The demonstration website can leak data at a speed of 1kB/s when running on Chrome 88 on an Intel Skylake CPU. Note that the code will likely require minor modifications to apply to other CPUs or browser versions; however, in our tests the attack was successful on several other processors, including the Apple M1 ARM CPU, without any major changes.
While experimenting, we also developed other PoCs with different properties. Some examples include:
A PoC which can leak 8kB/s of data at a cost of reduced stability using as a timer with 5μs precision.
A PoC which leaks data at 60B/s using timers with a precision of 1ms or worse.
比較苦的消息是 Google 已經確認在軟體層沒辦法解乾淨,目前在瀏覽器上只能靠各種 isolation 降低風險,像是將不同站台跑在不同的 process 裡面:
In 2019, the team responsible for V8, Chrome’s JavaScript engine, published a blog post and whitepaper concluding that such attacks can’t be reliably mitigated at the software level. Instead, robust solutions to these issues require security boundaries in applications such as web browsers to be aligned with low-level primitives, for example process-based isolation.
Apple M1 也中這件事情讓人比較意外一點,看起來是當初開發的時候沒評估?目前傳言的 M1x 與 M2 不知道會怎樣...
Recently we had a report from a user who had seen a stunning 90% performance regression after upgrading his server to a Linux kernel with KPTI (kernel page-table isolation – a remedy for the Meltdown vulnerability).
他們發現 90% 是因為 VMware 舊版本無法使用 CPU feature 加速,在新版應該可以改善不少。但即使如此,文章內還是在實體機器上看到了 40% 的效能損失:
A big deal of those 90% was caused by running in an old version of VMware which doesn’t pass the PCID and INVPCID capabilities of the CPU to the guest. But I could reproduce a regression around 40% even on bare metal.
Spectre 的精華在於 CPU 支援 branch prediction 與 out-of-order execution,也就是 CPU 遇到 branch 時會學習怎麼跑,這個資訊提供給 out-of-order execution 就可以大幅提昇執行速度。可以參考以前在「CPU Branch Prediction 的成本...」提到的效率問題。
這類型程式碼常常出現在現代程式的各種安全檢查上:確認 x 沒問題後再實際將資料拉出來處理。而我們可以透過不斷的丟 x 值進去,讓 CPU 學到以為都是 TRUE,而在 CPU 學壞之後,突然丟進超出範圍的 x,產生 branch misprediction,但卻已經因為 out-of-order execution 而讓 CPU 執行過 y = ... 這段指令,進而導致 cache 的內容改變。
Suppose register R1 contains a secret value. If the speculatively executed memory read of array1[R1] is a cache hit, then nothing will go on the memory bus and the read from [R2] will initiate quickly. If the read of array1[R1] is a cache miss, then the second read may take longer, resulting in different timing for the victim thread.
所以相同道理,利用乘法器被佔用的 timing attack 也可以產生攻擊:
if (false but mispredicts as true)
multiply R1, R2
multiply R3, R4
In addition, of the three user-mode serializing instructions listed by Intel, only cpuid can be used in normal code, and it destroys many registers. The mfence and lfence (but not sfence) instructions also appear to work, with the added benefit that they do not destroy register contents. Their behavior with respect to speculative execution is not defined, however, so they may not work in all CPUs or system configurations.
However, we may manipulate its generation to control speculative execution while modifying the visible, on-stack value to direct how the branch is actually retired.