Winamp 打算要放出程式碼

在「Winamp has announced that it is "opening up" its source code (」這邊看到的消息,原公告則是在「Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows.」這邊。

這篇公告上面的「Dec 16, 1」不知道是什麼... Anyway,預定今年九月的時候公開程式碼,在 id=40383890 這邊有提到可能的原因:

Winamp's owners have been going through financial difficulties since last year and as a result have laid off the skeleton crew they previously had maintaining Winamp (their main focus seems to be a streaming service also called Winamp for HTML5 and phones). This looks like they're willing to let the community take over maintenance for PC Winamp, which beats letting it die IMO.


把 MIT license 當歌詞寫歌...?

在「AI-generated sad girl with piano performs the text of the MIT License (」這邊看到的推,把 MIT License 的條文當歌詞丟進去寫歌 (應該是最近很紅的



Hacker News 上看到「Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with music (2022) (」這篇,講音樂產業各種奇怪種奇怪的 case,2022 年的原文在這邊:「Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with music」,裡面有蠻大的篇幅都在講名稱的問題...。


基本上會遇到各種 escaping 與 UTF-8 的處理,另外文章裡面提到會遇到超長名稱,也就是 VARCHAR(255) 的剋星... 不確定之前在 K 社大量取得授權的時候有沒有遇到這張 1999 年的專輯 (下面這是一張專輯的名字):

When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King What He Knows Throws the Blows When He Goes to the Fight and He'll Win the Whole Thing 'Fore He Enters the Ring There's No Body to Batter When Your Mind Is Your Might So When You Go Solo, You Hold Your Own Hand and Remember That Depth Is the Greatest of Heights and If You Know Where You Stand, Then You Know Where to Land and If You Fall It Won't Matter, Cuz You'll Know That You're Right.

其他文章裡面提到的應該都算是見怪不怪的情境,像是單曲七個小時... 這種在 server side 還拼的過去,但在行動平台上面比較苦命,直接把整曲都放進 memory 裡面的話有可能會炸。

320kbps 七個小時差不多是 1GB,如果沒注意這點,直接處理 DRM 的話瞬間就會吃到 2GB RAM;如果拉到 CD quality 的資料量就更明顯了。

然後你會發現,把音樂創作人的任何資料都當作 untrusted input 的態度來設計系統 (但你不能 reject),問題通常就不會太大 XD

把 Sennheiser HD 555 升級成 HD 595 的故事

Hacker News 上看到的,只用一隻螺絲起子,就把 Sennheiser HD 555 升級成 HD 595 的方法:「sennheiser hd 555 to hd 595 mod」。

This page will show you how to turn a $199.95 (Canadian – Suggested Retail) pair of Sennheiser HD 555 headphones into a pair of Sennheiser HD 595‘s that cost $349.95. And all you need is a screwdriver.

兩者的差異只在 HD 555 多了一片泡綿 (foam),把他拆出來就好了:

Aside from the aesthetic differences, the only physical difference was an additional piece of foam inside the cheaper HD555 headphones, blocking about 50% of the outside-facing vents. Since both the HD 555 and HD 595 are designed to be “open” headphones, reducing the vent with this foam would alter the frequency response slightly. So to save yourself $150, open your HD 555’s up and remove the foam. Done.


Yes. The actual sound difference is very slight, but it is noticeable.

在 Hacker News 上的討論「Sennheiser HD 555 to HD 595 Mod (」裡面有在猜什麼原因,有可能是硬拉產品線,也有可能是將次級品改裝,但看起來兩個機體本身是相同的沒錯...



Hacker News 上看到討論美國很多人買黑膠卻沒有黑膠唱盤:「Half of vinyl buyers in the U.S. don’t have a record player: study (」,原文在「Half of Vinyl Buyers in the US Don’t Have a Record Player, New Study Shows」這。

其實現代還蠻多人買黑膠不是要聽的,有很多其他用途啊,像是可以當作大型簽名板 XD


直接用 prompt 產生音樂的 Riffusion

很紅的 Stable Diffusion 是寫一串文字 (prompt) 然後產生圖片,而 Riffusion 則是寫一串文字產生音樂。

其中 prompt 轉成音樂其實還在可以預期的範圍 (i.e. 遲早會出現),但專案的頁面上解釋了 Riffusion 是基於 Stable Fusion 的作品,而且是利用 Stable Fusion 產生出時頻譜 (spectrogram):

