Mastercard 對實體物品提供免費試用後的訂閱條款

Mastercard 規定在免費試用後 (實體物品),需要另外再讓使用者再同意一次才能開始收訂閱費用:「Free Trials Without The Hassle」。

The rule change will require merchants to gain cardholder approval at the conclusion of the trial before they start billing. To help cardholders with that decision, merchants will be required to send the cardholder – either by email or text – the transaction amount, payment date, merchant name along with explicit instructions on how to cancel a trial.

新聞一開始出來時其實讓蠻多人關注的,因為一堆網路服務都是靠這招... 所以 Mastercard 在文章後更新說明,目前只有實體物品套用這個規則:

*This blog was updated on January 17, 2019 to clarify that the rule change is applicable to physical products such as skincare, healthcare items etc.

MasterCard 在英國被告收取過高的手續費

在「Mastercard sued for $19 billion in Britain's biggest damages claim」這邊看到的幾個重點,第一個是歐盟對國際手續費 1% 的限制:(雖然 Brexit...)

A lawyer working on the case said Mastercard charged shops fees in excess of 1 percent for card use on international transactions between 1992 and 2008.Although the EU's anti-trust regulator only ruled Mastercard's international fees were illegal, this impacted British consumers as it was the default fee used in Britain.


Two years ago, the European Union capped the fees retailers pay at 0.2 percent for debit cards and 0.3 percent for credit cards.

唔... (回頭看台灣的帳單)

MasterCard 推出需要指紋辨識後才能使用的信用卡

從「MasterCard's New Credit Card Will Come With a Fingerprint Scanner」這邊看到的:

金融產業一向是被逼了以後才會做的 (因為本來就賺的好好的,而且帶有壟斷性質):

But MasterCard is now teaming up with biometric tech company Zwipe to prevent people from paying for items this way with stolen credit cards.