美國聯邦政府 CIO 以資安理由建議安裝 ad block 軟體

Hacker News Daily 上看到的,美國聯邦政府的 CIO Clare Martorana 行文建議行政管理和預算局 (Office of Management and Budget) 安裝 ad block 軟體以確保資訊安全:「The NSA and CIA Use Ad Blockers Because Online Advertising Is So Dangerous」。行文的文件在「Wyden Letter to OMB on Ad-Blocking」這邊可以看到,另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「The NSA and CIA use ad blockers (vice.com)」也可以翻。

有很多惡意軟體 (像是 malware) 會透過合法的 ad network 散布,然後竊取資料,甚至是透過麥克風監聽環境音:

I write to urge the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to protect federal networks from foreign spies and criminals who misuse online advertising for hacking and surveillance, by setting clear new rules for agencies in its forthcoming “zero trust” cybersecurity policy.

I have pushed successive administrations to respond more appropriately to surveillance threats, including from foreign governments and criminals exploiting online advertisingto hack federal systems. This includes seemingly innocuous online advertisements, which can be used to deliver ‘malware to phones and computers—often without requiring users to click anything. This ‘malware can steal, modify or wipe sensitive government data, or record conversations by remotely enabling a computers built-in microphone.

記得我是從 Firefox 還叫做 Phoenix 的時代就在用 ad blocker 了... 建議大家一定要裝啊,以現在來說應該都是裝 uBlock Origin,在有支援 extension 的瀏覽器都有商店可以直接安裝。

Google Web Store 裡的黑暗交易

標題只寫了 Google Web Store,主要是因為瀏覽器市占率的問題,其實是包含 Firefox 的 Add-Ons。

這是在 Hacker News 首頁上看到的:「Many temptations of an open-source chrome extension developer」,講一直會有人來接觸,可以付費給開發者,想要在這些專案裡面放一些「東西」,可能是蒐集資料,可能是強制導到特定的 search engine,也有可能更邪惡...

另外是老規矩,在 Hacker News 上的討論也可以翻一翻,還蠻有趣的:「Many temptations of an open-source Chrome extension developer (github.com/extesy)」。

先大概看一下 Hover Zoom+ 這個套件在 Google Web Store 的安裝數量,大約 30 萬人:「Hover Zoom+」,作者公佈的信件內容裡面有一些包括價錢與目的...

話說回來,Brave 上的 CRX Viewer 還是沒修好啊:「Stopped working with Brave」,要裝新的套件都得另外再拉 crx 檔下來看,麻煩不少...

AWS 推出 Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

長久以來的洞總算有比較好的方法補上了,AWS 推出了 Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall:「Introducing Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall」。

Route 53 Resolver 是 AWS 官方提供的 DNS Resolver,沒有特殊的設定的話通常會在 x.x.x.2 (/24 或是更大的網段),先前一直沒有辦法解決 data leak 的問題,也就是透過 DNS 把敏感資料從 private network 裡丟出去。

以前的作法是透過 security group 擋掉對 Route 53 Resolver 的流量 (或是透過 VPC 的 Firewall 擋),然後自己架設兩台 DNS resolver 過濾,現在 Route 53 Resolver 支援 DNS Firewall,提供 allowlist 與 blocklist 這兩個功能使用,總算是把這件事情解的比較乾淨了:

Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall lets you create “blocklists” for domains you don’t want your VPC resources to communicate with via DNS. You can also take a stricter, “walled-garden” approach by creating “allowlists” that permit outbound DNS queries only to domains you specify. You can also create alerts for when outbound DNS queries match certain firewall rules, allowing you to test your rules before deploying for production traffic.

另外這次的 DNS Firwall 提供了兩組由 AWS 維護的清單讓人使用,包括了 malware 與 botnet:

Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall offers two managed domain lists—malware domains and botnet command and control domains—enabling you to get started quickly with managed protections against common threats.


原來 Disqus 已經被網路廣告公司買走了...

在「Disqus, the dark commenting system」這邊才看到 Disqus 被網路廣告公司買的消息:

Disqus was acquired by an advertising company called Zeta Global in 2017. Obviously, advertising companies do everything to increase their revenue (Ex: the Big G).

引用的報導則是在「Zeta Global acquires commenting service Disqus」這邊可以看到,大約在三年前發生的事情...


