Happy Eyeballs (RFC 6555)

在「PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因...」這篇的 comment 有讀者提到了 Happy Eyeballs 應該可以解決這個問題:

除了可以在維基百科上面看到外,比較正式的說明可以參考 RFC 6555:「Happy Eyeballs: Success with Dual-Stack Hosts」,其中在「6. Example Algorithm」就有提到 Google ChromeMozilla Firefox 怎麼實做 Happy Eyeballs:

What follows is the algorithm implemented in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Call getaddinfo(), which returns a list of IP addresses sorted by the host's address preference policy.
  2. Initiate a connection attempt with the first address in that list (e.g., IPv6).
  3. If that connection does not complete within a short period of time (Firefox and Chrome use 300 ms), initiate a connection attempt with the first address belonging to the other address family (e.g., IPv4).
  4. The first connection that is established is used. The other connection is discarded.

If an algorithm were to cache connection success/failure, the caching would occur after step 4 determined which connection was successful.

Other example algorithms include [Perreault] and [Andrews].

可以看到 Happy Eyeballs 的演算法是要避免 IPv6 network 不通的情況卡住很慢 (如果在 300ms 內連線沒有建起來,就會儘快往另外一個 address family 嘗試),而不是在 DNS 層避免問題 (也就是 getaddinfo() 觸發的 DNS query)。

這次的情況是 DNS query 很慢,就會導致還是一開始就很慢,Happy Eyeballs 沒辦法解決這個問題。

不過話說回來,我是有印象知道有這個演算法,但不知道有「Happy Eyeballs」這個這麼逗趣的名字... (掩面)

PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因...

Update:續篇請參考「PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因... (續篇)」。

tl;dr:因為他們的 DNS servers 不會對 IPv6 的 AAAA record 正確的回應 NXDOMAIN,導致 DNS resolver 會不斷嘗試。


起因於我的電腦連 PChome 24h 時常常會卡住,Google Chrome 會寫「Resolving host...」,於是就花了些時間找這個問題。

一開始先用幾個工具測試,發現 host 會卡,但不知道卡什麼:

$ host 24h.pchome.com.tw

tcpdump 出來聽的時候發現 host 會跑 AAAAA 以及 MX 三個種類,而後面兩個都會卡住:

24h.pchome.com.tw is an alias for shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw has address
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

這樣就有方向了... 我的電腦是 Dual-stack network (同時有 IPv4 address 與 IPv6 address),所以可以預期 Google Chrome 會去查 IPv6 address。而國內很多網站都還沒有把有 IPv6 的情境當標準測試,很容易中獎...

有了方向後,用 dig 測試 IPv6 的 AAAA,發現都是給 SERVFAIL,而且多跑幾次就發現會卡住:

$ dig 24h.pchome.com.tw aaaa @

然後對 {cheetah,dns,dns2,dns3,wolf}.pchome.com.tw (上層登記的) 與 dns4.pchome.com.tw (實際多的) 測,可以拿到 CNAME record,像是這樣:

$ dig 24h.pchome.com.tw aaaa @dns.pchome.com.tw

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.16-Ubuntu <<>> 24h.pchome.com.tw aaaa @dns.pchome.com.tw
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 26037
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 6
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;24h.pchome.com.tw.             IN      AAAA

24h.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      CNAME   shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw.

gs1.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      NS      ns3.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      NS      ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      NS      ns4.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      NS      ns5.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      300     IN      NS      ns2.gs1.pchome.com.tw.

ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  300     IN      A
ns2.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  300     IN      A
ns3.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  300     IN      A
ns4.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  300     IN      A
ns5.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  300     IN      A

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Nov 22 11:05:24 CST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 243

但往 ns{1,2,3,4,5}.gs1.pchome.com.tw 問的時候給不出答案,也不給 NXDOMAIN,像是這樣:

$ dig shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw aaaa @ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.16-Ubuntu <<>> shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw aaaa @ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36249
;; flags: qr rd ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 6
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1280
;shopping.gs1.pchome.com.tw.    IN      AAAA

gs1.pchome.com.tw.      3600    IN      NS      ns3.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      3600    IN      NS      ns4.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      3600    IN      NS      ns5.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      3600    IN      NS      ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw.
gs1.pchome.com.tw.      3600    IN      NS      ns2.gs1.pchome.com.tw.

ns3.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  3600    IN      A
ns4.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  3600    IN      A
ns5.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  3600    IN      A
ns1.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  3600    IN      A
ns2.gs1.pchome.com.tw.  3600    IN      A

;; Query time: 11 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Nov 22 11:07:17 CST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 310

於是 DNS resolver 就倒在路邊了...

新的 DNS Resolver:

看到新的 DNS Resolver 服務,也拿到了還不錯的 IP address,「New “Quad9” DNS service blocks malicious domains for everyone」,服務網站是「Quad 9 | Internet Security and Privacy in a Few Easy Steps」,主打宣稱過濾已知的危險站台...

