AWS 的推薦演算法服務:Amazon Personalize

AWS 把推薦演算法包成服務拿來來賣,叫做 Amazon Personalize:「Amazon Personalize – Real-Time Personalization and Recommendation for Everyone」。



可以看出來這個使用者對 2,29,32,47,50 這些 movieId 在不同的時間點都給了 3.5 分的評分。

然後經過一連串的 API 操作 (有些參數可以調整,但主要是叫 AWS 運算,並且建立 real-time 的服務),就可以看到推薦哪些其他的 item 了:

$ aws personalize-rec get-recommendations --campaign-arn $CAMPAIGN_ARN --user-id $USER_ID --query "itemList[*].itemId"
["1210", "260", "2571", "110", "296", "1193", ...]

而從 Pricing 的頁面可以看到支援 real-time data 與 batch data:

You are charged per GB of data uploaded to Amazon Personalize. This includes real-time data streamed to Amazon Personalize and batch data uploaded via Amazon S3.


AWS 新推出的 Amazon Elastic Inference:GPU 出租方案

AWS 推出了 Amazon Elastic Inference,可以讓你選擇 GPU 的量掛進 EC2 instance:「Amazon Elastic Inference – GPU-Powered Deep Learning Inference Acceleration」。

第一眼看到的時候在想這不是之前出過了嗎... 後來搜尋發現應該是針對圖形運算與 machine learning 的應用拆開使用不同的硬體?

所以在前陣子 AWS 公告將 Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs 改名為 Amazon Elastic Graphics:「Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs is now Amazon Elastic Graphics」。

舊的 Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs (Amazon Elastic Graphics) 應該是針對圖形應用設計,而新的 Amazon Elastic Inference 則是針對 machine learning 設計。

EC2 推出用 machine learning 協助 auto scaling 控制的功能...

AWSEC2 上推出了用 machine learning 協助 auto scaling 控制的功能:「New – Predictive Scaling for EC2, Powered by Machine Learning」。

最少給他一天的資料 (然後他會每天重新分析一次),接著會預測接下來的 48 小時的使用行為:

The model needs at least one day’s of historical data to start making predictions; it is re-evaluated every 24 hours to create a forecast for the next 48 hours.

所以是個學 pattern 然後預先開好機制等著的概念...

透過預測增加服務穩定性的概念... 如果本來就跑得好好的 (也就是靠 resource-based metric 觸發機器數量的方式跑得很好),就未必需要考慮這個方案了。


Predictive scaling is available now and you can starting using it today in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions.

GitHub 上的軟體授權分佈

雖然 GitHub 有提供 license 相關的 API 可以查,但因為準確度不高 (只要稍微改到,GitHub 就無法偵測到正確的 license),所以有人決定用 machine learning 的方式另外分析:「Detecting licenses in code with Go and ML」。當然這邊是分析公開的部份:

最大包的是 MIT License,次之是 Apache-2.0 (問號那群先不管),再來是 GPL 家族的各版本。沒有太特別的意外發生...

透過類神經網路,直接把圖變成 HTML

看到 GitHub 上的「emilwallner/Screenshot-to-code-in-Keras」這個專案,直接把圖片轉成 HTML。介紹的文章則是「Turning Design Mockups Into Code With Deep Learning」。

有點像是「將 Sketch 輸出成 iOS/Android 的程式碼」與「透過 NN (類神經網路) 訓練好的系統,直接把圖片轉成程式碼」(後面這篇剛好在介紹文章裡也有提到)。

愈來愈有 NN 在逐步取代人類工作的感覺了...

AWS 提供 Windows 上的 Deep Learning AMI

有一些 Windows 上的東西就可以直接開起來跑了:「Announcing New AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows」。

目前支援 2012 R2 與 2016:

Amazon Web Services now offers an AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

然後 driver 與常用的東西都包進去了:

The AMIs also include popular deep learning frameworks such as Apache MXNet, Caffe and Tensorflow, as well as packages that enable easy integration with AWS, including launch configuration tools and many popular AWS libraries and tools. The AMIs come prepackaged with Nvidia CUDA 9, cuDNN 7, and Nvidia 385.54 drivers, and contain the Anaconda platform (supports Python versions 2.7 and 3.5).