I analyzed the network requests log. Disqus makes HTTP requests to 11 different third-party domains through the browser. All of these websites are trackers/pixels (Even some were detected as malware by my security guard).


When you provide a free product, money should come from somewhere. Disqus uses advertising for that. Now, I subscribed to a paid plan trial of Disqus to see if things change or not. No! Even in the paid plans, the same pixels are loaded on the client-side. Looks like there's no way to opt-out from tracking.

後面的推薦可以看看就好,自己架應該還是比較好的選擇... 用「open source comment system」搜有些東西可以參考。

利用 Smart TV 監控的技術也成熟了...

透過 WikiLeaks 公開出來的文件得知 CIAMI5 都已經有能力將後門埋入 Samsung 的 Smart TV 內:「The CIA Spied on People Through Their Smart TVs, Leaked Documents Reveal」。

Hackers at the Central Intelligence Agency, with the help of colleagues from the British spy agency MI5, developed malware to secretly spy on targets through their Samsung Smart TVs, according to new documents published by WikiLeaks.

這個後門在 Fake-Off 模式中仍然可以繼續運作:

The malware was designed to keep the smart TVs on even when they were turned off. This was dubbed "Fake-Off mode," according to the documents.

甚至可以控制 LED 燈,讓被監控人無法得知現在 Smart TV 其實還在運作中:

The CIA hackers even developed a way to "suppress" the TVs LED indicators to improve the "Fake-Off" mode.

突然想到該找時間複習 1984,裡面描述的概念現在在生活週邊愈來愈多了...

擋廣告的 Pi-hole

Pi-hole 最近愈來愈紅的一個計畫,技術上是透過 DNS 把不想要的網域名稱擋掉,通常就是擋掉各種 tracking 與廣告系統。

因為是透過 DNS 擋,當然沒有像 uBlock Origin 直接 parse 網頁內容來的有效,但對於方便性來說則是大勝,只需要在網路設備上設一次,所有的裝置都可以用到。

剛剛看到「How a Single Raspberry Pi made my Home Network Faster」這篇,可以看到 Pi-hole 有不錯的介面可以看 (讓你自我感覺良好?XD):


Review after 1 month in operation
The Pi-Hole has been running for 1 month now on my home network. I have had to whitelist 1 or 2 URLs which was blocking a reset of an Alexa which had an issue, and a video conferencing system had all sorts of tracking and metrics built in which were causing some havoc until I whitelisted them. Otherwise, the Pi has been chugging along at 8% memory utilization, and the network is considerably faster when surfing the web.

對於手癢自己玩應該還可以,拿到辦公室的話應該會有不少東西掛掉... (不過文章作者好像想這樣做)

Avast 放出他們的 Decompiler,RetDec

AvastMIT License 放出他們的 Decompiler,叫做 RetDec:「Avast open-sources its machine-code decompiler」,專案在 GitHub 上的 avast-tl/retdec 這邊。

Decompiler,也就是直接把 machine code 試著轉回高階語言的程式碼:

這對於分析工作來說簡化很多,尤其是在資安產業的人... 以往比較常見是轉成 assembly 再用人工分析,現在這樣有機會讓大腦輕鬆一些。

雖然目前有些限制 (像是 32 bits only),不過 open source 出來後,可以預料會有不少人開始加功能進去:

  • Supported file formats: ELF, PE, Mach-O, COFF, AR (archive), Intel HEX, and raw machine code.
  • Supported architectures (32b only): Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, PIC32, and PowerPC.

拿來分析 Android APK 檔的 Droidefence

忘記在哪邊看到的,分析 Android APK 檔的軟體:「Droidefense: Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework」。

Droidefense (originally named atom: analysis through observation machine)* is the codename for android apps/malware analysis/reversing tool. It was built focused on security issues and tricks that malware researcher have on they every day work. For those situations on where the malware has anti-analysis routines, Droidefense attemps to bypass them in order to get to the code and 'bad boy' routine. Sometimes those techniques can be virtual machine detection, emulator detection, self certificate checking, pipes detection. tracer pid check, and so on.

Droidefense uses an innovative idea in where the code is not decompiled rather than viewed. This allow us to get the global view of the execution workflow of the code with a 100% accuracy on gathered information. With this situation, Droidefense generates a fancy html report with the results for an easy understanding.

