華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成其他 open source 方案

Hacker News 上面看到「How The Post is replacing Mapbox with open source solutions」這篇,講華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成 open source 方案,對應的討論在「Replacing Mapbox with open source solutions (kschaul.com)」這邊。

維基百科有提到大概兩年前,2020 年底的時候 Mapbox GL JS 從開源授權換成私有授權了 (也可以參考先前寫的「Mapbox GL JS 的授權改變,以及 MapLibre GL 的誕生」這篇):

In December 2020, Mapbox released the second version of their JavaScript library for online display of maps, Mapbox GL JS. Previously open source code under a BSD license, the new version switched to proprietary licensing. This resulted in a fork of the open source code, MapLibre GL, and initiation of the MapLibre project.


第一個是 OpenMapTiles,下載部份的圖資使用,對於報導只需要某個區域很方便:

OpenMapTiles is an extensible and open tile schema based on the OpenStreetMap. This project is used to generate vector tiles for online zoomable maps. OpenMapTiles is about creating a beautiful basemaps with general layers containing topographic information.

第二個是 Maputnik,可以修改圖資呈現的方式:

A free and open visual editor for the Mapbox GL styles targeted at developers and map designers.

第三個是 PMTiles,可以將圖資檔案塞到一個大檔案裡面,然後透過 HTTP range requests 下載需要的部份就好,大幅下降 HTTP request 所需要的費用 (很多 CDN 會依照 HTTP request 數量收費):

Protomaps is a serverless system for planet-scale maps.

An alternative to map APIs at 1% the cost, via single static files on your own cloud storage. Deploy datasets like OpenStreetMap for your site in minutes.

最後就是 fork 出來開源版本的 maplibre-gl-js

MapLibre GL JS is an open-source library for publishing maps on your websites or webview based apps. Fast displaying of maps is possible thanks to GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering.

It originated as an open-source fork of mapbox-gl-js, before their switch to a non-OSS license in December 2020. The library's initial versions (1.x) were intended to be a drop-in replacement for the Mapbox’s OSS version (1.x) with additional functionality, but have evolved a lot since then.

這樣看起來好像可以用在像 KKTIX 這種下面顯示固定地圖的地方:



圖資放在 cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp 這個網址上,前面掛 Fastly 的 CDN:

cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp. 300   IN      CNAME   d.sni.global.fastly.net.
d.sni.global.fastly.net. 30     IN      A


然後可以看到非常多不同的資料,像是「1928年頃」、「活断層図(都市圏活断層図)」、「明治期の低湿地」、「磁気図2010.0年値」,另外針對比較大的災難也有提供一些區域圖,像是「平成25年7月17日からの大雨 山口地方「須佐地区」正射画像(2013年7月31日撮影)」。

另外因為 url 形式是 https://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/std/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 這種格式,可以直接用 Leaflet 這類 library 吃進去...


Hacker News Daily 上看到「lon lat lon lat」這篇蠻有趣的 (然後作者也很無奈),整理出來目前各種 spec 內怎麼擺放經緯度的方式...


台灣因為中文裡會講「經緯度」,習慣就是先經後緯,也就是 (lon, lat) 的形式,作者的偏好也是一樣,但世界上還是有其他地區的習慣是反過來的 XD

Hacker News 裡的討論「Lon Lat Lon Lat (macwright.com)」可以看出來國際標準內也是都有,所以大概不會有標準答案...

身為工程師,把這個現象當作某種容易中獎的 pitfall,遇到這類資料的時候要有習慣去確認 spec 定義的順序就可以了...

Neovim 在選擇檔案名稱時的操作按鍵

Neovim 時操作檔案名稱時會是下拉選單,在 insert mode 時的畫面是這樣 (進到 insert mode 後 Ctrl-X + F):


在 command mode 下也有類似的功能,像是 :sp 後按 tab 選擇檔案名稱:

問題在於只能用 Ctrl-N 與 Ctrl-P 移動,而不能用上下鍵操作,兩者的 UI 類似但是操作的方式不一樣,於是就翻了翻 manual,找出對應的模式,得到是 command mode,然後用 <expr> + pumvisible() 判斷是否是在 popup menu,接著把上下鍵對應到 Ctrl-N 與 Ctrl-P:

cnoremap <expr> <Down> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Down>"
cnoremap <expr> <Up> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<Up>"


Mapbox GL JS 的授權改變,以及 MapLibre GL 的誕生

看到「MapLibre GL is a free and open-source fork of mapbox-gl-JS (github.com/maplibre)」這篇,翻了一下資料發現年初時 Mapbox GL JS 的軟體授權從 v2.0.0 開始變成不是 open source license (本來是 BSD license),而社群也馬上 fork 最後一個 open source 版本並且投入開發,變成 MapLibre GL

MapTiler 在年初的時候有提到這件事情:「MapLibre: Mapbox GL open-source fork」。

The community reacted swiftly: forks of the latest open-source version were made almost immediately by multiple parties. In another positive development, the community came together the next day and agreed to make this a joint effort, rather than splitting energies. A video call was organized and the MapLibre coalition was formed. It includes people working for MapTiler, Elastic, StadiaMaps, Microsoft, Ceres Imaging, WhereGroup, Jawg, Stamen Design, etc.

