修改 User-Agent 讓 Office 365 服務變快...

Facebook 上看到剛剛在 Hacker News 上熱起來的「Onedrive is slow on Linux but fast with a “Windows” user-agent (2016)」這篇,引用了 2016 年在 Microsoft Community 上的討論:「Onedrive for Business open is very slow on Linux (Chrome/Firefox) but with very fast with a "Windows" user-agent」。

Reddit 的「Office 365 Onedrive looks at user-agent to determine performance.」有更多的討論。

因為工作上也會用到 Office 365,也覺得在 Ubuntu 上用起來超級慢,然後看到有使用者也講了 Linux 下的 Google Chrome 也會有類似的問題:

I just tried this same thing--changing the OS in the user agent--on Chome on Linux. The difference really is incredible. Normally I find 365 to be so slow as to be borderline unusable, now it's almost as quick as Google docs. Even the institutional log-ins for my university are faster.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I was testing specifically the web apps for Word and OneNote hosted by my uni. I tried loading them both in normal tabs and ones where I had changed the OS useragent in Chrome's developer panel. The normal tabs hung badly as usual (30+ seconds to load the UI), while the modified tabs loaded very quickly. I tried this several times, but I suppose YMMV.

所以我也拿「User-Agent Switcher for Chrome」加上 IE11 的 user-agent 後測試:

最明顯的差異就是 redirect 變少了,然後開 Word 與 Excel 的速度變快好多 @_@


As Office 365 for Business services(e.g. SharePoint Online, including OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online) are not supported on Linux as shown below, for the best experience, we recommend the operating system listed in the article.

所以只能拿老招出來,把 User-Agent 改成 IE 後就變得超~級~快~

然後最 helpful 的回答是:

Thank you
I go back to Google Apps suite.


Linux Mint 網站被黑,ISO 被加料

Linux Mint 官方放出警告,通知使用者網站被黑以及 ISO 被加料的資安事件:「Beware of hacked ISOs if you downloaded Linux Mint on February 20th!」,開頭的說明:

Hackers made a modified Linux Mint ISO, with a backdoor in it, and managed to hack our website to point to it.

不幸中獎的人建議的步驟是先離線,然後備份資料,再用確認安全的 ISO image 重新安裝,並且修改各網站的密碼 (尤其是 mail,可以被拿來重設各種服務):

Put the computer offline.
Backup your personal data, if any.
Reinstall the OS or format the partition.
Change your passwords for sensitive websites (for your email in particular).