Common Media Client Data (CMCD)

Amazon CloudFront 的公告看到的東西:「Amazon CloudFront now supports Common Media Client Data (CMCD) fields in real-time logs」。

CMCD (Common Media Client Data) 是一個私有的 log format,可以讓 client 透過 HTTP(S) header 回報狀態,所以 AWS 這邊有提到你可以設定讓 CloudFront 記錄下來,然後透過其他軟體分析:

Previously, CloudFront logged CMCD parameters as part of the full query string log field, or the HTTP headers log field. Now, you can simply select to include specific CMCD parameters in your real-time logs and save on compute needed to search and extract the CMCD key-value pairs, and reduce the data set for your log analysis.

現在 CloudFront 則是支援判讀做一些處理:

Starting today, you can enable Common Media Client Data (CMCD) fields in your CloudFront real-time logs. You can select key client-side performance parameters and CloudFront delivery performance parameters in the same log record. This can help you correlate variations in Quality of Experience (QoE) for your viewers to CloudFront performance at the granularity of single viewer sessions, simplifying the troubleshooting of QoE issues that impact your viewers engagement.

看了一下就是定義一些欄位,用 JSON 包起來後讓 client 打回伺服器端,可以利用這些資訊動態從伺服器端調整策略,而不像以前主要的調整策略都放在 client 端。

RFC 9512:application/yaml

看到「RFC 9512: YAML Media Type」這個,原來還沒有註冊 application/yaml 啊...

另外在 media type 的文件裡面,意外的給出了安全性的建議:

Code execution in deserializers should be disabled by default and only be enabled explicitly. In the latter case, the implementation should ensure (for example, via specific functions) that the code execution results in strictly bounded time/memory limits.

這邊用的是 should 不是 SHOULD,所以當一般的英文句子在讀,而非具有規範性的敘述。

但還是給了預設關閉 code execution 的建議...

佛州眾議院通過禁止 16 歲以下的未成年人使用社群媒體

多個媒體都有報導,這邊挑一篇:「Florida’s GOP-controlled House passes strict social media restrictions for minors」。


Florida’s legislation appears to be stronger than laws that passed in other states recently such as Utah, where a new policy requires social media companies to receive parental consent before minors under 18 can open or maintain an account.

“If we just let parents decide on this one, parents are going to be harangued so much because it makes a kid ostracized not to be on social media,” Renner told reporters earlier last week.


“These dopamine hits [from social media] are so addictive, it’s like a digital fentanyl,” said state Rep. Fiona McFarland.

目前眾議院先通過了 (106 對 13),會送往佛州的參議院:

Legislators passed the social media legislation 106-13, with a few Democrats voting against; the adult websites bill was approved unanimously.


This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.

猶他州那邊幾家 social media 還在跟政府打各種官司,佛州這邊看起來會有新的戰線。

Automattic 重整 Tumblr 團隊的內部消息

waxpancake這邊看到的,是一個從內部洩漏的 screenshot,後來 Automattic 的 CEO,Matt Mullenweg,在 Tumblr 上面把完整的內容都放出來,並且加上他的一些說明 (包括了一些內部的 team name 以及他的想法):「Translation of Internalspeak to Externalspeak」。

官方的說法主要就是不賺錢,所以除了客服團隊 (下面提到的 Happiness) 與 Trust & Safety 團隊 (下面提到的 T&S) 外,其他的成員將會被轉移到內部其他的計畫上:

This plan is happening now: the majority of the 139 people in Bumblr will switch to other divisions. No plans for any switches in Happiness or T&S.

"Happiness" is our term for customer support, and "T&S" means trust and safety, which is the team that works on fighting bots, spam, dealing with illegal stuff, etc.


The switchovers will happen on December 31, so we start 2024 completely fresh.

另外在 The Verge 上面的「What is going on with Tumblr?」有另外的說法,不是所有人都有換團隊的權利,很多就直接 layoff 了:

"The majority of the 139 people in Bumblr will switch to other divisions"

This is not what is happening. Many people have been let go (under the guise of performance) and in the past week the pace picked up from individuals to entire teams. Automattic seems adamant these are not layoffs, but people dissapear instantly without being offered alternative teams.

