EC2 的 Monitoring 提供更多關於限流的資訊

AWS 對於 EC2 的網路推出了五個新的監控指標:「Amazon EC2 announces new network performance metrics for EC2 instances」。


The new metrics inform customers in real time of network traffic impacted when instance allowances for inbound and outbound bandwidth, packets-per-second (PPS), connections tracked and PPS to link-local services are exceeded.

需要有最新的 ENA driver 才會提供 (看了一下現有的機器沒出現這些值 XD):

These metrics are available today in all global commercial AWS regions on instances running the latest version of the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) driver with support for Linux, Windows ENA driver support will be available soon with version


They can be accessed from within the instance at no extra cost using simple command line tools.

這個功能在所有 AWS 商業區以及 GovCloud (US) 都已經上線:

Instance Level Network Performance Metrics is available in all AWS Commercial and GovCloud (US) Regions, with the exception of China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia).


Amazon Route 53 增加了即時的 Query 數量資訊

AWSRoute 53 增加了 Query 數量的資訊 (加到 CloudWatch 內):「Amazon Route 53 Now Publishes Query Volume Metrics for Public Hosted Zones」。

下午的時候連進去看沒看到,回家後想起來 Route 53 是全球性服務,切到 us-east-1 上就看到了...

算是很基本的功能,這樣可以很方便的看一下使用情況,然後就可以透過這些資料調整 TTL,有些為了要快速切換的可以設短一點,有些不太變動但 query 量很大的則是要設長一點...

AWS CloudWatch 推出秒級的記錄功能

AWS CloudWatch 推出了秒級的記錄功能:「New – High-Resolution Custom Metrics and Alarms for Amazon CloudWatch」。

從一分鐘變成一秒鐘讓之後的調整以及 debug 好用很多... 不過這次支援秒級的是 custom metrics,原先 AWS 自家服務的支援不在這次範圍:

Today we are adding support for high-resolution custom metrics, with plans to add support for AWS services over time. Your applications can now publish metrics to CloudWatch with 1-second resolution.

另外 alarm 的時間可以降到十秒:

You can watch the metrics scroll across your screen seconds after they are published and you can set up high-resolution CloudWatch Alarms that evaluate as frequently as every 10 seconds.

對於市場上一堆服務的衝擊應該不小 XD

CloudWatch 的降價

更早之前就公告了,但剛剛才翻到:「AWS Price Reduction – CloudWatch Metrics」。

CloudWatch 從 2011 年這次的降幅算比較大的,最低的降幅都有 40%,而超過一萬個 metrics 的部分則是 80%,然後不同級距有不同降幅,最高到 96% (也就是原來的 4% 價錢)...

Amazon EC2 的 CloudWatch 用了七個 metrics,所以如果有開 CloudWatch 進階版本的情況下,價錢從 $3.50 降到 $2.10:

If you have EC2 Detailed Monitoring enabled you will also see a price reduction with per-month charges reduced from $3.50 per instance per month to $2.10 or lower based on the volume tier.