看起來是輔助用的工具... 先記錄下來 XD

OnePlus OxygenOS 內建的 Malware

看到「OnePlus OxygenOS built-in analytics」這篇,講作者在聽連線時看到 OnePlus OxygenOS 內建的 Malware:



作者一開始看到各種行為,像是 screen_offscreen_onunlockabnormal_reboot

    "ty": 3,
    "dl": [
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "en": "screen_off",
            "ts": 1484177517017,
            "oed": [],
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "en": "screen_on",
            "ts": 1484177826984,
            "oed": [],
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "en": "unlock",
            "ts": 1484177827961,
            "oed": [],
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "en": "abnormal_reboot",
            "ts": 1484178427035,
            "oed": [],
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, ...

然後是各種機器資訊,包括 MAC address、IMEI 之類的:

    "ty": 1,
    "dl": [
            "ac": "",
            "av": "6.0.1",
            "bl": 82,
            "br": "OnePlus",
            "bs": "CHARGING",
            "co": "GB",
            "ga": 11511,
            "gc": 234,
            "ge": 6759424,
            "gn": 30,
            "iac": 1,
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "im": "123456789012345,987654321098765",
            "imei1": "123456789012345",
            "it": 0,
            "la": "en",
            "log": "",
            "ma": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
            "mdmv": "1.06.160427",
            "mn": "ONE A2003",
            "nci": "23430,",
            "ncn": ",",
            "noi": "23430,",
            "non": "EE,",
            "not": "LTE,",
            "npc": "gb,",
            "npn": "07123456789,07987654321",
            "nwa": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
            "nwb": "ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa",
            "nwh": false,
            "nwl": 0,
            "nws": ""CHRISDCMOORE"",
            "ov": "Oxygen ONE A2003_24_161227",
            "pcba": "",
            "rh": 1920,
            "ro": false,
            "romv": "3.5.6",
            "rw": 1080,
            "sov": "A.27",
            "ts": 1484487017633,
            "tz": "GMT+0000"

然後是開了什麼 app XDDD

    "ty": 4,
    "dl": [{
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pn": "com.Slack20003701",
            "pvc": "20003701",
            "tk": [
                [1484079940460, 1484079952177],
                [1484081525486, 1484081603191],
                [1484081603424, 1484081619211],
            "it": 0
        }, {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pn": "com.microsoft.office.outlook170",
            "pvc": "170",
            "tk": [
                [1484084321735, 1484084333336],
                [1484084682578, 1484084683668],
                [1484084685843, 1484084688985],
            "it": 0
        }, ...

以及在 app 裡面做了什麼 XDDD (像是 ChromeTabbedActivity startRecentsActivity stopWifiSettingsActivity startSettings start)

    "ty": 2,
    "dl": [{
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pi": 12795,
            "si": "127951484342058637",
            "ts": 1484342058637,
            "pn": "com.android.chrome",
            "pvn": "55.0.2883.91",
            "pvc": 288309101,
            "cn": "ChromeTabbedActivity",
            "en": "start",
            "aed": [],
            "sa": true,
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, ... {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pi": 4143,
            "si": "41431484342115589",
            "ts": 1484342115589,
            "pn": "com.android.systemui",
            "pvn": "1.1.0",
            "pvc": 0,
            "cn": "RecentsActivity",
            "en": "stop",
            "aed": [],
            "sa": true,
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pi": 26449,
            "si": "264491484342115620",
            "ts": 1484342115620,
            "pn": "com.android.settings",
            "pvn": "6.0.1",
            "pvc": 23,
            "cn": "WifiSettingsActivity",
            "en": "start",
            "aed": [],
            "sa": true,
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, ... {
            "id": "258cfeb1",
            "pi": 2608,
            "si": "26081484346421908",
            "ts": 1484346421908,
            "pn": "com.android.settings",
            "pvn": "6.0.1",
            "pvc": 23,
            "cn": "Settings",
            "en": "start",
            "aed": [],
            "sa": true,
            "it": 0,
            "rv": "OnePlus2Oxygen_14.A.27_GLO_027_1612271635"
        }, ...


但你可以不要買這個牌子啊 XDDD

Cloudflare 對 Coinhive 挖礦的態度

TorrentFreak 的標題不夠精確,不過大概可以看出 Cloudflare 的想法:「Cloudflare Bans Sites For Using Cryptocurrency Miners」。

在沒有告知使用者,以及沒有提供選項關閉的情況下,Cloudflare 認定這是 Malware...