先回到 Tumblr 的情況來看,之後應該就是維護模式了。

Twitter 新政策禁止推廣其他社交平台的連結

看到 Paul Graham 這個宣告:

裡面提到的新政策在「Promotion of alternative social platforms policy」這邊,直接禁止其他社交平台:

At both the Tweet level and the account level, we will remove any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs) to any of the below platforms on Twitter, or providing your handle without a URL:

  • Prohibited platforms:
    • Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Post and Nostr
    • 3rd-party social media link aggregators such as,

Hacker News 的討論上面,Paul Graham 有回應 (帳號是 pg),他又提出了一些猜測與見解,包含了他覺得這個新政策會被收回:「Paul Graham is leaving Twitter for now (」。

I'm not leaving Twitter. It seems more likely than not that Elon will reverse the ban on links to other social media sites. I just don't want to hang out there in the meantime. Plus given the way things are going, it seemed like a good time to learn about alternatives.

I still think Elon is a smart guy. His work on cars and rockets speaks for itself. Nor do I think he's the villain a lot of people try to make him out to be. He's eccentric, definitely, but that should be news to no one. Plus I don't think he realizes that the techniques that work for cars and rockets don't work in social media. Those two facts are sufficient to explain most of his behavior.

He could still salvage the situation. He's the sort of person it would be a big mistake to write off. And I hope he does. I would be delighted to go back to using Twitter regularly.

不過的確如他說的,這是個好機會嘗試其他的 social network...


在「Social Media Usage by Age」這邊看到的文章,把美國人使用社群媒體的情況做成圖,資料來源是 Pew Research Center 的「Social Media Fact Sheet」這裡。

很明顯的可以看到 Google (Alphabet) 基本上就是 YouTube 一個產品吃天下,而 Facebook (Meta) 有三個產品在滲透,包括 Facebook、InstagramWhatsapp

LinkedIn 在出社會後會開始用,另外 Pinterest 這麼多老人家在用到是很驚奇 XDDD

把中央社的 App 裝起來... (來推廣一下好了)

看到之前同事在 Twitter 上提到中央社的標題算是比較正常的,不是 clickbait (誘餌式標題) 走向,就裝起來收通知看一下國內的新聞:

到今天算是用了三四天,目前看到的標題都還不錯,從標題大概就可以抓到重點,不過好像沒看到付費的項目可以贊助 (也許可以提供 app 內去廣告?),寫一篇文章來推廣好了...

另外一個有付費的是 WSJ,USD$5/m,主要是桌機可以直接看內容,不過手機上也是讓 app 推播標題...

路透社的 RSS feed

翻資料才發現路透社的 feed 已經不見了,大概是去年 2020 年六月的事情:「Returning the "killed" RSS of Reuters from the dead」。

不過文章裡面提到的替代方案還蠻有趣的,Google News 上可以透過 filter 條件輸出:

不過測了一下台灣自家的新聞媒體網址,看起來不會動... 把網站改成 也不行,如果沒有提供的還是得自己寫...

美國媒體的偏好 (味道)

找資料的時候發現維基百科上面有一個條目是在說明美國媒體的偏好:「Media bias in the United States」,不過上面講的還是比較描述性,另外找了其他的研究來翻。

首先是在「"Fake News," Lies and Propaganda: How to Sort Fact from Fiction」這邊翻到的資料,是出自於「Ideological Placement of Each Source’s Audience」這邊,這是 2014 年的分析:

接著是翻到「News Literacy: News Views & Fact Checking Resources: Media Bias」這篇,出自「Media Bias Chart 4.0: Downloadable Image and Standard License」,這是 2018 年的分析:

再來是「Detecting Bias」,出自「Media Bias Ratings」,這是 2019 年的分析,原網站目前則是更新到 2021 年了:

透過這些資料可以很粗糙的抓一下這些媒體的 Political spectrum,在讀新聞的時候會更清晰一點。

Facebook 自己找人研究,Social Media 是否對人類有害 XDDD

之前看到「Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us?」這篇,一直不知道要怎麼吐槽... 然後看到 Twitter 上的這則 tweet XDDD


真的不知道怎麼吐槽 XDDD