由政府單位、IBM 以及 Packet Clearing House 成立的:

The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA)—an organization founded by law enforcement and research organizations to help reduce cyber-crime—has partnered with IBM and Packet Clearing House to launch a free public Domain Name Service system.

也就是說,後面三家都不是專門做網路服務的廠商... 於是就會發現連 Client Subnet in DNS Queries (RFC 7871) 都沒提供,於是查出來的地區都不對,這對使用 DNS resolver 位置分配 CDN 節點的服務很傷啊... (或是其他類似服務)

這是 GooglePublic DNS ( 查出來的:

i.kfs.io.               576     IN      CNAME   kwc.kkcube.com.country.mp.kkcube.com.
kwc.kkcube.com.country.mp.kkcube.com. 21599 IN CNAME TW.kwc.kkcube.com.
TW.kwc.kkcube.com.      188     IN      CNAME   i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net.
i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net. 299 IN     A
i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net. 299 IN     A

;; Query time: 28 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Nov 18 05:30:23 CST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 181

這是 Quad9 ( 查出來的:

i.kfs.io.               1800    IN      CNAME   kwc.kkcube.com.country.mp.kkcube.com.
kwc.kkcube.com.country.mp.kkcube.com. 42702 IN CNAME US.kwc.kkcube.com.
US.kwc.kkcube.com.      300     IN      CNAME   i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net.
i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net. 300 IN     A
i.kfs.io.cdn.cloudflare.net. 300 IN     A

;; Query time: 294 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Nov 18 05:30:27 CST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 181

再來一點是,在科技領域相信政府單位通常都是一件錯誤的事情,我 pass... XD


原文是講滲透測試的前置作業,需要將某個特定 domain 下的主機名稱掃出來:「A penetration tester’s guide to sub-domain enumeration」。

最直接的還是 DNS zone transfer (AXFR),如果管理者沒設好 DNS server 的話,這會是最快的方式。當沒有這個方法時就要用各種其他方式來掃了。


應該有人可以提到所有的東西再寫成程式 XD

Stream 對 .io 的感冒

Stream 的人寫了一篇「Why Stream Stopped Using .IO Domain Names for Production Traffic」表達他們對 .io 的感冒...

主要是因為 9/20 爛掉的情況不太妙。第一個是 .io 爛掉了兩個小時 (以月來算 SLA 就等於直接掉了 0.2% uptime,變成不到 99.8%),第二個是爛掉時 server 傳回的不是 SERVFAIL,而是 NXDOMAIN

The outage lasted for almost 2 hours, during which 1/5th of DNS queries for any .getstream.io record would fail.

他們的解法是改到 .com 上,畢竟影響的時候應該會修得比較快。另外文章裡也有延伸提到 Amazon Route 53 爛掉時要怎麼辦,如果他們真的決定要解決的話,應該是會拿出像「StackOverflow 對於多 DNS 商的同步方式...」或是「GitHub 也自己搞了一套管理多家 DNS 的程式...」的搞法吧。

不過這的確是當初選 .io 沒預料到的...

Twitter 連名字描述的部份也加長了...

Twitter 這陣子最有明得應該是 140 chars -> 280 chars,不過有媒體發現名字描述的長度也提昇了:「Twitter now lets your display name be longer too – up to 50 characters」。

You were previously limited to 20 characters, but now you have 50 to work with.

之後可以有更多奇怪的花樣了 XD

下一代的 Tor Hidden Service

Tor 公佈了下一代的 Hidden Service (Onion Service):「Tor's Fall Harvest: the Next Generation of Onion Services」。

三年前 Facebook 自己暴力算出 facebookcorewwwi.onion 這個很特別的名字 (參考「Facebook 證明 Tor 的 Hidden Service 不安全」),這陣子連紐約時報也能暴力算出 nytimes3xbfgragh.onion 這個好名字 (參考「紐約時報網站上 Tor 的 Hidden Service (i.e. Tor Onion Service)」,這讓只有 16 chars 的 hostname 的 hashed-space 不夠大的問題愈來愈明顯 (只有 80 bits 的空間)。

如果你也想要找出一個有趣的 hostname 的話,可以用 lachesis/scallion 這樣的工具,這程式用 CPU 產生出 RSA key 後,再用 GPU 算 SHA-1

The inital RSA key generation is done the CPU. An ivybridge i7 can generate 51 keys per second using a single core. Each key can provide 1 gigahash worth of exponents to mine and a decent CPU can keep up with several GPUs as it is currently implemented.

