Google 的 要上 HSTS 了

Google 宣佈 要上 HSTS 了:「Bringing HSTS to」。

雖然都已經使用 EFFHTTPS Everywhere 在跑確保 HTTPS,但這個進展還是很重要,可以讓一般使用者受到保護...

Google 的切換計畫是會逐步增加 HSTS 的 max-age,確保中間出問題時造成的衝擊。一開始只會設一天,然後會逐步增加,最後增加到一年:

In the immediate term, we’re focused on increasing the duration that the header is active (‘max-age’). We've initially set the header’s max-age to one day; the short duration helps mitigate the risk of any potential problems with this roll-out. By increasing the max-age, however, we reduce the likelihood that an initial request to happens over HTTP. Over the next few months, we will ramp up the max-age of the header to at least one year.