DVD 的發行時間差異導致盜版

MPAA 資助的報告顯示 DVD 的發行時間差異導致盜版:「DVD Release Delays Boost Piracy and Hurt Sales, Study Shows」,報告在「Windows of Opportunity: The Impact of Piracy and Delayed International Availability on DVD Sales」這邊可以看到。


"When we run our regressions on Spain and Italy alone, we observe a 10% drop in sales for every 10-day delay in legal availability, as compared to a 2% drop in sales for every 10-day delay in the entire sample," the paper reads.

"Our results suggest that an additional 10-day delay between the availability of digital piracy and the legitimate DVD release date in a particular country is correlated with a 2-3% reduction in DVD sales in that country," the researchers write.