也因為如此,Facebook 與紐約時報在上線時並不是直接在 Hidden Service 上裸奔,而是上了 HTTPS 作為 workaround,以避免資料外洩。

但這畢竟是 workaround,Tor 的人還是希望協定本身就可以提供一個夠安全的架構,而花了四年多發展出下一代的 Hidden Service,也就是這次提到的成果了。

最大的改變就是 hostname 變長很多了,從本來的 16 chars 變成 56 chars:

And finally from the casuals user's PoV, the only thing that changes is that new onions are bigger, tastier and they now look like this: 7fa6xlti5joarlmkuhjaifa47ukgcwz6tfndgax45ocyn4rixm632jid.onion.

hostname 變長主要是因為把整個 256 bits public key 放進去,可以從 spec 看到:

6. Encoding onion addresses [ONIONADDRESS]

   The onion address of a hidden service includes its identity public key, a
   version field and a basic checksum. All this information is then base32
   encoded as shown below:

     onion_address = base32(PUBKEY | CHECKSUM | VERSION) + ".onion"
     CHECKSUM = H(".onion checksum" | PUBKEY | VERSION)[:2]

       - PUBKEY is the 32 bytes ed25519 master pubkey of the hidden service.
       - VERSION is an one byte version field (default value '\x03')
       - ".onion checksum" is a constant string
       - CHECKSUM is truncated to two bytes before inserting it in onion_address

  Here are a few example addresses:


   For more information about this encoding, please see our discussion thread

這是因為在 ECC 的安全性被廣泛認可後,ECC 的優點就被拿出來用在這次設計上了:

  • 256 bits 的 ECC key 強度大約是 3072 bits RSA key (以現在最好的攻擊演算法來估算)。
  • 直接放 public key 不需要經過 hash function 計算,可以避免掉 hash function 被找到 collision 時的風險。

於是因為 hostname 放的下,就硬塞進去了 XDDD

不過如果要玩的人需要裝 alpha 版本,目前的 stable 版本還沒有這個功能:

Tor as of version supports the next-gen onion services protocol for clients and services! As part of this release, ​the core of proposal 224 has been implemented and is available for experimentation and testing by our users.


AWS 宣佈 ALB 支援 SNI 了:「Application Load Balancers Now Support Multiple TLS Certificates With Smart Selection Using SNI」。

不過這篇比較有趣的是,他範例用的是 VimIsBetterThanEmacs.comVimIsTheBest.com 這兩個網域名稱 XDDD:

I’ll use a few example websites like VimIsBetterThanEmacs.com and VimIsTheBest.com. I’ve purchased and hosted these domains on Amazon Route 53, and provisioned two separate certificates for them in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). If I want to securely serve both of these sites through a single ALB, I can quickly add both certificates in the console.

Google Chrome 將 .dev 設為 HSTS Preload 名單

其實是兩件事情... 第一件是 Google Chrome.dev 結尾的網域設為 HSTS Preload 名單:「Chrome to force .dev domains to HTTPS via preloaded HSTS」。

第二件事情是隨著第一件來的,HSTS Preload 必須由 domain 擁有人提出啊... 所以 .dev 是合法的 TLD (gTLD)?

文章作者給了答案,是的,而且就是 Google 擁有的:

Wait, there's a legit .dev gTLD?
Yes, unfortunately.



不過你可以用這招避開:「在 Google Chrome 連上因 HSTS 而無法連線的網站」,也就是輸入 badidea

另外測試了一下,應該是所有的 A record 都會指到,如果有人懶得設定的話也可以用這個位置啦...

在 Git/Mercurial/Subversion 上 "-" 發生的問題

在「[ANNOUNCE] Git v2.14.1, v2.13.5, and others」這邊看到 - 開頭產生的問題:

These contain a security fix for CVE-2017-1000117, and are released in coordination with Subversion and Mercurial that share a similar issue. CVE-2017-9800 and CVE-2017-1000116 are assigned to these systems, respectively, for issues similar to it that are now addressed in their part of this coordinated release.

這算是老問題了,Git 對應的修正主要是朝 filter input 的方向修正,包括了禁用 - 開頭的 hostname,以及禁止 GIT_PROXY_COMMAND- 開頭,另外是禁止開頭是 - 的 repository name:

  • A "ssh://..." URL can result in a "ssh" command line with a hostname that begins with a dash "-", which would cause the "ssh" command to instead (mis)treat it as an option. This is now prevented by forbidding such a hostname (which should not impact any real-world usage).
  • Similarly, when GIT_PROXY_COMMAND is configured, the command is run with host and port that are parsed out from "ssh://..." URL; a poorly written GIT_PROXY_COMMAND could be tricked into treating a string that begins with a dash "-" as an option. This is now prevented by forbidding such a hostname and port number (again, which should not impact any real-world usage).
  • In the same spirit, a repository name that begins with a dash "-" is also forbidden now.

然後中華電信的 DNS server ( & 都查不到 marc.info,改用 Google 的 才查得到... =_=