MapLibre GL 目前與本來 v1.13.0 相容,可以直接抽換過去 (後來在二月的時候有出一個 v1.13.1,不過那是在 v2.0.0 改 license 之後的事情了):

  "dependencies": {
-    "mapbox-gl": "^1.13.0"
+    "maplibre-gl": ">=1.14.0"

記錄一下,以後要在網站上用的話,得注意到 Mapbox GL JS 在沒有註冊的情況下不能使用,而且 SDK 會強制蒐集資料:

Mapbox gl-js version 2.0 or higher (“Mapbox Web SDK”) must be used according to the Mapbox Terms of Service. This license allows developers with a current active Mapbox account to use and modify the Mapbox Web SDK. Developers may modify the Mapbox Web SDK code so long as the modifications do not change or interfere with marked portions of the code related to billing, accounting, and anonymized data collection. The Mapbox Web SDK only sends anonymized usage data, which Mapbox uses for fixing bugs and errors, accounting, and generating aggregated anonymized statistics. This license terminates automatically if a user no longer has an active Mapbox account.

不過如果是抓 OpenStreetMap 資料的話,Leaflet 應該還是目前的首選...

AWS 推出 Amazon Location

AWS 推出了 Amazon Location:「Amazon Location – Add Maps and Location Awareness to Your Applications」,目前是 Preview 階段,但開放給所有人使用,而且不收費。

目前合作的圖資是 EsriHERE Technologies

You can choose between maps and map styles provided by Esri and by HERE Technologies, with the potential for more maps & more styles from these and other partners in the future.

先比較了一下 Amazon Location 在 map 這塊預定收費的價錢與 Mapbox pricing 這邊列出來的價錢,看起來兩邊的算法不太一樣,AWS 這邊是照 tile 數量算錢,Mapbox 則是算 load 次數算錢,看起來 AWS 這邊服務的在大量互動的情況下會比較貴 (會拉很多 tile),但對於像是只是展示可能會便宜不少,像是 591 的那種用法。



Amazon Location is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Regions.

試著用 OsmAndMaps 的離線地圖

OsmAnd 是在「Why I quit using Google」這篇看到的東西,這篇文章在討論離開 Google 的 ecosystem 有哪些替代方案,裡面有提到其實這些轉移不是短時間轉完的,而是不斷嘗試,直到找到自己滿意的替代方案:

Migrating away from Google was not a fast or easy process. It took years to get where I am now and there are still several Google services that I depend on: YouTube and Google Home.


Google Maps → Bing Maps → OpenStreetMaps and OsmAnd

在 iOS 上面的應用程式叫做 OsmAndMaps,下載後內容大概是這樣:


GrabFood 用定位資料修正餐廳的資訊

Grab 的「How we harnessed the wisdom of crowds to improve restaurant location accuracy」這篇是他們的 data team 整理出來,如何使用既有的資料快速的修正餐廳資訊。裡面提到的方法不需要用到 machine learning,光是一些簡單的統計算法就可以快速修正現有的架構。

這些資訊其實是透過司機用的 driver app 蒐集來的,在 driver app 上有大量的資訊傳回伺服器 (像是定時回報的 GPS 位置,以及取餐狀態),而這些司機因為地緣關係,腦袋裡的資訊比地圖會準不少:

One of the biggest advantages we have is the huge driver-partner fleet we have on the ground in cities across Southeast Asia. They know the roads and cities like the back of their hand, and they are resourceful. As a result, they are often able to find the restaurants and complete orders even if the location was registered incorrectly.


Fraction of the orders where the pick-up location was not “at” the restaurant: This fraction indicates the number of orders with a pick-up location not near the registered restaurant location (with near being defined both spatially and temporally as above). A higher value indicates a higher likelihood of the restaurant not being in the registered location subject to order volume

Median distance between registered and estimated locations: This factor is used to rank restaurants by a notion of “importance”. A restaurant which is just outside the fixed radius from above can be addressed after another restaurant which is a kilometer away.

另外也有不少其他的改善 (像是必須在離餐聽某個距離內才能點「取餐」,這個「距離」會因為餐聽可能在室內商場而需要的調整),整個成果就會反應在訂單的取消率大幅下降:

整體看起來是系統產生清單後讓人工後續處理 (像是打電話去店家問?),但這個方式所提供的清單準確度應該很高 (因為司機不會沒事跟自己時間過不去,跑到奇怪地方按下取餐),用這些資料跑簡單的演算法就能夠快速修正不少問題...

用 CSS 貼 3D 場景的圖

看到一個 demo 展示瀏覽器內 CSS 的處理能力,看起來已經足夠到可以處理不少貼圖與光線效果的部分了:「CSS FPS」。

This is demo of a CSS powered 3D environment. Geometry is created with HTML elements and CSS transforms. Textures and lightmaps are composed by layering multiple background-images and colour is applied using CSS blend-modes.

不過遊戲應該會需要更多種類的效果,這部份目前應該還是得靠 javascript 來產生... (如果要在瀏覽器裡面跑)

把掃地機器人的資料轉成 DOOM 的地圖...

看到「DOOMBA」這篇文章,介紹了 Noesis 這個工具,然後拿這個工具把 Roomba 的軌跡資料轉成 DOOM 的地圖:

第一個想法是「XDDD」,但第二個想法是「咦,程式怎麼不是放在 GitHub 或是其他 Git Hosting 上面」...