AWS Lambda 可執行時間提昇

AWS Lambda 的執行時間限制從本來的 5 分鐘變成 15 分鐘了:「AWS Lambda enables functions that can run up to 15 minutes」。

You can now configure your AWS Lambda functions to run up to 15 minutes per execution. Previously, the maximum execution time (timeout) for a Lambda function was 5 minutes.

不過相較於時間拉長,我比較希望能用 Lambda 接 auto scaling,內建的條件設定還是有點陽春...

2017 年 CA/Browser Forum 在台北辦的見面會議的會議記錄出爐了...

2017 年 CA/Browser Forum 在台北舉辦的見面會議,會議記錄總算是出爐了:「2017-10-04 Minutes of Face-to-Face Meeting 42 in Taipei - CAB Forum」。

由於是辦在台北,所以台灣很多單位都有出席,像是中央警察大學 (1)、中華電信 (11)、日盛聯合會計師事務所 (1)、TWCA (3):

Attendance: Peter Bowen (Amazon); Geoff Keating and Curt Spann (Apple); Jeremy Shen (Central Police University); Franck Leroy (Certinomis / Docapost); Wayne Chan and Sing-man Ho (Certizen Limited); Wen-Cheng Wang, Bon-Yeh Lin, Wen-Chun Yang, Jenhao Ou, Wei-Hao Tung, Chiu-Yun Chuang, Chung-Chin Hsiao, Chin-Fu Huang, Li-Chun Chen, Pin-Jung Chiang, and Wen-Hui Tsai (Chunghwa Telecom); Alex Wight and JP Hamilton (Cisco), Robin Alden (Comodo), Gord Beal (CPA Canada), Ben Wilson and Jeremy Rowley (DigiCert), Arno Fiedler and Enrico Entschew (D-TRUST); Kirk Hall (Entrust Datacard); Ou Jingan, Zhang Yongqiang, and Xiu Lei (GDCA); Atsushi Inaba and Giichi Ishii (GlobalSign); Wayne Thayer (GoDaddy); Devon O’Brien (Google); David Hsiu (KPMG); Mike Reilly (Microsoft); Gervase Markham and Aaron Wu (Mozilla); Hoang Trung La (National Electronic Authentication Center (NEAC) of Vietnam); Tadahiko Ito (Secom Trust Systems); Leo Grove and Fotis Loukos (; Brian Hsiung (Sunrise CPA Firm); Steve Medin (Symantec); Frank Corday and Tim Hollebeek (Trustwave); Robin Lin, David Chen, and Huang Fu Yen (TWCA); and Don Sheehy and Jeff Ward (WebTrust).

開頭有提到會議記錄 delay 的情況:

Preliminary Note: The CA/Browser Forum was delayed in completing the minutes for its last Face-to-Face meeting Oct. 4-5, 2017 in Taipei, and the proposed final Minutes were only sent by the Chair to the Members on December 13, 2017 for their review. There was not enough time for Members to review the draft before the next teleconference of December 14, and the teleconference of December 28 was cancelled due to the holidays. The next Forum teleconference is scheduled for January 11, 2018.

會議記錄很長,主要是有不少主題被拿到見面會議上討論,另外有一半的篇幅是在說明各家 root program policy 的變化。

下次的見面會議會在三月,然後會由 Amazon 辦在東岸:

Peter confirmed the next F2F meeting will be hosted by Amazon on March 6-8, 2018 at its Herndon, Virginia location. More information will be provided in the coming months.