沒有 Google 專屬套件的 Android

剛剛在「How to Android without Google」這邊的文章裡看到「How to Android without Google [easy way]」這篇指南,說明如何弄出一個沒有 Google 專屬套件的 Android 環境。

主要是 LineageOS 當作底層基礎 (作業系統),然後用 microG 提供 API 相容層,並且用 F-Droid 安裝 Open Source 軟體。

裡面有兩個方案以前沒看過,一個是 XPosedFramework,提供框架讓使用者有更強的控制力,更完整的說明可以參考「Xposed Framework + App Settings 為每個 App 設定不同的運行模式」這篇。

另外一個是 Yalp Store,當軟體只在 Google Play 平台上提供安裝的時候,就需要透過這個套件了 XD

非 Google 的 Android 手機環境

主要是記錄下來,完全不靠 Google 目前還是有點難度:「De-Googling my phone」。

主要是刷機成 LineageOS (還是 Android),然後上面不裝 OpenGApps,而是靠其他軟體來補足... 在英文版維基百科的「List of free and open-source Android applications」也有不少資訊可以看。

另外一個蠻重要的應該是 microG Project,不過在文章裡沒提到...

microG 的進展...

留在 tab 上的東西,忘記在哪看到的... microG 發佈了新的專案:「LineageOS for microG」。

microG 是 AndroidGoogle 服務 API 的重新實作 (所以 open source),不像 Open GApps 還是屬於 proprietary software。

這次的事情是 microG 的人 fork 了 LineageOS 專案,因為 LineageOS 專案拒絕 microG 的 signature spoofing patch:

Why do we need a custom build of LineageOS to have microG? Can't I install microG on the official LineageOS?

MicroG requires a patch called "signature spoofing", which allows the microG's apps to spoof themselves as Google Apps. LineageOS' developers refused (multiple times) to include the patch, forcing us to fork their project.


Wait, on their FAQ page I see that they don't want to include the patch for security reasons. Is this ROM unsafe?

No. LineageOS' developers hide behind the "security reasons" shield, but in reality they don't care enough about the freedom of their users to risk to upset Google by giving them an alternative to the Play Services.
The signature spoofing could be an unsafe feature only if the user blindly gives any permission to any app, as this permission can't be obtained automatically by the apps.

Moreover, to further strengthen the security of our ROM, we modified the signature spoofing permission so that only system privileged apps can obtain it, and no security threat is posed to our users.

於是就 fork 了新的專案... 就觀察看看吧。