Well, we fine-tuned the model to generate images of spectrograms, like this:


Hacker News 上討論時的討論頁可以看看,作者有參與一些討論:「Riffusion – Stable Diffusion fine-tuned to generate music (」。

其中有人提到這個作法超出想像,因為輸出的圖片只要幾個 pixel 差一點點就會產生出很不同的聲音:

This really is unreasonably effective. Spectrograms are a lot less forgiving of minor errors than a painting. Move a brush stroke up or down a few pixels, you probably won't notice. Move a spectral element up or down a bit and you have a completely different sound. I don't understand how this can possibly be precise enough to generate anything close to a cohesive output.

Absolutely blows my mind.


Author here: We were blown away too. This project started with a question in our minds about whether it was even possible for the stable diffusion model architecture to output something with the level of fidelity needed for the resulting audio to sound reasonable.

實際上聽了產生出來的音樂,是真的還 OK 的音樂... 大家都完全沒想到可以這樣搞,然後在 Hacker News 上的 upvote 數量爆炸高 XD

Psst:Open Source 且非 Electron 版本的 Spotify 播放器

前幾天在 Hacker News 首頁上看到的東西,而且也是當天熱度超高的話題,Open Source 且非 Electron 版本的 Spotify 播放器 Psst:「Psst: Fast Spotify client with native GUI, without Electron, built in Rust (」。

因為使用 Rust 與 native GUI library,加上沒有一堆 Spotify 內建的廣告系統,整個速度快到爆炸 XDDD

專案的擁有者 jpochyla 在「make provided binaries more prominent #89」這邊有提到有 nightly build 可以用:「 | Repository jpochyla/psst | Workflow build.yml | Branch master」,不過我抓下來發現不會動,所以就自己花了些時間編看看...

剛被推上 Hacker News 的時候 上的指示還沒那麼清楚,編不起來,後來這兩天陸陸續續被修正了。

桌機是 Ubuntu 20.04,而用 Ubuntu 20.04 內包的 rustc (1.51.0) 是沒辦法編的,需要自己先透過 rustup 裝新版 1.54.0 來編,基本上照著 的指示先把 dependency 裝起來,然後照著對應的指令操作就可以了。


Apple 與 Amazon 都要推出無損版的音樂串流服務了

首先是 Apple 宣佈了無損的音樂串流服務,不另外加價:「Apple Music Launching Spatial Audio With Dolby Atmos and Lossless Audio in June at No Extra Cost」,官方新聞稿在「Apple Music announces Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos; will bring Lossless Audio to entire catalog」。

再來是 Amazon 也宣佈跟上,本來就有提供無損的 Amazon Music HD 下放到 Amazon Music Unlimited 方案也可以聽了:「Amazon Music Matching Apple by Offering Hi-Fi Tier at No Extra Cost」。

這對 Spotify 的壓力應該不小,畢竟已經先宣佈會推出無損版,但卻反而先被競爭對手出招先行制定價錢了...

Square 入主 Tidal

金流產業的 Square 買了音樂產業的 Tidal 大量股份,入主 Tidal:「Square to Buy Majority Stake in Jay-Z’s Tidal Music Streaming Platform」,TechCrunch 也有報導:「Square buys majority of Tidal, adds Jay Z to its board in bid to shake up the artist economy」。

這次的入股包括現金與股票交換,同時也讓 Jay-Z 成為 Square 的董事:

Square Inc. is buying a majority stake in Tidal, a music and entertainment platform owned by rapper Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter and other artists, for $297 million in cash and stock.

The deal also installs musician and businessperson Jay Z on Square’s board.

Square 跟 Tidal 的組合想像起來有點累,這算盤不知道怎麼打...

freeDB 將在明年三月底關閉

Hacker News 上看到的消息,提供 CD 資訊的 freeDB 將在明年三月底關閉:「FreeDB Is Shutting Down (」。

freeDB 的關閉算是一段歷史的終章,實際對使用者的影響應該不算大,一方面是 CD 的銷量逐漸下滑,另外一方面是因為現在的程式大多數會同時支援 freeDB 與 MusicBrainz (如果翻一下歷史的話,會注意到後者本來就是因為 freeDB 的授權結構而另外發展出來的服務)。

現在幾乎都是用串流服務與 YouTube 了...