產生 C 或 C++ 的 perfect hash function (i.e. no collision):

GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator. For a given list of strings, it produces a hash function and hash table, in form of C or C++ code, for looking up a value depending on the input string. The hash function is perfect, which means that the hash table has no collisions, and the hash table lookup needs a single string comparison only.

另外一個是 Google 弄出來的 gperftoolsmalloc() 的替代品以及效能分析工具:

gperftools is a collection of a high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation, plus some pretty nifty performance analysis tools.

用 Amazon Route 53 做 Service Discovery

Amazon Route 53 的新功能,可以解決以前自己要建立 Service Discovery 服務的工作:「Amazon Route 53 Releases Auto Naming API for Service Name Management and Discovery」。官方的文件在「Using Autonaming for Service Discovery」這邊。

不過目前有些限制,一個 namespace (domain name) 目前只能有五個服務:

DNS settings for up to five records.

然後 DNS 回應時,最多回八個 record:

When Amazon Route 53 receives a DNS query for the name of an instance, such as, it responds with up to eight IP addresses (for A or AAAA records) or up to eight SRV record values.

回應八個 record,但應該是可以註冊超過八個吧... (i.e. 每次都回不一樣)

自建服務 (像是 Cassandra 或是 ScyllaDB) 可以直接用這個服務掛上去,就不用自己架 Consul 了。


Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming is available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland) regions.