Firefox 83 推出 HTTPS-Only Mode

MozillaFirefox 83 推出了 HTTPS-Only Mode:「Firefox 83 introduces HTTPS-Only Mode」。

就如同名稱的說明,這個模式只會允許 HTTPS 的連線,主要的設計方式是把「開 HTTP 連線」當作一種特殊權限,就像 notification 之類的權限一樣:

When you enable HTTPS-Only Mode:

  • Firefox attempts to establish fully secure connections to every website, and
  • Firefox asks for your permission before connecting to a website that doesn’t support secure connections.


開了以後如果想要連 HTTP 網站,就會遇到阻擋:

這個功能真的不賴,馬上想到 Tor BrowserTails 應該都會改用這個,畢竟 Tor 的 HTTP 出口常常被搞...

我自己類似的保護措施是把 HTTP 頁面執行 JavaScript 的能力全部關掉,像是這樣 (這邊是 Brave 瀏覽器,是個基於 Chromium 的 fork):

然後對於需要 JavaScript 的 HTTP 頁面,我是透過「Simple JavaScript Toggle」暫時授權。

這樣至少在無法確認 integrity 的情況下不會執行 js,減少可被攻擊的面積...

重新了解 Amazon EC2 的 T2/T3 Unlimited

剛好跟同事聊到 Amazon EC2 的 T2/T3 Unlimited,因為有些疑惑所以回家查了一下資料,發現以前的理解不夠完整。這是 T2/T3 Unlimited 的說明文件:「Unlimited Mode for Burstable Performance Instances」。

在文件的這塊說明了 T2/T3 Unlimited 模式的計算方式:

When its CPU utilization falls below the baseline, it uses the CPU credits that it earns to pay down the surplus credits that it spent earlier. The ability to earn CPU credits to pay down surplus credits enables Amazon EC2 to average the CPU utilization of an instance over a 24-hour period. If the average CPU usage over a 24-hour period exceeds the baseline, the instance is billed for the additional usage at a flat additional rate per vCPU-hour.

我本來以為是剩下的 CPU credit 不夠時就會被收費,但依照官方文件的說明,是可以用後面賺到的 CPU credit 支付前面使用的 CPU credit,而可跨越的時間區間是 24 小時。

所以有時候會在 AWS web console 上看到 CPU 沒有在用,但是 CPU credit 卻長回不來的情況,是因為這時候還在還之前的債...

利用 Smart TV 監控的技術也成熟了...

透過 WikiLeaks 公開出來的文件得知 CIAMI5 都已經有能力將後門埋入 Samsung 的 Smart TV 內:「The CIA Spied on People Through Their Smart TVs, Leaked Documents Reveal」。

Hackers at the Central Intelligence Agency, with the help of colleagues from the British spy agency MI5, developed malware to secretly spy on targets through their Samsung Smart TVs, according to new documents published by WikiLeaks.

這個後門在 Fake-Off 模式中仍然可以繼續運作:

The malware was designed to keep the smart TVs on even when they were turned off. This was dubbed "Fake-Off mode," according to the documents.

甚至可以控制 LED 燈,讓被監控人無法得知現在 Smart TV 其實還在運作中:

The CIA hackers even developed a way to "suppress" the TVs LED indicators to improve the "Fake-Off" mode.

突然想到該找時間複習 1984,裡面描述的概念現在在生活週邊愈來愈多了...

用 CSS 貼 3D 場景的圖

看到一個 demo 展示瀏覽器內 CSS 的處理能力,看起來已經足夠到可以處理不少貼圖與光線效果的部分了:「CSS FPS」。

This is demo of a CSS powered 3D environment. Geometry is created with HTML elements and CSS transforms. Textures and lightmaps are composed by layering multiple background-images and colour is applied using CSS blend-modes.

不過遊戲應該會需要更多種類的效果,這部份目前應該還是得靠 javascript 來產生... (如果要在瀏覽器裡面跑)

AWS 推出了 S3 Object Lock,保護資料被刪除的可能性

AWS 推出了 S3 Object Lock,可以設定條件鎖住 S3 上的 object,以保護資料不被刪除:「AWS Announces Amazon S3 Object Lock in all AWS Regions」。


You can migrate workloads from existing write-once-read-many (WORM) systems into Amazon S3, and configure S3 Object Lock at the object- and bucket-levels to prevent object version deletions prior to pre-defined Retain Until Dates or Legal Hold Dates.

AWS 提供有兩種模式,一個是 Governance mode,這個模式下可以設定某些 IAM 權限可以移除 S3 Object Lock。另外一個是 Compliance mode,這個模式下連 root account 都不能刪除:

S3 Object Lock can be configured in one of two modes. When deployed in Governance mode, AWS accounts with specific IAM permissions are able to remove object locks from objects. If you require stronger immutability to comply with regulations, you can use Compliance Mode. In Compliance Mode, the protection cannot be removed by any user, including the root account.

nginx 推出了 1.14.0 的 PPA

nginxPPA (「NGINX Stable : “Nginx” team」這個) 推出了 1.14.0 的版本。

這個版本使用了 OpenSSL 1.1.0,對 cipher 這塊最大的差異主要是包括了 CHACHA20AESCCM 演算法。後者的 CCM 指的是 CCM mode,這是當時 OCB mode 因為專利問題而發展出來的演算法,就目前的效能測試沒有 GCM 好,而且普及率也沒有 GCM 高,放進來應該是當備案 (當 GCM 有狀況時標準裡至少有方案可以選):

The catalyst for the development of CCM mode was the submission of OCB mode for inclusion in the IEEE 802.11i standard. Opposition was voiced to the inclusion of OCB mode because of a pending patent application on the algorithm. Inclusion of a patented algorithm meant significant licensing complications for implementors of the standard.