Bruce Schneier 提到了最近幾個剛好相關的議題,關於機器學習在情色產業使用時遇到的隱私議題:「Technology to Out Sex Workers」。

第一個提到的是 PornHub 用機器學習辨識演員以及各種「其他資訊」,這邊引用的報導是 TechCrunch 的「PornHub uses computer vision to ID actors, acts in its videos」:

PornHub is using machine learning algorithms to identify actors in different videos, so as to better index them.

The computer vision system can identify specific actors in scenes and even identifies various positions and… attributes.


People are worried that it can really identify them, by linking their stage names to their real names.

最後是提到 Facebook 已經有能力這樣做,而且已經發生了:

Facebook somehow managed to link a sex worker's clients under her fake name to her real profile.

Her sex-work identity is not on the social network at all; for it, she uses a different email address, a different phone number, and a different name. Yet earlier this year, looking at Facebook’s “People You May Know” recommendations, Leila (a name I’m using using in place of either of the names she uses) was shocked to see some of her regular sex-work clients.

這個議題與 Mass surveillance 有點像...。

星海爭霸 II 官方的 AI Workshop

Blizzard 公佈了在十一月的月初將會舉辦星海二的 AI Workshop:「Announcing the StarCraft II AI Workshop」。

On November 3 and 4, Blizzard and DeepMind will co-host the StarCraft II AI Workshop at the Hilton Anaheim hotel, next to the Anaheim Convention Center.

官方 (包括 DeepMind 團隊) 也會針對 SC2LE (Starcraft II Learning Environment) 與 SC2API (StarCraft II API) 提供交流:

Engineers and researchers from Blizzard and DeepMind will also be on-hand to meet with attendees and answers questions about the SC2LE and SC2API.

然後時間會跟 BlizzCon 2017 重疊 (目前看起來是卡到最後兩天),票是不能通用的:

While this event takes place during BlizzCon 2017, it is considered a separate event and is not part of the official BlizzCon program – therefore BlizzCon badges will not grant access to the AI workshop. However, we will be providing a limited pool of shareable BlizzCon badges that attendees of the AI workshop can use to check out BlizzCon and catch the StarCraft II Global Finals for inspiration on how to build superior AIs!

接下來應該會有不少消息出來... DeepMind 團隊的開發進度有可以跟頂尖選手競賽嗎?

對 Open Data 的攻擊手段

前陣子看到的「Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models」,裡面試著做到的攻擊手法:

[G]iven a data record and black-box access to a model, determine if the record was in the model's training dataset.

也就是拿到一組 Open Data 的存取權限,然後發展一套方法判斷某筆資料是否在裡面。而驗證攻擊的手法當然就是直接攻擊看效果:

We empirically evaluate our inference techniques on classification models trained by commercial "machine learning as a service" providers such as Google and Amazon. Using realistic datasets and classification tasks, including a hospital discharge dataset whose membership is sensitive from the privacy perspective, we show that these models can be vulnerable to membership inference attacks. We then investigate the factors that influence this leakage and evaluate mitigation strategies.

透過 NN 攻擊 NN,而目前的解法也不太好處理,但有做總是會讓精確度降低。論文裡提到了四種讓難度增加的方法:

  • Restrict the prediction vector to top k classes.
  • Coarsen precision of the prediction vector.
  • Increase entropy of the prediction vector.
  • Use regularization.

另外一個值得看的資料是 2006 年發生的「AOL search data leak」,當年資料被放出來後有真實的使用者被找出來,也是很轟動啊...

用 Machine Learning 調校資料庫

AWS AI Blog 在月初上放出來的消息:「Tuning Your DBMS Automatically with Machine Learning」。

Carnegie Mellon Database Group 做的研究,除了預設值以外,另外跟四種不同的參數做比較,分別是 OtterTune (也就是這次的研究)、Tuning script (對於不熟資料庫的人,常用的 open source 工具)、DBA 手動調整,以及 RDS




  • Default 值在所有的 case 下都是最差的 (無論是 MySQL 與 PostgreSQL 平台,以及包括 99% 的 Latency 與 QPS,這樣二乘二的四個結果)。而且 Default 跑出來的數字與其他的差距都很明顯。
  • OtterTune 在所有 case 下跑出來都比 Tuning script 的好。這也是合理的結果,本來就是想要取代其他機器跑出來的結果。

至於有些討論 DBA 會失業的事情,我是樂見其成啦... 這些繁瑣的事情可以自動化就想交給自動化吧 XD