Link takes a single video input as a source and sends a single video output up to 1080p 60fps to AWS Elemental MediaLive. Set up requires three connections to begin streaming video to MediaLive: a power source, an IP network, and a 3G-SDI or an HDMI video source. Link also supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) so you can use as few as two cables.
The solution deploys Live Streaming on AWS which includes AWS Elemental MediaLive, MediaPackage, Amazon CloudFront. The solution also deploys AWS Lambda, Amazon Simple Storage Service, Amazon Transcribe, and Amazon Translate.
Introducing AWS Elemental MediaConvert (US East (Virginia), US West (Oregon), US West (Northern California), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), EU (Frankfurt), and EU (Ireland))
不過這邊還是引用 Jeff Barr 文章裡的說明,可以看到從很源頭的 transencoding 到 DRM,以及 Live 格式,到後續的檔案儲存及後製 (像是上廣告) 都有:
AWS Elemental MediaConvert – File-based transcoding for OTT, broadcast, or archiving, with support for a long list of formats and codecs. Features include multi-channel audio, graphic overlays, closed captioning, and several DRM options.
AWS Elemental MediaLive – Live encoding to deliver video streams in real time to both televisions and multiscreen devices. Allows you to deploy highly reliable live channels in minutes, with full control over encoding parameters. It supports ad insertion, multi-channel audio, graphic overlays, and closed captioning.
AWS Elemental MediaPackage – Video origination and just-in-time packaging. Starting from a single input, produces output for multiple devices representing a long list of current and legacy formats. Supports multiple monetization models, time-shifted live streaming, ad insertion, DRM, and blackout management.
AWS Elemental MediaStore – Media-optimized storage that enables high performance and low latency applications such as live streaming, while taking advantage of the scale and durability of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
AWS Elemental MediaTailor – Monetization service that supports ad serving and server-side ad insertion, a broad range of devices, transcoding, and accurate reporting of server-side and client-side ad insertion.