真正的重點在於 CHACHA20 的引入,讓 OpenSSL 重新有主流 stream cipher 可以使用了... 上一個主流 stream cipher RC4 被打趴好久了。

不過 TLSv1.3 要等 OpenSSL 1.1.1 才有 (參考「Using TLS1.3 With OpenSSL」這邊的說明),目前可以在設定檔裡面設 TLSv1.3 而不會出現錯誤訊息,但暫時還不會有效果...

V8 version 6.5 (Chrome 65) 的改變

V8 version 6.5 將會有不少改變:「V8 release v6.5」。

其中因為 Spectre 的關係,新的 V8 設計了 Untrusted code mode,拿來跑不信任的程式,裡面會設計反制措施。而且這在新版的 Chrome 將會預設開啟:

In response to the latest speculative side-channel attack called Spectre, V8 introduced an untrusted code mode. If you embed V8, consider leveraging this mode in case your application processes user-generated, not-trustworthy code. Please note that the mode is enabled by default, including in Chrome.

另外是針對 WebAssembly 提供邊下載邊 compile 的能力,這讓速度大幅提昇。在原文是拿一個比較大包的 WebAssembly 來測試:

For the graph below we measure the time it takes to download and compile a WebAssembly module with 67 MB and about 190,000 functions. We do the measurements with 25 Mbit/sec, 50 Mbit/sec, and 100 Mbit/sec download speed.

可以看到網路不夠快的使用者就會直接被 compile 速度跟上,讓瀏覽器在下載時就做一些事情。

另外在某些情況下對 Array 的操作會有大幅改善:

這些新功能與改善都會在 Chrome 65 推出。依照「Chrome Platform Status」這邊的資料,stable 版預定在三月初,beta 版應該是要出了... (雖然上面寫著 2/1,但目前好像還沒更新)

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 的 Stored Procedure 可以跑 AWS Lambda...

查了資料才發現去年十月 Amazon Aurora (MySQL-Compatible Edition) 就支援用 AWS Lambda 當 stored procedure 了,只是當時只支援 async mode,能做的事情比較有限:「Amazon Aurora New Features: AWS Lambda Integration and Data Load from Amazon S3 to Aurora Tables」。

Now you can invoke Lambda functions directly from within an Aurora database via stored procedures or user-defined functions. Lambda integration allows you to extend the capabilities of the database and invoke external applications to act upon data changes. For example, you can create a Lambda function that sends emails to customers whenever their address in the database is updated.

前幾天發表的則是支援 sync mode,可以等到:「Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility Natively Supports Synchronous Invocation of AWS Lambda Functions」。

Starting with version 1.16, we are extending this feature to be able to able to synchronously invoke Lambda functions.

Use the native function lambda_sync when you must know the result of the execution before moving on to another action.

這解掉了 MySQL 的 stored procedure 一直很殘的問題...

這次 PKCS #1 1.5 的 ROBOT 攻擊,Cisco 沒打算修...

1998 年就發現的 security issue 因為 workaround 也很複雜,所以不是每一家都修對方法,於是 19 年後又被爆破了。這次叫做 ROBOT:「1998 attack that messes with sites’ secret crypto keys is back in a big way」。


這次的攻擊在 client 端無法修正,只能在 server 端修正:

Do I need to update my browser?
No. This is an implementation bug in servers, there is nothing clients can do to prevent it.

如果 server 端無法盡快修正的話,想辦法避開 RSA encryption 可以躲開這個問題,而且因為現代瀏覽器都有非 RSA 的替代方案,這樣做應該都還有退路,可以維持連線的可能性:

Disable RSA encryption!
ROBOT only affects TLS cipher modes that use RSA encryption. Most modern TLS connections use an Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman key exchange and need RSA only for signatures. We believe RSA encryption modes are so risky that the only safe course of action is to disable them. Apart from being risky these modes also lack forward secrecy.

但使用 Cisco ACE 就哭了,因為 Cisco ACE 只支援 RSA encryption,而 Cisco 官方以產品線已經關閉,不再提供維護而沒有提供更新的計畫,所以就進入一個死胡同...

不過 Cisco 自己也還在用 Cisco ACE 就是了,不在意就不會痛的感覺 XD

I have a Cisco ACE device.
Cisco informed us that the ACE product line was discontinued several years ago and that they won't provide an update. Still, we found plenty of vulnerable hosts that use these devices.

These devices don't support any other cipher suites, therefore disabling RSA is not an option. To our knowledge it is not possible to use these devices for TLS connections in a secure way.

However, if you use these products you're in good company: As far as we can tell Cisco is using them to serve the domain.

AWS 推出 Cloud Native Networking,在每個 Container 內都有自己獨立的網路卡

AWSAmazon ECS 變得更好用了:「Introducing Cloud Native Networking for Amazon ECS Containers」。

Today, AWS announced task networking for Amazon ECS. This feature brings Amazon EC2 networking capabilities to tasks using elastic network interfaces.

awsvpc 模式下會給每個 container 一個獨立的網路卡 (Elastic Network Interface,ENI):

這樣有兩個好處。第一個是 port 就不需要拆開,所有 container 如果都是跑 nginx,都可以跑在同一個 port (80 或是 443),這對於前端應用程式會簡單一些。第二個整合了 AWS 的 security group,這對在 AWS 上本來就會使用 security group 的大多數人來說就可以輕鬆整合了。