在 Mastodon 上面看到 Rob Pike 提到計算圓周率 π 的 Chudnovsky algorithm:(原始連結在 https://hachyderm.io/@robpike/112794329524261491)
It was used in the world record calculations of 2.7 trillion digits of π in December 2009, 10 trillion digits in October 2011, 22.4 trillion digits in November 2016, 31.4 trillion digits in September 2018–January 2019, 50 trillion digits on January 29, 2020, 62.8 trillion digits on August 14, 2021, 100 trillion digits on March 21, 2022, and 105 trillion digits on March 14, 2024.
維基百科條目的後面也有提到在算這些世界紀錄時用到的最佳化手段,甚至連 Python 實作都直接列出來了,可以看到遞迴的部分全部是整數運算,而最後轉換的時候也才用到一個整數的根號計算。